May Extra-Ordinary Meeting 2024 Agenda
Digby Parish Council
Notice is hereby given of an Extra Ordinary meeting of Digby Parish Council is to be held on Wednesday 22nd May 2024 commencing at 7pm, in Digby War Memorial Hall for the purpose of considering and resolving business as set out in this agenda. County and District Councillors, the press and members of Digby electorate are cordially invited to join the meeting.
A McDonald, Parish Clerk 16.05.2024
1. FINANCE (24/083)
a) To approve and sign off the Annual Governance and Accountability Returns (AGAR) for 2023-34
i) Internal Control System
To Acknowledge the Internal Auditor has completed and signed off the AGAR Form 2, confirming the council has complied, and has in place all the relevant procedures and controls of internal control of its finances.
ii) Section 1. Annual Governance Statement 2023/24
To confirm the Annual Governance Statement. The document to be signed and dated by the Chairman and Clerk
iii) Section 2. The Accounting Statements 2022/24
To confirm the Accounting Statement and the explanation of the variances. The Statement has been signed by the RFO.
iv) The Accounting Statement for 2023/24
To approve the accounting statement and be signed by the Chairman
v) Commencement Date for the Exercise of Public Rights.
The RFO to confirm the dates of the Exercise of Public Rights will be from 4th June to 12th July 2024. The notices will be posted on the noticeboard and website before the end of the month.