January 2024 Minutes

Digby Parish Council 


Notes from the Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 10th January 2024, at 7pm, in Digby War Memorial Hall 

PRESENT – Ian Davies (ID) Chairman; James Bourne (JB); Darren Drysdale (DD); Gerald Garton (GG) and Karen Groves (KG) 

In attendance - Angie McDonald, Clerk and Proper Officer


Public Forum

There were 8 members of the public in attendance.  A request was made for the builder’s rubble to be removed from the rear of the development at Gresswell Field.  It was explained it is on private land at the permission of the land owner so no further action can be taken. 

It was asked if the council has reported the January Flood.  The Chairman reported it will be done as part of the meeting being organised with the outside agencies. Issues were express about vehicles that still continued to pass through the flood water when the road had been closed.  It was agreed the council will write and ask how to prevent access along the road once it had been closed. 


District & County Councillors' Matters

LCC – Apologies received from Cllr Kendrick.

NKDC – Cllr Bailey was not in attendance.


1.  Chairman's Opening Remarks (24/001)

a) Welcome.  The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.  It was agreed to move item 9 Drainage to after Item 4, so the members of the public present could listen to the progress.

2.  Apologies & Vacancy (24/002)

a) Apologies.

Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Lewington.

b)  Vacancy

Cllr K Hand has sent his written resignation to the Clerk.  The Chairman wished to publicly thank Ken for all his time and work for the Parish Council

Action: The Clerk to notify NKDC of the vacancy.

3.  Declarations of Pecuniary Interest & Applications of Dispensation (24/003)

a) There were no declarations of interest.  GG wanted it noted that although he helped with the clearing of the Greendykes, he received no payment for his work.

4.  Signing of the Minutes (24/004)

a) It was proposed by GG, seconded by JB and RESOLVED to accept the notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 11th December 2023 as a true and accurate record of that meeting. 

9.  Drainage (24/009)

a) Update on the issues raised at the Public Meeting held on 27th Nov.

i) Meeting with Outside Agencies to consider Further Improvements to reduce Flooding.

A request has been sent to the LCC Flood Risk Manager to organise a combined meeting with all the agencies. A response has been received stating this will be arranged once the current emergencies created by Storm Babet and Henk are over. 

Action: The Clerk to continue to follow this up.

ii) Purchase of Key Box for Village Hall.

The Key box has been purchased and put in position next to the defibrillator.  A key will be sourced from the Village Hall Committee.

Action:  The Clerk to contact the Village Hall Committee for a key.

iii) Fact Sheet / Newsletter

An Information Fact Sheet has been produced by ID, it contains the details of the outside emergency agencies required to be contacted in the event of flooding.  It also details the responsibilities of the County/District and Parish Councils.

Action:  This will be printed and delivered to every household in Digby.

iv) Emergency Plan Guide

ID has been working on producing the draft emergency plan as requested from the public meeting. This draft plan has been produced from guidelines provided LCC Resilience Forum.  This plan is a controlled document which contains information to be used during an emergency affecting the communities within the Digby Parish boundary.  Its contents will need to be signed off by the LCC Emergency Unit once completed.  GG agreed to speak to the school in regard to using that building as a secondary back up as a place of refuge in case of an emergency.

For the plan to be completed it now needs members of the community to come forward to volunteer to be part of the Community Emergency Planning Group (CEPG). 

A request will be added to the information sheet for volunteers to come forward.

Action:  ID to add the request to the information sheet.

v)  Confirm next public meeting

The next public meeting will be on 26th Feb at the Village Hall.


19.43hrs -  The Chairman closed the meeting to allow the members of public an opportunity to speak.

Members of the public agreed they would be willing to join the CEPG. 

19.45hrs. There were no further comments so the Chairman declared the meeting back in session and the meeting commenced with Item 5.  The members of the public left the room.


5.  Planning Matters (24/005)

a) Planning Applications Received.

24/0022/FUL – The Pony Paddock, The Pinfold, Digby – Erection of a detached timber clad stable block.

There were no objections to the stable block although vehicular access needs to be confirmed. 

Action:  The Clerk to write to planning for more details.

b) Decision Notice Received.

23/1334/HOUS 31 Chestnut Close, Erection of single storey side and rear extension. 

Permission granted by NKDC.

6. General Parish Matters (24/006)

a)  Adoption of footpath ‘The Smoot’ from North Street to Green Dykes. 

No further news has been received to date, apart from the repairs to the footpath are still to take place.  The Clerk will continue to ask for the adoption to take place.

b)  Newsletter/information sheet from the Parish Council.

ID has produced an information/fact sheet – the details are covered in Item 9 (a)(iii).

c)  Review of the Following Policies.

The policies were made available to the councillors prior to the meeting.  It was proposed by JB, seconded by ID that the policies are accepted on block as current and up to date, as they are in line with documents supplied by LALC.  All agreed.

i) Accessibility – Reviewed Jan 2024

ii) Privacy – Reviewed Jan 2024

iii) Data Protection – Reviewed Jan 2024

iv) Records Retention – Reviewed Jan 2024

v)  Request Procedure – Reviewed Jan 2024

Action:  The Clerk to update the review on the website.

7.  Highways (24/007)

a) Pot Holes or Highways Issues.

JB has reported the large pothole on the east side of Digby rail bridge. GG has reported a pothole at the junction of Church Street and B1188. It was asked if the clerk could report the damaged verges from the rail bridge to Fen Road Junction.

Action:  The Clerk to report the damaged verges to FixMyStreet.

b)  New Street Light on B1188.

We are still awaiting confirmation from NKDC as to whether we have been successful in our request. c)  Update Regarding Public Footpath No.5 

No updates have been received. KG is still looking into the situation and will report back when information is received.

d)  Temporary Traffic Restrictions.  

The following traffic restrictions have been notified by LCC Highways.  Digby Main Street 12.02.24 to 16.02.24 for telecom/fibre broadband installations.

8.  The Village Hall (24/008)

a) Minutes from the latest meeting of the Committee.

The next meeting of the Village Hall Committee will not take place until 15th Jan. The minutes will then be forwarded to the councillors.

b)  Grant Request to go towards the Insurance for the Village Hall.

A copy of the renewal for the village hall insurance has been received and forwarded to all the councillors prior to the meeting.

The village hall is for the benefit of all the village so it was proposed by GG, seconded by JB and all agreed a grant of £500 be made to the village hall committee to help towards the cost.

Action:  The Clerk to forward the £500 to the Village Hall Committee.

c)  Review the Gardener’s Contract.

JB reported the gardener agreed to take on the cutting on the village hall grass.  It was agreed the gardener’s hours will be increased from April to end of Oct to 6hrs a month, and from Nov to end of Mar remain at 2hrs a month.

Action:  JB to confirm with the gardener the changes agreed.

10. Playing Field, Play Areas and Village General (24/010)

a)  Monthly Inspection of Play Equipment.

The inspection has been carried out by GG.

ID reported he had been requested to raise the issue of a Dog Exercise area in the playing field again.  The meeting confirmed this item has been discussed previously and unanimously agreed there is not the space or finances to provide this facility, and there are several exercising fields in the local area. 

b)  Update on the Bowls Club lease.

This item is still on hold.

c)  Update on the Improvements to the Playing Field Road.

JB reported the ground is still too wet for any action to take place. Karen is to ask when the work on the dug-out is to commence.

d)  Improving the Eastern Boundary Drainage.

JB confirmed a site meeting will take place with IDB to discuss any improvements that may need to be considered, but they are still clearing up from Strom Babet and Henk. 

e)  Digby Dogfest

A request to hold the Digby Dogfest on 14th September, has been received.  It was agreed unanimously that is could go ahead on the playing field.  It was a great event last year.  It will be requested that all documents relating the event should be supplied in pdf. format.

Action:  The Clerk to inform the event organiser permission to use the field had been granted.

11.  Allotments (24/011)

a) Updates from the Allotment Committee.

The application for hedging plants has been successful and should be delivered shortly.

12.  Finance (24/012)

a) Bank Balances and Approval of Bank Reconciliation.

The bank balances were reported as:-

PC General Account 15,134.43

Allotment Account 6,851.48

Mary Gresswell Trust Acc        5.49

The bank reconciliation was approved.

b) Income.

A wayleave payment of £8.31 has been received from the National Grid.  This is to be banked.

c) Approval of the Following Payments.

It was proposed by GG, seconded by ID, and all agreed the following accounts be paid.


Salaries/Expenses £735.25

CJPGarden Services  £30.00

Autela Payroll Services £54.58

T Robinson – Greendykes £125.00

Select Electrical Services £314.88

13.  Correspondence (24/013)

a) LALC Newsletter - Distributed to all councillors

b) NKDC Newsletter - Distributed to all councillors

c) Info on proposed Anaerobic digester plant at Martin Moor forwarded from Blankney Parish Council – Distributed to all the councillors

d)  Freedom of Information Request: Flood Risk: Springwell brook/The Beck. A copy of the response from the Environment Agency on the above information has been forwarded to the council from a member of the public. It was felt the responses received from EA was lacking in information.

e) 80th Anniversary of D-Day – Information on the proposed events for 6th June have been received and distribute to the councillors. It was suggested a dance would be an appropriate event.  DD will suggest this to the Village Hall Committee.

14.  Dates of Future Meetings (24/014)

Parish Council meetings

       For 2024 – Second Wednesday of the month -14th Feb, 13th Mar, 10th Apr, 8th May, 12th Jun, 10th Jul, 14th Aug, 11th Sep, 9th Oct, 13th Nov and 11th Dec.

15.  Any Business to Note for the Next Agenda (24/015)

Tree on Greendykes

Bales on verge.

16.  Closed Session (24/016)

For confidential items in accordance with the Public Bodies Act 1960.

The Chairman opened the Closed Session.

The Chairman handed his written resignation to the meeting. He will be leaving the Parish Council.

The meeting unanimously agreed with JB when he expressed his appreciation for all ID has done.

Action:  The Clerk to notify NKDC of the vacancy.


The Closed Session was closed.


20.30hrs.  There being no further business the meeting was declared closed.