June 2021 Minutes

Digby Parish Council 


Notes from the Parish Council meeting, held on Wednesday 16th June 2021 commencing at 7pm, in Digby War Memorial Hall. 

PRESENT - James Bourne, Chairman (JB); Tracy Bourne (TB); Gerald Garton (GG)

In Attendance - Angie McDonald, clerk and Proper Officer.


Public Forum

No members of the public were present.

District & County Councillors' Matters

County Cllr Rob Kendrick mentioned that in addition to his newsletter he had distributed prior to the meeting, access to tip/waste sites and potholes have been issued raised by the public.  Many new councillors have joined since the election and are currently settling into their roles. 

District Cllr Jim Clarke stated NKDC annual report available which includes details of investment in future commercial projects. A big issue throughout the county has been flytipping and there is now an active campaign to stop it. 


PCSO Woolerton asked if any incidents occur of anti-social behaviour please could they be reported by ringing 101.  Comments on facebook will not help to solve the issue if they are not reported to the Police at the time the problem is happening.

It was RESOLVED to continue with the full council meeting.


1.  Chairman's Opening Remarks(21/083)

a) The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2.  Apologies. (21/084)

a) Apologies were received and accepted from KG and CH.

3.  Declarations of Pecuniary Interest & Applications of Dispensation (21/085)

a) There were none.

4.  Signing of the Minutes (21/086)

a) It was proposed by TB, seconded by JB and RESOLVED to accept the notes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 19th May 2021 as a true and accurate record of that meeting.

5.  Planning Matters (21/087)

a) Planning Applications Received

21/0716/FUL Digby Delivery Office, 27 Beck Street - Proposed change of use from(A!) commercial shop into (C3) residential living accommodation to incorporate with the existing house.

It is regrettable the shop could not be retained but it has been for sale for a long time, so it obviously was not thought viable.  The Council agreed there was no objection to the application.

b) Decision Notices

Nil to date  

6.  General Parish Matters (21/088)

a) Assistance with Managing the Website.

An offer of assistance to manage the new websites has been received by all Lincolnshire Parish Council. The Clerk is currently coping with the uploading of the minutes and agendas, but would happily accept help if more complicated requirements are needed.  The council agreed they would be prepared to employ someone on an adhoc basis rather than a monthly contract.

b) Setting of Grass seed at the Old Pond Area off North Street.

 JB to chase this issue, it had been agreed to be completed by the adjacent developer several months ago.

c) Parish Council Meetings 

 The Village Hall have the opportunity to hire the hall on a block booking of Wednesday evenings and have asked if the Parish Council would be prepared to move their monthly meeting to a Monday instead of a Wednesday to facilitate this booking.  The parish council agreed to move to Mondays to help support the village hall.

Action:  The Clerk to amend the website and info on the noticeboards.

7.  Highways (21/089)

a) Various potholes and subsidence along the Fen Road have been reported throughout the month. 

8.  The Village Hall (21/090)

a) The minutes from the latest meeting of the committee have been distributed to the councillors.  There were no comments.

b) Fence Treatment between Village Hall garden and house on Beck Street.

It was felt not prudent to treat the fence with preservative at this time, as some areas of rot would need to be dealt with first.  

9.  Drainage (21/091)

a) Ground Maintenance of the New Flood Alleviation Scheme

Response from LCC states the area has been top soiled and grass seeded, but will not be maintained by LCC.  The actual dyke will be maintained by IDB. 

The Parish Council are invited to a LCC site meeting taking place on 8th September, so maintenance can be discussed then. 

10. Playing Field, Play Areas and Village General (21/092)

a) Monthly inspection of the Play Equipment.

GG has completed the monthly inspection.

Notification of the RoSPA inspection to take place in Aug has been received

b) Update on the bin at the playing field

A quote for the work still has not been received.

c) To report on the progress of the planning for the playing field improvements.

All 4 quotes have now been received.  It was agreed to arrange a meeting to discuss all the proposals. 

Action:  The Clerk to arrange a suitable date for the councilors to meet and discuss the proposed designs.

d) Footpath entrance of the field from B1188.

It was agreed 2 x 2m barriers will be needed to improve the safety of this area.

Action:  The Clerk to obtain a price for the barriers, GG to obtain a price for the fitting of them.

e) Replacement Trees for the playing field.

Since the commencement of the regular inspection of the trees from 2016 to comply with the councils risk assessment and insurance policies,   2x Sycamore, 2x Birch, 3x Cherry and 1x Ash have been removed for safety reasons.  Two Ash have been pollarded leaving only the trunks for habitat purposes. It was agreed due to the amount of self-seeding taking place around the field dedicated replacement trees are not required at this time.

f) Update on damaged swing frame.

The grass cutting company accepted liability for the damage to the swing and will replace both damaged legs.  The Clerk has forwarded details of the spares required and the company to contact. We are now awaiting details of when the repair will take place.

g) Ground Fee for Football Club.

The Jolly Scotchman team wishes to continue to use the field. It was proposed by GG, seconded by TB and RESOLVED to permit the Jolly Scotchman teams to play and the fee will be £180 for the season.

11.  Allotments (21/093)

a) Updates from the Allotment Committee.

No meeting of the Allotment Committee has yet taken place.

12.  Finance (21/094)

a) Bank Balances and Approval of Bank Reconciliation

The bank balances were reported as:-

PC General Acc 36,181.37

Allotment Account 5,627.88

Mary Gresswell Trust      5.45

The bank reconciliation was distributed to the councillors prior to the meeting and was approved.

b) Income received.

£35.00 from Pigeon Club - banked

£60.00 from Bowls Club to be banked

c) Approval of Payements

It was proposed by GG, seconded by TB to approve the following payments.

Salaries/Expenses £710.90

Malcfirth - Grass cutting Apr/May £720.76 + VAT 144.16 = 864.92

Greensleeves - lawn treatment £43.33 + VAT   9.67 = 58.00

Philip Baumber 75.00 + VAT  £15.00 = 90.00

d) Annual Governance and Accountability Return

The Clerk confirmed the return had been completed and displayed in the noticeboard and placed on the website in accordance with the Transparency Code for smaller authorities. The Certificate of Exemption has been sent to the external auditors. 

13.  Correspondence (21/095)

a) LALC Newsletter - Distributed to all councillors

b) NKDC Newsletter - Distributed to all councillors

c) County Councillor Report - Distributed to all councillors

d) Email - Anti-social behaviour, motorbike noise. This was forwarded to our local police.  No reports of the incidents had been received by the Police. The Police recommend residents report all incidents on the 101 number at the time it occurs.

e) LCC - Road closures - Rowston 13th July 08.00 to 15.30 level crossing maintenance.

Kirkby Green 14th July 08.00 to 15.50 level crossing maintenance.

  Martin 19th to 23rd July Mill Lane - Anglian Water laying new water main

f) Councillor Resignation - A letter of resignation for Amanda Redsell has been received.  The Clerk will notify NKDC of the vacancy.

g) Email -Speeding & Dangerous Driving, report of speeding along Church St, Beck St, Station Road and North St. Also dangerous and erratic driving.  Cllr Kendrick is to ask the Road Safety Patrnership to carry out a speed survey.  The issues of dangerous driving must be reported to the Police and the time it is seen.

14.  Dates of Future Meetings (21/096)

Parish Council meetings now to take place on Mondays

   12th Jul, 16th Aug, 20th Sept, 18th Oct, 15th Nov, 20th Dec

The Annual Parish Meeting is still on hold until public can gather indoors safely.  We are awaiting advice from the Government.

15.  Any Business to Note for the Next Agenda (21/097)

Contractor to work on the Village Hall garden

Cross repairs

16.  Closed Session (21/098)

For confidential items in accordance with the Public Bodies Act 1960, if required.


20.10  There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed.