March 2021 Minutes

Digby Parish Council 

Notes from the virtual meeting, via zoom, of Digby Parish Council, held on 17th March 2021 commencing at 7pm.

PRESENT - James Bourne, Chairman (JB); Tracy Bourne (TB) Gerald Garton (GG); Colin Harvey (CH); Karen Groves (KG) and Amanda Redsell (AR)

In Attendance: Angie McDonald, Clerk and Proper Officer

Public Forum

No members of the public joined the meeting.

District & County Councillors' Matters

Reports have been submitted from both councils throughout the month and forwarded to the parish councillors.

Cllr Kendrick spoke of government money being available to improve people's health since Covid. The vaccine roll out is going very well and the infection rate and deaths are down throughout the county. The chairman asked if there will be grants to help install outdoor exercise equipment to improve both pysical and mental health and Cllr Kendrick confirmed he would check.

GG passed on his concerns about the wooden fencing erected at the edge of the road on North Street at the new flood relief scheme.  He asked if a metal barrier would be better protection for any vehicles sliding off the road in icy weather. Cllr Kendrick sais he would check the requirements


There was no report from the police.

It was RESOLVED to continue with the meeting.


1.  Chairman's Opening Remarks (21/033)

a) The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2.  Apologies (21/034)

a) There were no apologies, all councillors were present.

3.  Declarations of Pecuniary Interest & Applications of Dispensation (21/035)

a) GG and KG declared an interest in item 10b

4.  Signing of the Minutes (21/036)

a) It was proposed by GG, seconded by KG and it was RESOLVED to accept the notes of the Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 17th Feb 2021 as a true and accurate record of that meeting.

5.  Planning Matters (21/037)

a) Planning Applications Received.

Nil to date.

b) Decision Notices.

21/0008/HOUS Springwell Cottage, 22 Beck Street - Proposed first floor extension to rear.  Approved by NKDC.

c) 106 Levy (CIL).

 NKDC will notify us, in April, if we have any CIL monies coming from the developments off Station Road and North Street.

6.  General Parish Matters (21/038)

a) Individual Parish Councillors Email Accounts.

LALC are very keen that all parish councillors should have a separate email account for parish council business.  The Chairman has attended the councillors training where this was discussed.  The Clerk explained how it is to prevent accidental data protection breaches.  Each councillor should consider opening a separate email account for council business and then notify the Clerk.

b) Volunteer Environment Warden (Dog Warden).

GG reported the Environment Warden is a scheme introduced by NKDC, it is a voluntary position and NKDC provide training. Further information will be obtained by the Clerk.

c) Old Pond Area, North Street and possible siting of a bench.

This area is now being levelled and seeded by the developer working opposite the site.  It was agreed, to prevent further garden waste being dumped in the area, it should be kept cut.  A quote has been obtained for a fortnightly cut at £20.  It was proposed by JB, seconded by CH to accept the price of £20 but it should be a monthly cut.  All agreed.  

Action: The Clerk to inform the contractor when the area has been levelled and to commence monthly cuts.

d) Update on Bench Installations.

It was agreed to commence with the siting of the benches now the Covid restrictions are starting to lift, and the bin will be concreted in on the playing field.

e) Digby Village Book.

CH asked if we should consider reprinting the Digby Village Book, first produce in 2008 from a Heritage Lottery grant.  It was agreed he could enquire about the costs for re-printing and bring the information back to the council ofr further discussion.

Action:  CH to speak to original members of the group to obtain the information required and obtain costs for re-printing the book.

7.  Highways (21/039)

a) Highways Issues.

All roads around the area are suffering from potholes, particularly on the fen roads.  It was agreed councillors will report them via Fix my Street.

b) Re-positioning and Replacing the Temporary 30mph Restriction Signs

GG confirmed 4 new signs have been erected around the village.  A further one is to be placed on North Street.  A letter of thanks has been sent to the resident that provided the signs

8.  The Village Hall (21/040)

a) Minutes from the Latest Meeting of the Committee.

The notes from the last meeting have been distributed to the councillors prior to the meeting.  The council were pleased to see the village hall committee have still been able to progress the improvements to the hall during the lockdown.

b) Village Hall Ground Maintenance.

Mr Hand has confirmed he is willinging to carry on maintaining the grounds around the Village Hall for the same rate as last year £8 per hour.

Action: The Clerk to write and acknowledge the agreement.

c) Garden Waste Bins.

The stickers for the 3 garden waste bins, at the Village Hall, for the 2021/22 collection have arrived and will be given to Mr Hand to place on the bins.  The renewal fee is £69.00.  It was proposed by AR, seconded KG this will be paid on 1st May  

9.  Drainage (21/041)

a) Greendykes.

An estimate of £225, for two days work clearing the dyke by hand has been received.  After some discussion it was proposed by AR, seconded by CH this be completed as a one off job.

Action:  JB to arrange for the work to proceed.  

b) Environmental Agency (EA) - Update on review of Billinghay Drainage System.

The EA have stated the review is now continuing after being on hold to due to managing the flood incidents in the county since Chritstmas.  Site meetings will continue, when legally safe to do so,to discuss the mediuma and longer term plan. It was agreed to arrange a site meeting as soon as possible to discuss the continued silting of the Beck and the bridges over the Beck

Action:  The Clerk to arrange a meeting.

c) Flood Relief Scheme.

There is still work not completed and the contractors are not on site.  The Clerk has contacted the LCC Flood Officer.  It has been confirmed the work will be finshed shortly and the site cleaned up

JB and GG reported standing water, south of the Station Road culvert.

Action: The Clerk to ask about the standing water and whether there will be a metal crash barrier at the road side of the culvert on North Street.

10. Playing Field, Play Areas and Village General (21/042)

a) Monthly Inspection of the Play Equipment

GG completed the inspection, a copy of the faults found, low to medium risk, were forwarded to the councillors prior to the meeting.

It was agreed to obtain a quote for repairs to the rotting timbers, which are not structural, on the multiplay equipment, and GG will identify the part numbers ans will also see if he can secure the 5-aside posts in the ground.

Action: Clerk to obtain quote. 

b) Dog Area.

A list of 45 households, interested in the Dog Area has been received. Much discussion took place. Although the principle was not totally objected to, the cost of fencing an area large enough to safely permit free play was a big concern and beyond our annual precept budget. The management and maintenance of the area would also need further investigation.  It was suggested that along with finding funding for the improvements to the pay equipment within the playing field, this scheme could also be added to the project. 

c) Ground Maintenance Contracts for 2021-22.

Our existing contractor has increased the price by 2.5%.  The Clerk obtained an additional quote from a ground maintenance company for comparison.  It was proposed by GG, secnded by CH and RESOLVED to remain with the current contractor.

Action:  Cler to notify the contractor to continue with the 2021/22 grass cutting programme.

d) Playing Field Improvements.

The Clerk confirmed she is obtaining appointments for play equipment companies to visit the site and produce plans. The councillors will be informed when the dates are confirmed.  This will then be followed by choosing the best plan for the field and going out to obtain funding. AR agreed to pursue with NKDC how much CIL money should come from the building developments in the village.

11.  Allotments (21/043)

a) Updates from the Allotment Committee.

No meetings of the committee have been held yet, due to Covid restrictions.

b) Allotment Field Tenancy Agreement.

The Clerk confirmed the allotment field tenancy has been sent to the tenant for signing.

12.  Finance (21/044)

a) Bank Balances and Approval of Bank Reconciliation.

The bank balances were reported as :-

PC Account  15992.44

Allotment Account 5675.61

Mary Gresswell Trust 5.45

Copiess of the bank reconcilliation were forwarded to the councillors prior to the meeting and approved.

b) Income received.


c) Approval of Payments.

It was proposed by CH, seconded by GG and RESOLVED the following payments are made

Salaries/Expenses/HMRC £702.50

ICO Data protection £35.00

LALC Training Scheme £120.00

Autella Payroll Services £76.32

Greensleeves Lawn treatments £58.00

d) Audit 2020/21

LALC has informed us the Audit paperwork will be sent out mid-March from the external auditor.  Parish Councils have been notified there will be no extensions this year to the completion date.

13.  Correspondence (21/045)

a) LALC Newsletter - Distributed to all councillors

b) NKDC Newsletter - Distributed to all councillors

c) County Councillor Report - Distributed to all councillors

d) Digby PCC - request for grant towards grass cutting of churchyard. This to be an agenda item for next month.  Also to note a response to the PCC that the Paris Council are not trustees of the Churchyard.

e) NKDC confirm they will contact residents of development off North Lane to discuss numbering

f) Came & Company Insurance - Confirmation of details for the insurance cover for the parish council, have been received and forwarded to the councillors.

14.  Dates of Future Meetings (21/046)

Parish Council meetings

21st Apr, 19th Mayand 16th Jun

From May unless Government legislation changes, councils will hold face-to-face meetings. Full details will be published as soon as available from the Government.

 The Annual Parish Meeting is still on hold until larger numbers of people are permitted to gather.

15.  Any Business to Note for the Next Agenda (21/047)

The councillors will forward any request for the next agenda to the Clerk

16.  Closed Session (21/048)

This item was not required.


20.18  There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed.