October 2021 Minutes
Digby Parish Council
Notes from the meeting of Digby Parish Council, held on Monday 11th October 202 at 7pm, in Digby War Memorial Hall.
PRESENT - James Bourne, Chairman (JB), John Fry (JF) and Karen Groves (KG)
In Attendance - Angie McDonald, Clerk and Proper Officer.
Public Forum
There were no members of the public present.
District & County Councillors' Matters
NKDC Steve Clegg sent his apologies, the other councillors will be arriving later.
It was RESOLVED to commence with the parish council meeting.
1. Chairman's Opening Remarks (21/147)
a) The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2. Apologies (21/148)
a) Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Gerald Garton (GG) on holiday and Tracy Bourne (TB) due to work commitments.
3. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest & Applications of Dispensation (21/133)
a) None
4. Signing of the Minutes (21/149)
a) It was proposed by KG, seconded by JF and RESOLVED to accept the notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 13th September 2021 as a true and accurate record of that meeting.
5. Planning Matters (21/150)
a) Planning Applications Received.
Nil to date
b) Decision Notices.
21/1121/HOUS 5 Beck St, Proposed single storey garden extension. Approved by NKDC
6. General Parish Matters (21/151)
a) Update on measures to reduce speeding.
We are still waiting to hear when the speed recorder will be installed on Church Street and the B1188.
19.05 - The Chairman declared the meeting closed for County Cllr Kendrick (RK) to speak.
RK had forwarded his report prior to the meeting. He confirmed he will chase up whether someone has been employed to carry out the speed survey. The previous officer has retired.
19.20 - The meeting resumed. Cllr Kenrick left the meeting.
b) Update on the Cross
Contact from Historic England is still be waited on so it will be removed from agenda until information is received.
c) Annual Parish Meeting
The notes from the APM were forwarded by the Clerk to the councillors prior to the meeting. Most of the issues raised at the meeting are topics the parish council are currently working on. The maintenance of Green dykes needs to be discussed further, so will be added to the next agenda. A village 'walk about' will be arranged with an LCC Highway Officer to look at the condition of the footways around the village.
d) B1188 - The Arches
This item was added to the agenda by CH. In his absence it was agreed to delay it to the next meeting.
e) Poppy Wreath for the Rememberance Service.
The Clerk confirmed the wreath has been ordered and will be with us by next week. It will be passed onto GG.
f) Purchase of Replacement Defibrillator pads.
The spare defibrillator pads will be out of date Nov 21. The Clerk has ordered new replacement pads at a cost of £46.80. JF will replace them in the unit.
7. Highways (21/152)
a) Pot holes or Highways Issues.
Due to the closure of the Billinghay to Walcott Road the speeding and damage on Fen Road has increased. The residents in the area have written to Highways and complained. This information has been passed onto our County Councillor.
b) School Parking Zones.
Highways confirm they are not continuing with School Parking Zones as they have proven difficult to enforce. We had been on the list for a zone for several years. It was agreed now to speak to school about what restrictions they believe would be of benefit to protect the children.
8. The Village Hall (21/153)
a) Minutes from the latest meeting of the committee had been distributed to the councillors prior to the meeting. JF reported the VH committee thanked the parish council for the offer to help support the installation of broadband, but JF reported the user groups had been surveyed, and only one was interested, and therefore ongoing costs were not cost-affective. So the Village Hall Commitee will not be persuing the installation of broadband at this time. The VH committee agreed to purchase 2x British Legion 'Tommies' for the wall and thanked the parish council for offering to contribute to the cost of the purchase of upto £50.00. The total cost will be £145.00 and the village hall agreed to pay £100. It was proposed by JB, seconded by KG that a grant of £45.00 from the parish council as a contribution for the 'Tommies' should be made. The meeting all agreed and RESOLVED the decision.
19.45 - The Chairman declared the meeting closed so NKDC Cllr Jim Clarke (JC) could speak.
JC reported from the Purple bins last week a total 419 tonnes of paper and card was collected. There are issues to be sorted about contaminated rubbish now in the green bins, these are items that are not cleaned out properly. A total of 70 tonnes of green bin waste had to go to landfill because of contamination.
19.55 - The meeting resumed
b) Update on the Village Hall Garden Maintenance.
No further responses to take on the maintenance of the garden had been received. It was agreed to accept D&G Gardening Services to maintain the garden. The Clerk will notify them. KC has mapped out the plants in the garden and it was agreed to tackle one bed area at a time, there are a lot of weeds and nettles that need to be dug out and various shrubs will need further pruning. It was also agreed to remove all Burberis shrubs due to the prickles causing harm to dogs feet and children following pruning. KG to liaise with the gardeners and it was agreed 4 hours will be allocated for the first visit.
9. Drainage (21/154)
a) The New Flood Channel.
It has been reported to the flood officer on 17th and 29th Sept that the developer is filling areas of the new dyke, to date there has been no response. It has also been asked why the area of the channel has not yet been cut.
It is to be reported that since the 29th Sept a further channel has been dug from the new development into the current dyke. This information will be forwarded to the LCC Flood Officer.
10. Playing Field, Play Areas and Village General (21/155)
a) Monthly Inspection of the Play Equipment.
The monthly inspection was carried out during the site meeting. The items highlighted by the RoSPA report were discussed. It was agreed to purchase 2x new swing seats for the junior swings at £45.10 each. JF will carry out the minor repairs needed. The Clerk is obtaining a price for the new bark and to have the rubber matting levelled.
b) Playing Field Improvements - Exercise Equipment.
The updated quote for the equipment has been received and was available at the Annual Parish Meeting for the public to look at. The replacement of some of the childrens play equipment was discussed and it was decided to progress with the grant for just the excercise equipment now, as the cut-off date for application is soon, then have a second phase bringing in new equipment for the younger children.
For the grant application it was agreed the Chairman will be nominanted as the signatory.
c) Footpath Entrance to the Playingfield from B1188 - Fencing.
This is still to be actioned.
d) Spires and Steeples Footpath No.5
A further update from LCC Countryside Officer had been received and KG reported having contact with the footpath officer at NKDC. It was agreed that KG will invite the footpath officer to the next meeting to discuss this path.
11. Allotments (21/156)
a) There was no report on any updates from the Allotment Committee.
12. Finance (21/157)
a) Bank Balances and Approval of Bank Reconciliation.
The bank balances were reported as:-
General PC Account £30,075.53
Allotment account £ 6,342.88
Mary Gresswell Trust £ 5.45
The bank reconciliation and copies of the invoices were distributed to the councillors prior to the meeting. The reconciliation was approved.
b) Income Received.
Allotment rents £715.00
c) Approval of Payments.
It was proposed by JF, seconded by KG and RESOLVED to approve the payments of the following accounts.
Salaries/Expenses £676.81
Greensleves lawn treatment £48.33 + VAT £9.67 = £58.00
Autella Payroll Services £44.63 + VAT £8.93 = £53.56
Village Hall Rent £24.00
Community Heartbeat - Defib pads £39.00 + VAT £7.80 = £46.80
Mr Fry - Swing repairs and Contribution to 'Tommy' for Village Hall
Mr Hand Village Hall grass £256.00
LALC - AGM £27.50 + VAT £5.50 = £33.00
13. Correspondence (21/158)
a) LALC Newsletter - Distributed to all councillors
b) NKDC Newsletter - Distributed to all councillors
c) Came & Company Local Council Insurance, changing their name to Gallagher
d) Police - New Road Safety Campaign to 'Belt Up. Hang Up. Ease Up'
e) NHS Launch a public consultation on the future of 4 Lincolnshire NHS Services.
f) Scopwick and Kirkby Green - Draft Neighbourhood Plan can now be viewed, www.skgplan.co.uk
14. Dates of Future Meetings (21/159)
Parish Council meetings
8th Nov and 13th Dec
It was confirmed the clerk will book the Parish Council meetings for the 2nd Monday of the month for next year.
15. Any Business to Note for the Next Agenda (21/160)
Mobile Phone - Pay as You Go finishing Jan 22
16. Closed Session (21/161)
For confidential items in accordance with the Public Bodies Act 1960, if required.
This item was not required.
20.57 - There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed.