November 2021 Minutes
Digby Parish Council
The notes of Digby Parish Council meeting held on Monday 8th November 2021 at 7pm, in Digby War Memorial Hall.
PRESENT - James Bourne (Chairman)(JB); Gerald Garton (GG); Karen Groves (KG) and John Fry (JF)
In Attendance - Angie McDonald, Clerk and Proper Officer.
Public Forum
There was one member of the public present but they had no issues to raise.
District & County Councillors' Matters
Apologies had been received from Cllr Clegg. There were no other councillors present but they may turn up late due to other work committments.
It was RESOLVED to continue with the meeting.
1. Chairman's Opening Remarks (21/162)
a) The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2. Apologies & Co-option of a new Parish Councillor (21/163)
a) Apologies.
Apologies have been received and accepted from Tracy Bourne and Colin Harvey due to ill health.
b) Co-option of a Parish Councillor.
An application to join the parish council had been received from Mr Ken Hand. It was proposed by JF, seconded GG, and RESOLVED that Mr Hand (KH) to join the parish council. KH signed the declaration of Acceptance form and joined the meeting. The remainder of the paperwork will be completed and sent to NKDC Electoral Services before the next meeting.
3. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest & Applications of Dispensation (21/164)
a) There were no declarations of interest.
4. Signing of the Minutes (21/165)
a) It was proposed by KG, seconded by JF and RESOLVED to accept the notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 11th October 2021 as a true and accurate record of that meeting.
5. Planning Matters (21/166)
a) Planning Applications Received
Nil to date
b) Decision Notices
Nil to date
6. General Parish Matters (21/167)
a) Speed Reduction.
The Clerk is still awaiting confirmation of when the speed survey on B1188 between the village boundary signs is to take place.
b) Mary Gresswell Trust - Annual Return completed.
The clerk has completed the Annual Return for the Mary Greswell Trust and registered this with the Charity Commission.
c) Village Beacon
The principle of erecting a beacon to join in with The Queens Platinum Jubilee celebrations on 2nd June 2022 was discussed. The option of a mobile gas beacon was rejected. JF agreed to obtain a quote from Paul Brewer for manufacturing a metal basket. If this is approved the final location for the beacon needs to be decided.
d) B1188 The Arches
This item was added to the agenda by CH.
CH was not present at the meeting so this item will be moved to the next agenda.
Action: Item for next Agenda
e) New Phone Contract Required -
The Clerk has been notified the current Pay as You Go system is finishing in January. It was agreed the clerk to look into other options and bring them to the next meeting.
Action: New Phone contract, item for next Agenda.
7. Highways (21/168)
a) Pot Holes and Highways Issues.
JB has reported more potholes on the Fen Road. KG has reported the Street light out at The Manor on North Street and the trip hazard on the footbridge on the way to Rowston.
The 'Village Walk About' with LCC Highway officer to take place on 9th Nov to discuss pavements and road issues.
Action: Results of the 'Walk About' to be added to the next Agenda.
8. The Village Hall (21/169)
a) The minutes from the latest Village Hall committee meeting had been distributed to the councillors prior to this meeting. JF as the Village Hall representative, requested the Parish Council consider a grant toward the insurance for the hall. The insurance cover has been reviewed after all the improvements to the hall and the premium has increased considerably.
It was proposed by GG, seconded by KG and RESOLVED a grant of £500 be made to help cover the cost of the insurance.
b) Village Hall Garden Maintenance.
The gardeners are to commence this month, KG will meet with them to confirm the work required.
KG confirmed the daffodil bulbs have been planted.
JF has identified fencing repairs required to the perimeter. One of the metal uprights has been badly damaged. The original contractors have been contacted and quotes for the replacement materials will be available by the next meeting.
Action: Repair to fencing to be added to the next Agenda.
9. Drainage (21/170)
a) Maintenance of the New Flood Scheme.
The Clerk has relayed the concerns about the lack of ground maintenance of new flood scheme. An IDB representative states a contract has not been sent to them to carry out the work. Paul Brookes, LCC Flood Officer, is looking into this issue and will report back.
10. Playing Field, Play Areas and Village General (21/171)
a) Monthly Inspection and Site Meeting.
The inspection was completed during the site meeting. A quote of £400 has been received from D&G Gardening Serviced to raise the level of the ground under the safety mats under the slide and rotator and relay the mats, and, to lay 2 tonnes of playbark under the slide.
It was proposed by GG, seconded JF to accept this quote. The Clerk has ordered and received 2 new junior swing seats, GG agreed to fit them. JF has carried out the repairs to the infant swing frame leg.
20.02hrs The Chairman declared the meeting closed for NKDC Cllr Clarke (JC) to speak.
JC Spoke of the current review of NK and their working practices by Peer Challenge. The report with the results will be sent out to parishes in due course.
20.06hrs Cllr Clarke left the meeting. The Chairman declared the Meeting back in session.
b) Grant Application for New Outdoor Gym Equipment.
The Clerk explained the grant application is progressing. The exact amount for the grant needs to be confirmed. The total project is £13,770.57. The Parish Council have £2,000 and £4,981 Community Infrastructure Levy money for the project. A grant of £6789.64 is required from FCC Communities Foundation. Also a third party contribution of 10.75% of the total grant request is needed to be paid to the FCC if the application is successful. The Chairman agreed to try and find a third party funder.
The Clerk is now awaiting detailed drawings and site plan of the equipment design for the the grant application. Once this has all been received the clerk has asked one of the councillors read through the application before it is sent off.
c) Spires and Steeples footpath No.5 -
The Information pack from LCC Countyside officer has been received. It was handed over to JF to start completing all the paperwork to request footpath No. 5 is continued on the definitive map from its current stopped position to the road edge of Beck Street.
11. Allotments (21/172)
a) The Allotment Committee still have not held any meetings. Work is being carried out to maintain the open garden area.
12. Finance (21/173)
a) Bank Balances and Approval of Bank Reconciliation
Parish Council General acc £28,874.37
Allotment Acc £ 6,342.88
Mary Greswell Trust £ 5.45
The Clerk had forwarded a copy of the full accounts to date, prior to the meeting and confirmed the council are still working within their planned budget.
The bank reconciliation was approved.
b) Income received.
c) Approval of Payments
It was proposed by GG, seconded by KG and RESOLVED the following payments are made:-
Salaries/Expenses £597.70
Malcfirth - Grass cutting Sep/Oct £720.76 + VAT £144.16 = £864.92
Mr Fry - Tree Stump killer/copper nails £12.09
Wellingore & Navenby British Legion - Wreath £20.00
Reimburse the Clerk for 2x junior swing seats £112.00 + VAT £22.40 = £134.40
d) Budget Planning for 2022/23
The Clerk explained the council will need to start the budget planning for 2022/23, as the request for that years Precept will be received during Dec/Jan from NKDC. GG and the clerk will work through the requirements and present a budget at December's meeting.
Action: Setting og Budget for the next Agenda.
13. Correspondence (21/174)
a) LALC Newsletter - Distributed to all councillors
b) NKDC Newsletter - Distributed to all councillors
c) Gallagher Newletter - Insurance company
d) LCC Transport Plan - Consultation
e) LCC Admissions Policy - Consultation
f) LCC Treescape Trees - 2x Oak, 2x Lime and 2x Hornbeam will be delivered in January for planting in the playing field
g) County Views Resident Panel - Is looking to expand the panel.
h) Police & Crime Commissioner - Precept Engagement Survey, The Safer Together Team can come and talk about requirements for the future.
14. Dates of Future Meetings (21/175)
Parish Council meetings
For 2021 - 13th Dec
For 2022 - 10th Jan, 14th Feb, 14th Mar, 11th Apr, 9th May, 13th Jun, 11th Jul, 8th Aug, 12th Sep, 10th Oct, 14th Nov, 12th Dec.
15. Any Business to Note for the Next Agenda (21/176)
Name plates for footpaths.
Railings for playing field, and drainage grille.
16. Closed Session (21/177)
For confidential items in accordance with the Public Bodies Act 1960, if required.
This item was not required.
20.35hrs - There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed.