May Extra-Ordinary Meeting 2024 Minutes

Digby Parish Council 


Notes of the Extra Ordinary meeting of Digby Parish Council held on Wednesday 22nd May 2024 at 7pm, in Digby War Memorial Hall 


Present – Cllr James Bourne, Chairman (JB); Lesley Crane (LC); Gerald Garton (GG); Karen Groves (KG) and Mike Lewington (ML)

In attendance – Angie McDonald, Clerk and Proper Officer


Apologies received and accepted from Helen Snowden (HS).

1.  FINANCE (24/081)

a)  To approve and sign off the Annual Governance and Accountability Returns (AGAR) for 2023-34.  

i)  Internal Control System

The Internal Auditor has completed and signed off the AGAR Form 2, confirming the council has complied, and has in place all the relevant procedures and controls of internal control of its finances.


ii) Section 1. Annual Governance Statement 2023/24

The items of the Annual Governance Statement were read out by the Clerk and it was RESOLVED the Governance Statement be approved.  The document was signed and dated by the Chairman and Clerk.


iii) Section 2. The Accounting Statements 2023/24

Copies of the completed Accounting Statement and explanation of the variances had been forwarded to the councillors prior to the meeting. The Statement has been signed by the RFO.


iv) Approval of the Accounting Statement for 2023/24 

It was proposed by GG, seconded by LC and RESOLVED to approve the Accounting Statement.  The Chairman signed and dated the statement.


v) Commencement Date for the Exercise of Public Rights.

The RFO confirm the dates of the Exercise of Public Rights will be from 3rd June to 12th July 2024.  The notices will be posted on the noticeboard and the website before the end of the month.


vi) Certificate of Exemption.

As the gross income or the gross expenditure was less than £25,000, it was RESOLVED the Chairman and the RFO (Clerk) sign the Certificate of Exemption.


Action:  The Certificate of Exemption to be returned to the external auditor.

The following documents will be displayed on the noticeboards and published on the parish council website – The Certificate of Exemption, 

The Annual Internal Audit, 

The Annual Governance Statement 2023/24, 

The Annual Accounts Statement 2023/24, including the analysis of variances, the bank reconciliation, 

Notice of the period for the exercise of public rights and other information required by Regulation 15(2), Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 


19.15  - There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed.