August 2021 Minutes

Digby Parish Council 


Notes from the parish council meeting held on Monday 16th Aug 2021 at 7pm, in Digby War Memorial Hall.


PRESENT - James Bourne (JB) Chairman; Karen Groves (KG) and Colin Harvey (CH) 

In attendance - Angie McDonald, Clerk and Proper Officer.


Public Forum

One member of the public was present, but did not have any issues to raise.


Both District Councillors spoke on 9th Aug prior to the full meeting being cancelled.


It was RESOLVED to continue with the full council meeting.



1.  Chairman's Opening Remarks (21/115)

a) The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2.  Apologies and Co-option of Councillor (21/116)

a) Apologies.

Apologies were received and accepted from GG for medical reasons. TB due to work commitments.

b) Co-option.

It was proposed by CH, seconded by KG, and RESOLVED that Mr John Fry (JF) be co-opted onto the parish council. The Clerk to notify NKDC.  

3.  Declarations of Pecuniary Interest & Applications of Dispensation (21/117)

a) There were no declarations of interest.

4.  Signing of the Minutes (21/118)

a) It was proposed by CH, seconded by KG and RESOLVED to accept the notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 12th July 2021 as a true and accurate record of that meeting.

It was proposed by KG, seconded by JB to accept the notes produced explaining the cancellation of the meeting that should have been held on Monday 9th Aug.

5.  Planning Matters (21/119)

a) Planning Applications Received.

21/1121/HOUS - 5 Beck Street, Proposed single storey garden room extension to side/rear of dwelling. There were no comments or objections.

b) Decision Notices.

21/0716/FUL -  27 Beck Street Digby Delivery Office, Proposed change of use from (A1) commercial shop into (C3) residential living accommodation into incorporate with the existing house.  Application approved by NKDC. 

6.  General Parish Matters (21/120)

a) Speeding/Community Speed Cameras and light up speed signs.

We have been notified that Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership (LRSP) will be installing equipment on Church Street to record and speed and number of vehicles. It was agreed to wait until the results of the speed check and then consider, if the demands was there, if there would be enough village support to run a group of volunteers to man a community speed camera and the cost implcations that would be involved

The Clerk has also obtained prices for the light reactive speed signs again this will be looked at once the results from LRSP have been received.  

b)  The Cross.

The Clerk has contacted Historic England for advice on how to protect and maintain the Cross as it is a Scheduled Monument.   We are awaiting a response.

c)  Date for the Annual Parish Meeting.

It was agreed to arrange the meeting for the first week in October.

Action - The Clerk will check availablity of the hall and confirm the date.

d)  Website Maintenance.

LALC have confirmed the prices for the website maintenance and details had been passed to the councillors prior to the meeting, £5.00 per month for the Basic package and £15.00 per month for the Premium.  It was proposed by JB, seconded by CH and agreed that we would register for the Basic package of £5.00 per month.  This will give us access to the consultant for advice and problem solving, access to current guidance notes, all updates and access to e-group.

Action- Clerk to register for the Basic service with LALC. 

7.  Highways (21/121)

a) Pot holes or Highways Issues.

The surface of the junction of B1188 and the Ashby Road is breaking up again.

Action- The Clerk to report this.

8.  The Village Hall (21/122)

a) Minutes from the Village Hall Committee.

The minutes from the latest meeting of the village hall had been distributed to the councillors. 

b) Village Hall Garden. 

After it had been agreed last month that the garden area needs a good clearing out, the Chairman and the Clerk met with local contractors to obtain a price.  These details had been passed to the councillors and it was proposed by JB, seconded by KG and RESOLVED that the work be carried out for a total of £600.  This includes the removal of all garden waste. 

The continued maintenance was then discussed and agreed to set the work at 4 hours per month from April to Oct and 2hrs a month from Nov to Mar.  

Action- The Clerk to obtain prices for the continued maintenance work.

c) Election of Village Hall Committee Representative.

JF has volunteered to become the Village Hall Representative for the Parish Council.  It was proposed by JB, seconded by CH and RESOLVED to accept his offer.  

9.  Drainage (21/123)

a) This item was not required.

10. Playing Field, Play Areas and Village General (21/124)

a) Monthly Inspection of the Play Equipment.

GG has not been able to complete the inspection due to medical reasons, this will be carried out as soon as possible.  The clerk, in the meantime, will carry out a visual inspection.

b) Update on the Bin at the Playing Field

As GG was not at the meeting this item was not able to progress.  

c) Progress of the Planning for the Playing Field Improvements.

The next Coffee morning is to take place on 4th Sept.  The Clerk will try to organise a display for the proposed equipment for that date so local opinions of the scheme can be collected.  

d) Footpath entrance of the field from B1188.

This item was delayed as GG was not at the meeting.

e) Update on the damaged Swing Frame.

The new swing legs have been installed.  Unfortunately the factory colour is yellow so they will need to be painted.  The Clerk to source the paint by contacting the contractor that painted the equipment last year.

11.  Allotments (21/125)

a) There have not been any reports or updates from the Allotment Committee.

12.  Finance (21/126)

a) Bank Balances and Approval of Bank Reconciliation.

The bank balances were reported as:-

PC General Acc 32,974.57

Allotment Acc 5,627.88

Mary Gresswell Trust      5.45

Copies of the bank reconciliation were forwarded to the councillors prior to the meeting and it was approved.

b) Income received. Nil

c) Approval of Payments.

It was proposed by CH, seconded by KG and RESOLVED that the following payments are made.

Salaries/Expenses £643.60

Greensleeves £48.33 + £9.67 VAT = 58.00

Village Hall Rent £12.00

Malcfirth £360.38 + £72.08 = 432.46

13.  Correspondence (21/127)

a) LALC Newsletter - Distributed to all councillors.

b) NKDC Newsletter - Distributed to all councillors.

c) LCC Highways - Offer of free labour for a one off project that has secured funding for equipment and material.

d) LCC Supporting litter picking - 500 free kits are available to hire via libraries.

e) Survey - Lincolnshire Pharmacies

f) LCC Treescapes Fund - Offer for parishes to plant trees.  To be added to next month's agenda.

g) Lincolnshire Riparian Project - The parish council has agreed to participate in the questionnaire being produced.

h) Email - Concern about a vehicle that appears to be abandoned opposite the Church. This will be reported to the local police.

i) Email - Request to have the speed limit reduced on the B1188 within the village boundary.  It was agreed to lobby our local County Councillor, contact Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership and LCC Highways to request a reduction in the speed limit.

14.  Dates of Future Meetings 21/128)

Parish Council meetings

   13th Sept, 11th Oct, 8th Nov and 13th Dec

The Annual Parish Meeting date to be confirmed for begining of Oct.

15.  Any Business to Note for the Next Agenda (21/129)

Chris Marsh - Spires and Steeples, maintenance access 

Tree planting

16.  Closed Session (21/130)

This item was not required


20.20  There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed.