May APCM 2024 Mins

Digby Parish Council 


Notes of the ANNUAL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING held on Wednesday 8th May 2024 at 7pm, in Digby War Memorial Hall.  Followed by the notes from monthly parish council meeting for May.


Present:  Cllrs Gerald Garton (GG), Helen Snowden (HS), Karen Groves (KG), Mike Lewington (ML) and Lesley Crane (LC).


Three members of the public present


In the absence of the clerk; Cllr Garton was voted on as acting clerk. In the absence of the chairman, it was proposed by GG and seconded by LC that ML be appointed acting chair for the meeting. All unanimously agreed.




The clerk asked for nominations. JB had previously informed GG that if nominated he would continue as chair. It was proposed by ML seconded by KG that JB be elected as Chairman.  All agreed. Acceptance of office formed to be completed later.


It was proposed by ML, seconded by LC, that KG be elected as Vice-Chairman.  All Agreed.

KG accepted the position of Vice-Chairman and signed the Declaration of acceptance of office form.

The meeting was then to be suspended for the public forum and reports from the County and District Councillors if required.

Public Forum

The Chairman invited the members of public to speak

One member of the public addressed the council regarding the appointment of the litter picker. LC highlighted the councils position on the recruitment process and ML confirmed our action to date.


District & County Councillors' Matters

Neither the District or County councillors were present at the time.


The Chairman declared the monthly meeting in progress

1.Chairman’s Opening Remarks. (24/067)

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2.  Apologies for Absence & Co-option (24/068)

Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Bourne (JB) due to ill health and Cllr Barnham (AB) and the Clerk due to a prior engagement.

3.  Declarations of Pecuniary Interest & Applications of Dispensation (24/069)


4.  Signing of the Minutes (24/070)

a) It was proposed by GG, seconded by ML and RESOLVED to accept the notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 10th April 2024 as a true and accurate record of that meeting.  These to be signed at a later date by the chairman.

5.  Planning Matters (24/071)

a) Planning Applications Received.

Nil to date

b) Decision Notice Received.

Nil to Date.

c) Correspondence of Objections received regarding Application 23/1429/FUL, 37 Dwellings off Station Road.

The copies of correspondence received from a resident were circulated to the councillors prior to the meeting.  It was noted by the council that these objections had already been sent directly to NKDC and the copies to the parish council were for information. GG reiterated that JB or GG would be speaking about this application at the planning meeting at NKDC once the date had been confirmed.


The Chairman closed the meeting temporarily while Cllr Kendrick spoke, he had been delayed at a previous meeting.

Cllr Kendrick reported there was no further progress to report on solar farm. He noted that Highways Agency had completed the survey on Fen Road substructure. GG mentioned the street lighting on B1188 and the bales on Beck St which is obstructing a service chamber. Cllr Kendrick would look into these matters


Cllr Kendrick left the meeting.

The Chairman re -opened the meeting.


6. General Parish Matters (24/072)

a)   Appointment of Members to Parish Organisations

i) Memorial Hall Committee. 

ML agreed to remain as the parish council representative on the Village Hall Committee.

ii) Allotment Association.

KG and JB agreed to remain as the parish council representatives on the Allotment Association.

b) Appointment of Members to the Working Groups of the Parish Council

i) Drainage.

JB and GG agreed to remain on the drainage working group

ii) Playing field.

GG agreed to remain on the playing field working group and ML, KG and HS are awaiting to complete the play equipment inspection training and will then join this group.

iii) Finance.

KG agreed to remain on the Finance working group and ML agreed to join the group.

c) Annual Review of Policy Documentation.

The documentation was forwarded to councillors prior to the meeting to review.  It was agreed the following documents are current and all was in order

i)  Standing Orders – Last Reviewed May 2023

ii)  Financial Regulations – Last reviewed May 2023

iii) Complaints procedure – Last reviewed May 2023

iv)  Freedom of Information Publication Scheme – last reviewed May 2023

It was agreed there will be no changes to the charges within the scheme.

v) Data protection Policy – last reviewed May 2023

Action:  The Clerk to annotate the completed review on all the documents and update the website.

d) Review of Insurance Policy.  

All documentation had been forwarded to the councillors prior to the meeting.  All agreed it met our requirements and approved the cost of £635.44.

e) Annual Parish Meeting- Comments from the meeting.

The draft minutes from the meeting held on 22nd April had been circulated to councillors prior to the meeting. The following requests were made at the meeting.

• Consider erecting Digital Display Speed Indicators.

• To extend the 30mph limit over the bridge on Station Road.

This was explained at the meeting it had been requested last year and refused.  After the Annual Parish meeting a copy of the refusal letter had been forwarded to the resident asking the question.

• Provide a Request Stop at the rail way to improve rural transport links.

Action:  It was agreed to add these items to next agenda.

7.  Highways (24/073)

a) Pot holes or Highways Issues.

None were reported.

b)  Update for the Request for a New Street Light on B1188.

The Clerk has lobbied the County Councillor to support the request to LCC for a new street light on road safety grounds after it was refused by NKDC.  LCC Street lighting are now re looking at the request.  Cllr Kendrick confirmed he had supported the request.

c)  Update on Public Footpath No.5. 

Due to work commitments the Clerk had not been able to progress the subject of the new stiles.  This item will be forwarded to the next meeting. 

It has been noted the state of the path beyond Digby Parish Boundary needs attention. GG informed the meeting that this had been reported to LCC and the chairman of Dorrington Parish Council is aware.

Action: Stiles on Public Footpath N.5 to be added to the nest agenda.

8.  The Village Hall (24/074)

a) Minutes from the Latest Meeting of the Committee.

There has not been a village hall meeting since the last parish council meeting, so there are no minutes available at this time.  

9.  Drainage (24/075)

a)  Update on the Meeting of the Emergency Group Volunteers.

We are still waiting for a date for the meeting from Mr Davies. 

b)  Floodmary Mobile.

This vehicle visited Ruskington, it provided advice on how to protect homes during a flood, and was paid for by the Environment Agency (EA). The parish council have considered arranging for it to visit Digby but it was too expensive, unless it could be funded by EA.  It was agreed to request this at the planned flood/drainage meeting later this month. 

Action: To be added to the Flood/Drainage meeting agenda.

10. Playing Field, Play Areas and Village General (24/076)

a)  Report of Monthly inspection of Play Equipment.  

GG has carried out the inspection.

b)  Update on the improvements to the Playing Field Road.

This item is to be deferred as JB was not present to give a report.

c)  Painting of Dug-Out, Goal Posts and Gate.

 The football club have volunteered to paint the dug-out, goal posts and gate.  GG agreed to purchase the Hammerite Paint and wood stain.  Paint brushes are still available from the painting of the phone box.

Action:  The Clerk will arrange the football club to commence the painting once the paint has been purchased. 

d)  Update on Improving the Drainage on the Eastern boundary of the field.

No information has been received to date from IDB. This item will be discussed at the flood/drainage meeting at the end of May with the local authorities.

Action: To add to the Flood/Drainage meeting agenda.

e)  Litter Picker Contract. 

The contract for the litter picker required amendments to bring it up to current legislation.  A copy was forwarded to the councillors prior to the meeting.  It was confirmed the contract was acceptable. 

Action:  The Clerk now to complete the paperwork with the new litter picker.

f)  Update on the Removal of the Hay Bales - Station Road/Beck Street verge. 

The bales have been brought to the attention of our County Councillor again by the Clerk and GG has reported that the bales are blocking a service manhole. 

Action: It was requested Cllr Kendrick to chase this item. 

g)  Bus Shelter Repaint.

The Clerk reported Mr K Hand is still prepared to carry out this work now the weather has started to improve.

11.  Allotments (24/077)

a) Report from the Allotment Committee. 

No meeting has taken place since the last Parish Council meeting, so there was nothing to report.

12.  Finance (24/078)

a) Bank Balances and Approval of Bank Reconciliation.

The bank balances were reported as: 

PC General Account  £31,355.16

Allotment Account   £7,451.48

Mary Gresswell Trust Account        £ 5.53

The Bank reconciliation was approved.

b) Income Received During the Last Month.

None to date

c) Approval of Payments.

It was proposed by GG, seconded by KH and all agreed the following invoices be paid.

Invoice Amount VAT Total Amount

Salaries/Expenses  £663.20

CJP Garden Services  £99.00

Insurance - Hiscox  £635.44

LALC -Website Maintenance Subs £108.00

Village Hall – Meetings rent Nov to Mar  £70.00

IDB Water rates- Allotments  £78.69


d)  Additional Signatories for the Bank Account. 

It was agreed to add ML to the signatory mandate.  ML provided information to commence the application.

Action:  The Clerk to add ML to the signatory list.

e)  Annual Governance and Accountability Returns (AGAR) for 2023-34

i)  Internal Control System

ii) Section 1. Annual Governance Statement 2023/24

iii) Section 2. The Accounting Statements 2022/24

iv) The Signing  the Accounting Statement for 2023/24 

v) Commencement Date for the Exercise of Public Rights.

All the above have been deferred until the Chairman and Clerk are available to sign the documents.

Action:  The Clerk to arrange an Extra-Ordinary meeting as soon as possible.

f) Appointment of the Internal Auditor for 2023/24.

Sue Weaver has agreed to remain as the Internal Auditor.

13.  Correspondence (24/079)

a) LALC Newsletter - Distributed to all councillors

b) NKDC Newsletter - Distributed to all councillors

c) Correspondence regarding Litter Picker Employment. 

Due to the nature of the contents this item moved to closed session.  

14.  Dates of Future Meetings (24/080)

Parish Council meetings

       For 2024 – Second Wednesday of the month -  12th Jun, 10th Jul, 14th Aug, 11th Sep, 9th Oct, 13th Nov and 11th Dec.

15.  Any Business to Note for the Next Agenda (24/081) 

Speed limit of 20 mph on Station Road.  

 Hedges obstructing footpaths.

 Bowls lease.

16.  Closed Session (24/082)

After considering the correspondence and the discussion that took place in the public session it was agreed no further action was required. 



20.40   There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed.