February 2021 Minutes

Digby Parish Council 

Notes from the virtual meeting, via zoom, of Digby Parish Council held on 17th Feb 2021 at 7pm. The Chairman and CH both experienced difficulty with internet connection throughout the meeting, at some points the Chairman took part via a phone connection.

Present - James Bourne, Chairman (JB); Tracy Bourne (TB); Gerald Garton (GG); Colin Harvey (CH); Karen Groves (KG) and Amanda Redsell (AR)

In attendance: Angie McDonald, Clerk and Proper Officer.

Public Forum

No members of the public joined the meeting

District & County Councillors' Matters.

Reports have been submitted from both councils throughout the month and forwarded to the parish councillors.

Cllr Kendrick joined the meeting.  The Chairman stated the condition of the Fen Road is getting worse, the patching is not working and a more permenant fix is required.  The Clerk reported that a Road Closure sign has not been removed from the Rowston junction with the B1188.

Cllr Kendrick agreed to report both these matters.


No report received from the local PCSO


It was RESOLVED to continue with the meeting.


1.  Chairman's Opening Remarks(21/017)

a) The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.


2.  Apologies (21/018)

a) All councillors were present so there were no apologies.


3.  Declarations of Pecuniary Interest & Applications of Dispensation (21/019)

a) GG and KG declared an interest in item 10b


4.  Signing of the Minutes (21/020)

a) It was proposed by GG, seconded by AR and RESOLVED to accept the notes of the Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 20th Jan 2021 as a true and accurate record of that meeting.


5.  Planning Matters (21/021)

a) Planning Applications Received

21/0088/HOUS - The Grange, North St, Retention of garage (Minor siting) as approved through 16/0043/FUL use as a hobby room/workshop.

There were no objections or comments to this application.

b) Decision Notices

Nil to date


6.  General Parish Matters (21/022)

a) Parish Council Facebook account.

GG asked the council to consider whether a Facebook presence would be of benefit to the parish and the council.  It was felt the current communications are working well, so not at this time.  It was agreed this decision can be reviewed at any time and was noted that a new phone, with internet capability, would be required if the Clerk was to manage a Facebook site. 

b) Bus Shelter - cleaning the glass, including the roof.

The new glass panel has been installed and the bus shelter has been cleaned.  KG confirmed it looks much better.

c) LALC Annual Training Scheme and Adoption of the Training Policy

The Clerk confirmed the Fee Band for the LALC training scheme for 2021 will be £100 + £20 VAT.  It was agreed the council will sign up for the year from April.  At this point AR, GG and CH agreed to attend refresher courses and KG agreed to attend a new councillor's course. It was proposed by GG seconded by CH to adopt the training policy forwarded prior to the meeting by the Clerk. 

Action- The Clerk to book the councillors on training courses.

d) Update on the Manor Farm development numbering.

This was discussed at the Dec meeting and NKDC have suggested the Parish Council could contact all the residents in the Manor Farm development to discuss numbering the properties.  It was agreed this was actually NKDC's responsibility as they had neglected to sort the issue when the area was being developed.  The Clerk will contact NKDC with the parish councils decision. 

Action - The Clerk to contact NKDC and our District Councillors. 

e) Progress update on Bench Installations

The concrete base for the 'Happy to Chat' bench has been completed and the bench can be sited when the weather improves.  The Harrowby Close bench and the litterbin on the playing will be fitted soon. 


7.  Highways (21/023)

a) Highways Issues.

Various pot holes have been reported throughout the month, but the snow and heavy frosts have increased the number of potholes.  These will continue to be reported via Fix my Street.

b) Re-positioning and Replacing the Temporary 30mph Restriction Signs.

GG confirmed he will be replacing the 2 signs on Church Street and Beck Street during the following month.  The sign on North Street needs a new location and he will sort this and notify the council.

Action - Clerk to add this item to next agenda to confirm action has been completed.


8.  The Village Hall (21/024)

a) Minutes from the latest meeting of the Committee.

The minutes from the latest meeting have been circulated to the councillors, there were no items to discuss.

b) Garden Area - Cleaning the gates and electric box.

The gates and electric box have a coating of lichen on them.  It was agreed to ask the village Hall gardener if he would be interested in cleaning these.

Action - Clerk to contact village hall gardener

c) Village Hall Lawn 

The Clerk confirmed the lawn treatment is to remain at the same price as last year.  It is £144.99 + VAT for a total of 3 treatments.  It was proposed by GG, seconded by KG and RESOLVED to continue with the treatments  

Action - The Clerk to confirm contract.


9.  Drainage (21/025)

a) Greendykes.

The Chairman confirmed he is still waiting for a price to clear the dyke.  AR stated she could chase this up.


10. Playing Field, Play Areas and Village General (21/026)

a) Monthly Inspection of the Play Equipment.

AR is to provide the inspection paperwork.

b) Area for Free Running of Dogs.

This has been asked for by several residents of the village. It was agreed to find out how other parishes run this kind of area.  There may be space on the playing field, but the cost of fencing the area may be an issue.  GG asked whether a separate insurance would be needed and would a group, with a constitution, need to be formed to run the area.  This will be looked into and reported back at the next meeting.  AR will contact some of the dog owners to see if they would be interested in helping to set it up.

Action - To be added to the next agenda.

c) Playing Field - Southern Boundary Dyke.

It has been reported that the dyke on the southern boundary of the field is becoming overgrown, particularly by the school grounds area.  It was agreed to notify the school in line with riparian ownership of the dyke.

Action:  The Clerk to write to LCC.

d) Ground Maintenance Contracts for 2021

The Clerk confirmed the existing grass cutting contractor will be increasing prices by 2.5%.  An additional contractor has been asked to provide a quote so a comparison can be made.  The Clerk will also be confirming the rate for the Village Hall ground maintenance.

  Action:  The Clerk to notify the council when the information is available.


11.  Allotments (21/027)

a) There was nothing to report from the Allotment Committee


12.  Finance (21/028)

a) Bank Balances and Approval of Bank Reconciliation

The bank balances were reported as:-

PC General Account £17361.23

Allotment Account £ 5675.61

Mary Greswell Trust £    5.45

b) Income Received.

Nil this month

c) Approval the Payments

It was proposed by AR seconded by GG and RESOLVED the following accounts be paid.

Salaries/Expenses £591.20

Greensleeves- 3x treatments £144.99 VAT £29.01 Total £174.00

LALC Subs £222.39

TW&G Centre - Bus Shelter Glass £276.00  VAT £55.20 Total £331.20

Bus Shelter Cleaning £ 50.00


13.  Correspondence (21/029)

a) LALC Newsletter - Distributed to all councillors

b) NKDC Newsletter - Distributed to all councillors

c) County Councillor Report - Distributed to all councillors


14.  Dates of Future Meetings (21/030)

Parish Council meetings

17th Mar, 21st Apr

From May unless Government legislation changes, councils may hold face-to-face meetings.  The meetings have provisionally been booked in the Village Hall for 19th May, 16th Jun, 21st July, 18th Aug, 15th Sep, 20th Oct, 17th Nov and 15th Dec.


15.  Any Business to Note for the Next Agenda (21/031)

Playing field footpath entrance off B1188 south west corner of field.


16.  Closed Session (21/032)

For confidential items in accordance with the Public Bodies Act 1960, if required.

This item was not required.


20.04 There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed.