October 2024 Minutes

Digby Parish Council 
Notes of the DIGBY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING held on Wednesday 9th October 2024 at 7pm, in Digby War Memorial Hall.
PRESENT – Cllr J Bourne, Chairman (JB); Cllr A Barnham (AB); Cllr G Garton (GG); Cllr K Groves; Cllr H Snowden (HS).
In attendance: A McDonald, Clerk and Proper Officer.
Public Forum
A resident notified the council of a public meeting on 16th Oct at 7pm at Navenby, to discuss the National Grids application to build a sub-station in Navenby Parish.
District & County Councillors' Matters
Apologies were received from County Cllr Kendrick.
1.Chairman’s Opening Remarks. (24/146)
a)  Welcome.
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2.  Apologies for Absence & Co-option Update (24/147)
a) Apologies. 
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr M Lewington. 
b)  Vacancy on the Council.
NKDC confirmed that no request for an election had been made and the Parish Council are free to co-opt a new member.  The vacancy notices have been placed in the noticeboard and on the website.
3.  Declarations of Pecuniary Interest & Applications of Dispensation (24/148)
a) Declarations of Interest.
4.  Signing of the Minutes (24/149)
a) It was proposed by GG, seconded by AB and RESOLVED that the notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 11th September 2024 be signed as a true record.
5.  Planning Matters (24/150)
a) Planning Applications Received.
Nil received to date
b) Decision Notice Received.
24/0984/PNAGR Land to the south of 32 Beck Street – Agricultural storage building.
Permission approved by NKDC.
c)  How the Parish Council makes comments on Planning Applications.
The Clerk distributed, prior to the meeting, details of the role of parish councils on how to consider planning application, as requested from the last meeting.  This information was provided by LALC.  It was agreed it provided the information required on what to take into consideration when commenting on an application.  It was agreed the Proper Officer will to continue to inform the full council of all applications and when time permits a response will be formatted and approved at a full council meeting.  Applications, that because to time limits set by the Local Planning Authority, require a response before a full meeting will be dealt with under delegated powers of the Proper Officer.  An amendment to the Standing Orders will be approved at the next meeting to confirm the wording to the delegated powers to the Proper Officer.
Action:  The wording will be an agenda item next month.
6. General Parish Matters (24/151)
a)  Update on the request for a Saturday bus service. 
No information has been received from our County Councillor.
b)  Application to make The Red Lion an Asset of Community Value.
The application had been sent off and NKDC have confirmed receiving it.  NKDC have up to 8 weeks to make a decision, the deadline for the response is 25th November.
c) North Street Old Pond Area - Removal of Fallen Tree
A quote of £420.00 has been received from P&P French for the removal of a fallen tree and tidy the area at the old pond off North Street.  It was proposed by KG seconded by AB to accept the quote and have the work done.  The majority agreed. 
Action: The clerk will ask the work is carried as soon as possible
7.  Highways (24/152)
a)  Highways Issues.
A street light out on Church St, near the Red Lion, has been reported on FixMyStreet
b)  LCC Highways – Notification of 40mph speed limit from Digby to Ruskington – Public Notice
The public notice received from LCC Highways has been displayed in the noticeboard.
8.  The Village Hall (24/153)
a) Minutes from the Village Hall Committee.
None have been received.
b)  Signage for the Village Hall Garden Area.
During the month the clerk confirmed with the council the wording for the sign and an order was placed for it to be produced.
9.  Drainage (24/154)
a)  Update on maintenance of Greendykes.
Quotes have been received from P Baumber and the IDB.  It was agreed another quote is required. JB agreed to obtain a further quote.
b)  Flood Alleviation Channel.
The IDB have now completed the cutting of the channel.
c)  Update on the Emergency Plan.
The LRF have now returned the latest version the plan and there are a few items that need local additions.  The Digby co-ordinator held a meeting on 3rd Oct to go over the plan with the volunteers. A Team Leader and Deputy Team Leader have been chosen.  Once the additions have been accepted by the LRF the plan can be signed off.  A digital copy of the plan will be held by the Co-ordinator and the Parish Council and this will be available via the website, a physical copy will be held at the village hall with the emergency box.  A list of items for the emergency box were selected and the co-ordinator will organise purchasing the box and contents on behalf of the parish council as agreed from the March meeting. 
d)  Update on the Meeting with LCC Flood team .
LCC confirm the Section 19 investigations are complete for our area but the outcome of the report is still to be published. Once this is available, they have agreed to arrange a meeting with us and all the relevant bodies.
10. Playing Field, Play Areas and Village General (24/155)
a)  Monthly Inspection of Play Equipment
GG completed the inspection for September.
HS and KG have completed the training provided by LALC to carry out inspections. The clerk has reviewed and updated the inspection list.  A laminated copy was provided to the 3 councillors approved to carry out inspections.
Reports have been received about of a pony being lunged on the playing field. It was agreed a letter be sent to the owner of the pony, requesting this should stop.
Action:  Clerk to send a letter.
b)  Digby Dog Fest - Booking for 31st Aug 2025.
After the success of the second Digby Dog Fest in September, the organiser would like to book the playing field for next years event on 31st Aug next year.  There were no objections.
Action: The Clerk to confirm the booking with same arrangements as this year
c)  Progress of the Bowls Club Lease.
Still to be looked into.
d)  To note the further designs from the play equipment companies to replace the multi-play towers.
Designs have been now be received from Wicksteed.  To progress this project, it was agreed a working group of KG, HS and AB be formed so plans, designs and grant information can be brought together.  Then at the completed stages it can be presented at a full council meeting for approval before commencing to the public consultation stage.
e)  Metal Bus Shelter
Mr Hand has now completed repainting the bus shelter it was agreed a letter of thanks be sent.
Action:  The Clerk to send the letter.
f) Note from last month’s meeting – The Litter Picking Grant 
The Clerk informed the meeting the litter picking grant has been applied for.
11.  Allotments (24/156)
a) Updates from the Allotment Committee.
The next meeting is to be held on Sat 12th Oct.  KG reported the committee have been notified of several sheds being broken into.  There is also a claim being pursued against the Association for a suspected rodent bite.
12.  Finance (24/157)
a) Bank Balances and Approval of Bank Reconciliation.
The bank balances were reported as:-
PC General Account 21,008.36
Allotment Account   5,801.48
Mary Gresswell Trust       5.57
b) Income.
The allotment rents of £720.00 have been received.  The cheque is to be deposited so not included in the above totals.
c) Approval of Payments.
It was proposed by KG, seconded by HS and RESOLVED the following accounts are to be paid
Salaries/HMRC/Expenses 856.56  +VAT 9.41  =865.97
MalcFirth                            474.50 +VAT 94.90 =569.40
Community Heartbeat          49.95 +VAT 9.99  =  59.94
LALC Training                   145.00 +VAT 29.00 =174.00
Lincs Rural Training          188.00 +VAT 26.00 =214.00
Displaypro - signage           70.83 +VAT 14.17 =  85.00
Note – The Wreath has been ordered for the Remembrance Service (£20.00) and GG will receive the wreath and arrange for it to be laid at the Remembrance Service .
13.  Correspondence (24/158)
a) LALC Newsletter - Distributed to all councillors
b) NKDC Newsletter - Distributed to all councillors
c) Greater Lincolnshire Devolution – Supported by the new Government and is to progress through its final political stage.
d)  North Kyme football Club are requesting use of the football pitch.  There were no objections from the council.  It was agreed the club will need to liaise with the current users and the Bowls Club.
e)  LALC – Request to support amendment to G.B. Energy Bill
f)  NKDC – 50th year Anniversary – Creative Writing competition for Key Stage 2 
g)  The Woodland Trust – Free Trees offer – Agenda item next month
14.  Dates of Future Meetings (24/159)
Parish Council meetings for 2024 – Second Wednesday of the month -   13th Nov and 11th Dec.
The Clerk notified the meeting she will be booking and publishing next year’s meeting list soon.
15.  Any Business to Note for the Next Agenda (24/160)
Plan budget
16.  Closed Session (24/161)
This item was not required 
20.30hrs – There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed.