June 2024 Minutes


Digby Parish Council 


Notes of the meeting of DIGBY PARISH COUNCIL held on Wednesday 12th June 2024 at 7pm, in Digby War Memorial Hall.


Present -  Cllr K Groves (KG);  Cllr L Crane (LC) and Cllr H Snowden (HS)

In attendance – Mrs A McDonald, Parish Clerk and Proper Officer


Public Forum

A resident asked about the outcome of the meeting with the flood officers.  The Clerk gave a brief summary.  The meeting was informed that residents have had Anglian Water survey the main drains on both sides of The Beck.

A resident asked if the 20mph speed limit to be discussed under item 7 could include Beck Street and Church Street.  It was explained that none of the street fulfilled the requirements of the LCC Speed Limit Policy


District & County Councillors' Matters

Cllr Kendrick had sent his apologies.


In the absence of the Chairman, it was proposed by HS, seconded by LC that Cllr Karen Groves (KG) be appointed acting Chairman for the meeting.

1.Chairman’s Opening Remarks. (24/082)

a)  Welcome.

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.,

2.  Apologies for Absence (24/083)

a) Apologies.

Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr J Bourne (JB), Cllr G Garton (GG) and Cllr M Lewington (ML) due to other commitments.

3.  Declarations of Pecuniary Interest & Applications of Dispensation (24/084)

a) KG declared an interest in item 11, Allotments

4.  Signing of the Minutes (24/085)

a) It was proposed by LC, seconded by HS and RESOLVED to accept the notes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 8th May as a true and accurate record.

It was proposed by KG, seconded by LC and RESOLVED to accept the notes of the Extra-ordinary Finance meeting held on 22nd May 2024 as a true and accurate record of that meeting.

5.  Planning Matters (24/086)

a) Planning Applications Received.

Nil to date.

b) Decision Notice Received.

Notification of Appeal Decision for Planning Ref 23/0362/PNND Springwell Barn, Beck Street.

The Planning Inspectorate dismissed the appeal.

24/0022/FUL The pony paddock, The Pinfold – Erection of a detached timber clad stable block – Application approved by NKDC Planning.  The Clerk has written to planning to requesting the positioning of the hedge be looked at so as not to restrict the public footpath, when grown. 

6. General Parish Matters (24/087)

a.  Financial Regulations.

The revised Financial Regulation were distributed to the councillors prior to the meeting.  It was proposed by HS, seconded by LC and all agreed to accept the latest version.

Action: The new version to be uploaded onto the website.

b.  New Defra Community Green Space fund.

It was proposed by KG, seconded by LC to register an interest in the new Defra Community Green Space Fund.

Action:  The Clerk to register Digby 

c.  Response to a Proposed One-way Route System, incorporating Digby Fen Road, to the Biofuel site at Walcott.

The notification of a proposed one-way system has come from the developer, but the actual application has not yet been submitted to the planning authority.  It is acknowledged that residents of Digby Fen Road have already written to the LCC Planning objecting to the proposed route and their objection has been logged by LCC.  It was agreed to write our objections to this proposal when the application has been formally submitted to the planning authority and we are notified as consultees.

d.  LCC Volunteer Days.

It was suggested a framework on the ground around the slide in the playing field could help retain the bark and this could be installed by the LCC volunteers.  As there were only 3 councillors present it was agreed this could be looked into, if agreed, ready for the next batch of volunteer days.

Action: An agenda item for the next meeting.

e.  Digital Display Speed Indicator 

A requested to consider installing a speed indicator was made at the Annual Parish Meeting

The battery powered units complete with installation costs is approximately £3,000. The indicators do not record vehicle details so although they are may act as a visual deterrent, it does not penalise drivers, so it was agreed the cost out weighed the benefit.  The council has invested in the Community Speed Watch team and this has the benefit of recording number plates and sending this information to the police to action and is also mobile around the village.

f.  Digby Railway Station – Request Stop

From the Annual Parish Meeting, it was asked if a request stop at the railway station to improve transport links could be considered.  It was agreed to pass this request to our County Councillor

Action:  The Clerk to put the request to Cllr Kendrick

g.  Date for Village Asset Inspection

 It was agreed the council should meet on 16th July at 6pm for a walk around the village to review the councils’ assets and check the local area.

7.  Highways (24/088)

a) Pot Holes or Highways Issues.

 Various issues have been reported direct to FixMyStreet during the month.

b) Highway Repairs – Digby Fen Road

Notification of repairs to Digby Fen Road from 1st July to 6th Aug, has been announced by LCC Highways.

c)  Update Public Footpath No.5  - Stiles

The LCC Countryside Officer has written to confirm the project to replace the 2 stiles on Public Footpath No.5 with gates, cannot go ahead as the land owner will not give permission for the improvements.

d) Footpath No. Dig/9/2 – Builders Rubble

Builders rubble has been left after construction of Gresswell Field development apparently at the request of the landowner in the vicinity of footpath no.9.  This rubble is on private land and is not blocking the footpath, so there is no action.

e) Station Road – 20mph speed limit.

A request for 20mph limit on Station Road has been received.  The Clerk has investigated the situation and as per the LCC Speed Limit Policy Station Road does not comply to the policy requirements.

8.  The Village Hall (24/089)

a) The minutes from the latest meeting of the committee

The minutes from the AGM and the monthly committee meeting have been distributed to the councillors prior to the meeting.  There were no comments.  

9.  Drainage (24/090)

a)  Meeting with the Flood Officers

A meeting with representatives of LCC Flood Department, the Environment Agency, the Internal Drainage Board and the National Farmers Union took place to discuss the recent flooding issues and any actions that will be carried out.  LCC are still completed the Section 19 reports, this is expected to be finished by Aug.  A further meeting is to be arranged for September, to consider the actions and budgets available to carry out any improvements to the drainage around Digby.   

The Anglian Water representative was not present at the meeting, it was agreed to write to him and ask about the issues experienced at the pumping station.

Action:  Arrange September meeting, contact Anglian Water. 

b)  Update on the meeting of the Emergency group volunteers.

No update received.

10. Playing Field, Play Areas and Village General (24/091)

a)  Report of Monthly inspection of Play Equipment.

GG is to carry out the inspection.

b)  Update on the improvements to the Playing Field Road

A revised quote, using the donated stone, has been received.  The quote is now for £2,600.00. It was proposed by KG, seconded by HS and all agreed to accept the quote and have the work start as soon as possible.

Action:  The Clerk to notify the contractor.

c)  Update on Painting of the Dug-out/Goal Posts and Gate.

 The Digby Red Lion Football Club have confirmed the painting of the dug-out/goal posts and entrance gate will be carried out on 23rd June, weather dependant.

KG noted there is a free-standing metal pole at the front of the Dug-out and suggested it be looked at to see if it can be improved by incorporating it into to dug-out. 

Action: JB will ask the contractor what would be the best solution.

d)  Play Equipment Inspection Training Course with LALC.

It was agreed the following councillor will attend the training at Washingborough – HS, KG and ML.

Action: The Clerk to book the councillors on the course.

e) Litter picker - Brush cutter/trimmer course.

Since the last meeting the Clerk has arranged City & Guilds training for the new litter picker to safely use the Strimmer/Brush Cutter.  The course cost £120.00, and approval for the expenditure was approved by all the councillors, and was carried out at Potterhanworth by Lincoln Rural Training.

f)  To consider action regarding hedges obstructing the footpaths.

Councillor’s will inform the Clerk of any hedges found to be obstructing the footpaths so a polite letter can be sent out.  A public notice will also be placed in the noticeboard, reminding residents about keeping the footpaths clear and to cut back overhanging trees and shrubs.

g)  To revisit the Bowls Club Lease.

The production of the Lease has been on hold since several councillors left the council.  It was agreed this item now needs to be allocated to 2 councillors, to progress to completion.

Action: Agenda item – to nominate 2xcouncillors to continue with the lease.

11.  Allotments (24/092)

a) Updates from the Allotment Committee.

The AGM has taken place and there is a new chairman, David Bloemfield.  The allotment road has had some repairs carried out but KG asked for the payment of the invoice for £1,650.00 to be held until confirmation of the work is completed.

The committee have received a large water bill so investigations are underway to try and find if there is a leak.

Action:  Clerk to hold payment until confirmation of work is completed.

12.  Finance (24/093)

a) Bank balances and Approval of Bank Reconciliation.

PC General Account £31,176.08

Allotment Account      £7,451.48

Mary Gresswell Trust        £5.55

A copy of the bank reconciliation was sent to the councillors prior to the meeting and it was approved.

b) Income.

VAT Return for 2023/24 - £1,475.25.  This sum is included in the above bank balance.

c) Approval of Payments

It was proposed by KG, seconded by LC and RESOLVED that the following payments are made

Salaries/Expenses £907.00

CJP Garden Services  £ 67.00

Cllr GG -Paint     £39.17 plus VAT  £7.83  total £47.00

MalcFirth - Grass  £474.50 plus VAT £94.90  total  £569.40

Greensleeves - lawn  £55.83  Plus VAT £11.17  total £67.00

Mr Pesty – Pest control services £160.00


13.  Correspondence (24/094)

a) LALC Newsletter - Distributed to all councillors

b) NKDC Newsletter - Distributed to all councillors

c)  Rights of Way Survey – Cllrs to complete

d)  NKDC Licensing Policy Review – No comments

e)  NKDC Leisure and Health Activities – This item has been passed to the Village Hall Committee for attention.

f)  Digby War Memorial – Invitation to comment on the war memorial being added to the National Heritage List. -  No objections.

g)  LALC training on The Planning System is to take place on 4th Sept. - Clerk to attend.

14.  Dates of Future Meetings (24/095)

Parish Council meetings

 For 2024 – Second Wednesday of the month - 10th Jul, 14th Aug, 11th Sep, 9th Oct, 13th Nov and 11th Dec.

15.  Any Business to Note for the Next Agenda (24/096)


16.  Closed Session (24/097)

This item was not required.


20.47 - There being no further business the chairman declared the meeting closed.