April 2021 Minutes

Digby Parish Council 

Notes from the virtual meeting, via zoom, of Digby Parish Council, held on 21st April 2021 at 7pm.

PRESENT - James Bourne, Chairman (JB); Tracy Bourne (TB); Gerald Garton (GG);  Karen Groves (KG) and Amanda Redsell (AR)

In attendance : Angie McDonald, Clerk and Proper Officer.


Public Forum

There were no members of the public logged in.

District & County Councillors' Matters

Updates have been forwarded regularly from the Distirct and County Council and forwarded to the Parish Councillors


No report received from the local PCSO


It was RESOLVED to continue with the meeting. 


1.  Chairman's Opening Remarks (21/049)

a) The Chairman took the opportunity to inform the councillors of the sad death of Heather Fry and it was agreed a card of condolence will be sent to John.

2.  Apologies (21/050)

a) Apologies were received and accepted from C Harvey

3.  Declarations of Pecuniary Interest & Applications of Dispensation (21/051)

a) There were no declarations of interest.

4.  Signing of the Minutes (21/052)

a)  It was proposed by GG, seconded by TB and RESOLVED to accept the notes of the Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 17th Mar 2021 as a true and accurate record of that meeting.

5.  Planning Matters (21/053)

a) Planning Applications Received

21/0553/PNH - 19 Chestnut Close, single storey rear extension 4.3m in length from the original wall, eaves height 2.2m and maximum 3.6m

No objections or comments

b) Decision Notices

21/0088/HOUS  The Grange, North Street - Retention of garage (Minor re-siting) as approved throught 16/0043/FUL and use as a hobbyroom/workshop.  Approved by NKDC.

6.  General Parish Matters (21/054)

a) Environment Warden.

The Clerk has asked NKDC for further information on this scheme, unfortunately they explain none was available. It was agreed that as there was no support from NKDC, the parish council would not pursue this item any further.

b) Bench Installations and the Bin at the Playing Field.

Both benches have now been installed, one at Harrowby Close and one by the Village Hall. JB to chase the installation of the bin.

c) Re-printing of the Digby Village Book.

CH was unable to attend the meeting,so this item will be delayed until the next agenda.

Action:  Add to May agenda

d) Grant to the PCC towards the grass cutting within the Churchyard.

A request for £500 towards the cutting of the grass at the Churchyard has been received. The previous years donation was £200.  It was felt a 150% increase would restrict the councils opportunity to provide grants to other areas of the parish.  It was proposed by JB, seconmded by GG and RESOLVED a grant of £300. would be given to Digby Parochail Church Council.

Action: The Clerk to raise the cheque for £300.00 

e) Councillors Areas of Responsibilities, Confirmation of Training Booked.

The areas of responsibility were reviewed and the only change will be KGs area will be Chestnut Close.  The Clerk will amend the paperwork and display the information in the noticeboard.

The Clerk then confirmed the training booked as - KG to attend New Councillor training 27th April, The Clerk to attend Planning training on 28th April and Freedom of Information & DataProtection on 18th May. GG,AR,KG to attend councillor training 15th and 16th June.

f) Motorbike Nuisance on land off North Street.

Since the beginging of the month there has been no further reports of the motorbikes on the land off North Street.  It was agreed if they re-appear the police will be informed.

7.  Highways (21/055)

a) Pot holes.

JB is extremely dissappointed that even though the pot holes down Fen Lane have been reported for months, none have been repaired.  It was agreed to write to County Cllr Kendrick about the situation.

Action: The Clerk to report the lack of response to our County Councillor.

8.  The Village Hall (21/056)

a) The councillors have received a copy of the latest minutes from the meeting of village hall the committee and have no further comments.

9.  Drainage (21/057)

a) Update on the work  on Greendykes.

The work of clearing the dyke has been completed and the area is now clear and tidy.

b) Environmental Agency - Update on site meeting.

The Clerk has requested a further meeting to receive and update on the review that includes the Beck and is awaiting a response.

c) Update on Unfinished Flood Relief Scheme.

Very little work has taken place since the last parish council meeting when it was reported to LCC the amount of uncompleted work.  The grass banks created still need seeding, the fencing and tiling of the bridge into the field is not completed and the site has not been cleared of biulding materials.  No tree planting has been carried out.  There are also concerns that the banks near the culvert are supported by sandbags, these will disintergrate.  It was agreed to ask for a site meeting.

Action:  The Clerk to organise a date for the site meeting with LCC Flood Officer.

10. Playing Field, Play Areas and Village General (21/058)

a) Monthly inspection of the Play Equipment.

In March the inspection was carried out by GG and the paperwork has been forwarded to the Clerk.  AR still to complete Aprils inspection. During the month the barrier gate combination lock brok and the Clerk replaced it. 

b) Planning for the Playing Field Improvements.

Currently we have met with one company to provide a design and quote for adult exercise equipment, further meetings have been arranged over the next month. 

c) Pest Control Contract

The current contract is due to end for the pest control on the playing field.  The renewal is £140.00 which is the same price as last year.  It was proposed by GG, sconded by TB and RESOLVED to renew the pest control contract.

d) New Football club using the field.

A team from the Jolly Scotchman has booked the field to finish off their season.  They have signed an agreement and paid the ground rent for the period.

e) Fees for 2021/22 for the Users of the Field.

No fees were collected during 2020/21 due to Covid19. It was proposed by JB, seconded by GG and RESOLVED the fees for the following clubs remain the same 2020/21.  Bowls Club £60.00, Pigeon Club £35.00 and Football Club £100.

  f) Footpath Entrance of the field from B1188.

The footpath entrance is getting wider, so for safety it was agreed a chicane styled gateway should be installed.  The Clerk to obtain prices for galvanised fencing and installation.

Action:  Clerk to obtain prices for work and add to next agenda.

11.  Allotments (21/059)

a) There was noting to report from the Allotment Committee

b) Tenancy Agreement for the Allotment Field area.

The Clerk reported the tenancy agreement has been signed and returned to the council.

12.  Finance (21/060)

a) Bank Balances and Approval of Bank Reconciliation and Sign off the Accounts for 2020/21.

The bank balances were reported as:-

PC General Account 33,575.62

Allotment Account       5,675.61

Mary Gresswell Trust         5.45

The bank reconciliation was aprroved.

Copies of the final accounts and ledger for 2020/21 had been forwarded to the councillors prior to the meeting.  It was proposed by GG, seconded by AR and RESOLVED all was in order and the Chairman would sign the accounts off.

b) Income Received.

The Precept of 18,525.00 has been received and £50.00 from the Jolly Scotchman Football team.

c) Approval of Payments

It was prposed by AR, seconded by JB and RESOLVED the following accounts be paid. 

Salaries/Expenses                                657.49

Tim Robinson - Greendykes clearance 225.00

Mr Pesty - Mole contract                       140.00

Ken Hand - Village Hall Gardener        256.00

Digby PCC - Grass cutting grant          300.00


d) Internal Auditor.

The clerk will arrange the Internal Auditor to check the final accounts for 2020/21 and complete the Internal Auditors section of the AGAR. 

13.  Correspondence (21/061)

a) LALC Newsletter - Distributed to all councillors

b) NKDC Newsletter - Distributed to all councillors

c) County Councillor Report - Distributed to all councillors

14.  Dates of Future Meetings (21/062)

Parish Council meetings

19th May APCM, 16th Jun, 14th Jul, 18th Aug, 15th Sept, 20th Oct, 17th Nov and 15th Dec

From May unless Government legislation changes, councils will hold face-to-face meetings.  The Annual Parish Meeting is still on hold until the public can gather indoors safely.


19.58 AR left the meeting.


15.  Any Business to Note for the Next Agenda (21/063)

Completing the AGAR

Digby Fen Road

16.  Closed Session (21/064)

This item was not required 


21.05hrs - There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed.