December 2024 Minutes


Digby Parish Council 


Notes of the DIGBY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING held on Wednesday 11th December 2024 at 7pm, in Digby War Memorial Hall. 


Present – Cllr J Bourne, Chairman (JB); Cllr A Barnham (AB); Cllr G Garton (GG); Cllr K Groves (KG) and Cllr M Lewington (ML)

In attendance – Angie McDonald, Clerk and Proper Officer.


Public Forum

There were no members of the public present.


District & County Councillors' Matters

County Cllr Kendrick reported that the council’s budgets are still being discussed.  There is concern that a grant to the council has been cut by £9 million from central government. This decision is being questioned.  He also spoke of a review taking place by social services of children caring in the community. 

GG asked if he could support the request for the footpath improvement on Lincoln Road. He agreed.

Cllr Kendrick then wished everyone a Merry Christmas and left the meeting.


The Chairman declared the meeting in session.

1.Chairman’s Opening Remarks. (24/178)

a)  Welcome.

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2.  Apologies for Absence & Co-option Update (24/179)

a) Apologies. 

Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Snowden due to being away.

b)  Co-option to Fill the Vacancy.

The Clerk has not received any applications for fill the post.

3.  Declarations of Pecuniary Interest & Applications of Dispensation (24/180)

a) Declarations of Interest. 

There were no declarations of pecuniary interest.

 4.  Signing of the Minutes (24/181)

a) It was proposed by GG, seconded by KG and RESOLVED to accept the notes of the Parish

Council Meeting held on Wednesday 13th November 2024 as a true and accurate record of the meeting.

5.  Planning Matters (24/1682)

a) Planning Applications Received.

No new applications have been received.

The application for 35 dwellings off Station Road is to been put to NKDC full planning committee on 14th Jan.  It was agreed JB is to be registered to speak at the meeting against the 35 dwellings due to the concerns of the effects of increased flooding in the village. 

Action: The Clerk to register JB and to request info on growth figures for Digby.

b) Decision Notice Received.

24/1171/LDPRB - 33 Chestnut Close, the permanent siting of a mobile home – Approved by NKDC.

c)  Asset of Community Value

NKDC have approved the request to enter The Red Lion, Digby into its list of Assets of Community Value on 20th Nov.

d) Planning Permission

Note - the barn on Digby Fen, discussed at the last meeting, did have planning permission.

6. General Parish Matters (24/183)

a) Improvements to Lincoln Road Footpath and the mirror opposite Harrowby Close.

Our County Councillor has been asked to support this request and he will get back to us as soon as he receives any information.

LCC have responded that the mirror is on private land and requires planning permission.  If or when the application comes to them, as a consultee, they would refuse permission.

7.  Highways (24/184)

a) Highways issues.

The street lights near the cross on Church Street and the one by the Red Lion have been repaired, but the street light by the cross on Beck Street is still out.

Action:  The Clerk to report this.

8.  The Village Hall (24/185)

a) Minutes from the Latest Meeting of the Committee.

A copy of the minutes has been distributed to the councillors. The rents for hiring the hall will be increase by £2.00.  ML informed the Village Hall committee that the parish councils support for the insurance may be reduced in the future now the Village Hall has a healthy bank balance.

b)  Village Hall Garden Footpath Lighting

The electrician has been out and has ordered the failed bulbs. These will be fitted soon and the timing of the lights is to be checked.

Action: JB to liaise with the electrician.

c)  Permission to use the Village Hall Garden Sign

The signage for the village hall garden area is now displayed on the Village Hall building with permission from the committee. GG kindly put the sign up.

9.  Drainage (24/186)

a)  Maintenance of Greendykes.

Quotes for the work have been received from the IDB and Mr Walker. 

The issue of the riparian dyke was discussed fully and the effects to the village if this dyke is not cleaned out.  It was agreed for the good of the village this dyke needs to have regular work carried out on it even though it is actually the responsibility of the all the residents that back on to dyke to complete their section due to riparian ownership.  It has been seen for many years that this work is not being carried out and the residents are even cutting hedges and leaving the cuttings in the dyke.

GG reported the LALC recommend the council needs to check its insurance before carrying out this work as it is on land not belonging to the parish.  It was proposed by JB, and seconded by AB that after checking with the insurance company and all is okay, to accept Mr Walkers quotation of £1650.00 to cut back the overgrown hedges and shrubs and clean out the dyke.  The work to be carried out as soon as possible.  This situation has been going on for years and as the parish council has no power to make the residents carry out this maintenance, even though they have been notified of their responsibilities many times, for the good of the other residents of the village, to help reduce the flooding in The Hurn, this dyke needs to be kept maintained.

Action:  Clerk to contact insurance company and, if approved, to contact Mr Walker to commence work.

b)  Update on the Emergency Plan.

We are still waiting for the plan to be returned from the LRF to be signed off. This is being chased by the Flood Plan co-ordinator.

c)  Update on the planned meeting with LCC Flood team.

We have received notification that the Section 19 report for this area has now been signed off and it is being distributed to the relevant partners. Once it has been seen by this group, a meeting will be arranged by LCC with the parish council to talk about the results and if any works will be planned.

10. Playing Field, Play Areas and Village General (24/187)

a)  Report of monthly inspection of Play Equipment

KG carried out the inspection for this month.

b)  Progress of the Bowls Club Lease.

The production of a photographic Inventory of the Bowls Club is to commence.

Action:  JB and AB to start the inventory.

c)  New Play Equipment.

There has been no progress to the report at this time from the group as the survey, approved at the last meeting, is still being distributed and its results will need to be collated.

d)  Old Pond area on North Street

The decision on any possible maintenance of this area needs to be deferred until the next financial year.  

Action:  The Clerk to note this item to be deferred until May next year.

11.  Allotments (24/188)

a) Updates from the Allotment Committee.

A copy of the latest minutes had been distributed to the councillors. Various maintenance of the public area at the allotments is being carried out and trees are being sourced to improve the site.

12.  Finance (24/189)

a) Bank Balances and Approve of Bank Reconciliation.

PC General Account 16,939.63

Allotment Account   6,521.48

Mary Gresswell Trust          5.58

The bank reconciliation was distributed and approved.

b) Income 

None to date

c) Approval of Payments

It was proposed by ML, seconded by GG and all agreed the following payments be made.

Salaries/Expenses     TBN

Bus Shelter land rent  £5.00

d)  Draft Budget.

The draft budget produced by the finance group had been distributed to the councillors prior to the meeting.  It was agreed the budget looked well considered and there were no alterations required.  The Precept calculator from NKDC has not been received yet.  Therefore, the setting of the Precept will be delayed until the next meeting.

Action:  Agenda item for January.

13.  Correspondence (24/190)

a) LALC Newsletter - Distributed to all councillors

b) NKDC Newsletter - Distributed to all councillors

c) NKDC Draft Active Travel Strategy – Details forwarded to the councillors 2.12.24

d) Environment Agency – Winter Readiness, information on ensuring communities are well pre-pared for winter.

e)  Notification of speed limit change at Scopwick. 

14.  Dates of Future Meetings (24/191)

Parish Council Meetings for 2025 – Second Wednesday of the month – 8th Jan, 12th Feb, 12th Mar, 9th Apr, 14th May, 11th Jun, 9th Jul, 13th Aug, 10th Sep, 8th Oct, 12th Nov and 10th Dec

The Annual Parish Meeting is booked for 23rd April and the Annual Parish Council Meeting is booked for 14th May.

15.  Any Business to Note for the Next Agenda (24/192)


16.  Closed Session (24/193)

For confidential items in accordance with the Public Bodies Act 1960, if required.

This item was not required.



20.20hrs. – There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed.