January 2023 Minutes

Digby Parish Council 


Notes from the parish council meeting held on Monday 9th January 2023, at 7pm, in Digby War Memorial Hall.

Present – James Bourne, Chairman (JB), Tracy Bourne (TB), Darren Drysdale (DD), Gerald Garton (GG) and Ken Hand (KH)

In attendance – Angie McDonald, Clerk and Proper Officer.

Public Forum

The overhanging tree on the Smoot footpath has not been cut back, it was asked if council can cut it back.  The Clerk will contact LCC and ask.

It was asked if a 20mph could be introduced on North Street, and outside the school.  The Clerk will find out what the requirements are. 

It has been noted other parishes have local teams that check the speed of vehicles through their villages with a hand radar.  It was agreed to find out what the requirements are. The Clerk will contact the Road Safety Partnership.

A metal pole has been erected, over 2 months ago, near 14 Beck Street to replace a wooden pole holding a street light but the street light has not been replaced.  The Clerk will try and find out when it is going to be installed.

District & County Councillors' Matters

District Cllr Steve Clegg (SC) stated there was little to report since the new year.  There are currently tree planting schemes available from Woodland Trust. NKDC are getting ready for the elections, information for the parish elections will be available soon.

GG reported the fly tipping of a tyre on the corner of Beck St and Station Road. SC agreed to pass this information to the Street Scene team.


1.  Chairman's Opening Remarks (23/001)

a) Welcome.

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2.  Apologies & Vacancy for a Councillor (23/002)

a) Apologies.

Apologies were received and accepted from Karen Groves, due to a holiday.

b) Co-option of Parish Councillor

An application from Mr Ian Davies has been received. It was proposed by JB, seconded by DD and RESOLVED to accept the application and invite Mr Davies to join the parish council for the next meeting in February.

Action:  The Clerk to forward the relevant paperwork to Mr Davies and inform NKDC

3.  Declarations of Pecuniary Interest & Applications of Dispensation (23/003)

a) None

4.  Signing of the Minutes (23/004)

a) It was proposed by GG, seconded by TB and RESOLVED to accept the notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 12th December 2022 as a true and accurate record of that meeting.

5.  Planning Matters (23/005)

a) Planning Application received


b) Decision Notice Received


6. General Parish Matters (23/006)

a)  Review of the Website Accessibility Statement, the Privacy Notice and the Data Protection Policy.

The above documents were distributed prior to the meeting for the councillors to examine and it was agreed all was in order.  It was proposed by GG, seconded by JB the documents all to be accepted and no amendments were required. All agreed.

b)  Update on Cllr C Harvey Memorial.

The Clock has been purchased by the Clerk and was handed to DD for the village hall committee to agree its location. The wording for the memorial plaque was confirmed. 

Action:  The Clerk to order the plaque

c)  Grant to Digby Pre-school

No updated paperwork has been received so the item will be removed from the agenda.

d)  Update on closure of the Mary Gresswell Trust.

The Clerk needs to confirm details of the new trustees.  DD completed the information, KG will complete it on her return.

e)  Celebration of the Kings Coronation.    

It was agreed a set an amount of £500.00 within the budget for the celebration of the coronation.

7.  Highways (23/007)

a) Pot Holes and Highways Issues.

The subsidence along the Digby Fen is still being reported, a tyre has burst because of the condition of the road surface.

b) The 30mph limit on Station Road to be extended.

It was agreed to 30mph limit should be extended beyond the bridge.

Action: The Clerk to write to our County Councillor to make the request to Highways.

8.  The Village Hall (23/008)

a) Latest Meeting of the Committee.

The January meeting of the Village Hall committee is to take place later in January.  The minutes will then be forwarded to the councillors.

9.  Drainage (23/009)

a) Drainage Issues. 

There were no issue to report.

b) LCC Response to Deep Water Signage.

LCC have responded regarding the ‘Deep Water Signs’ at the Grainfield development.  The signs are part of the developer’s risk assessment.  The signs will not be placed on any other part of the waterway.

c)  LCC Riparian Project.

The maps provided by LCC have been printed off and now the local riparian waterways can be marked on them and the information returned.  GG to complete the task. 

Action:  The Clerk to arrange a meeting with LCC to progress the project.

10. Playing Field, Play Areas and Village General (23/010)

a) Monthly Inspection of the Play Equipment. 

GG completed December’s inspection and KH has completed January’s inspection.    There were no new issues to report.

b)  Bowls Club lease.

The Clerk has not been able to progress the lease via LALC.  TB agreed to take the current copy of the lease to a solicitor to look at it.  TB will report back to the council the results.


19.50 – The Chairman declared the meeting closed so District Councillor Jim Clarke (JC) could speak.

JC stated NKDC are having a site meeting at RAF Digby and RAF Cranwell to discuss the plans of the expansion of these both units.

1955.  JC left the meeting.  The Chairman declared the meeting back in session.


c)  Flailing of Greendykes.

The Clerk is still waiting for a price from MalcFirth for the work.

11.  Allotments (23/011)

a) Allotment Committee.

No updates available.

12.  Finance (23/012)

a) Bank Balances and Approval of Bank Reconciliation

PC Account 14,475.33

Allotment  Account   5,612.20

Mary Gresswell Trust          5.45

The bank reconciliation was approved.

b) Income Received in Dec/Jan

Nil to date

c) Approval of Payments. 

It was proposed by TB, seconded by GG and RESOLVED the following payments be made.

Amount VAT Total

Salaries/Expenses 826.05 826.05

Autela Payroll Services 43.59 8.72 52.31

NKDC – Tree Inspection 148.50 29.70 178.20


The Parish Council laptop is malfunctioning, the Clerk will take it to see if it can be repaired, if not it was RESOLVED that a new laptop should be purchased as it is a necessary piece of equipment for the functioning of the council.

d)  Budget for 2023-24 and set the Precept.

The budget for 2023-24 was confirmed as estimated expenditure for the year being £22,717.00 and the income as £1,530.00.  Therefore the precept required will be £21,187.00.  Using the NKDC calculator the Precept is a 2% increase on last year.

This equates to a £1.83 for the year increase on a Band D property.

It was proposed by KH, seconded by JB and RESOLVED to request a Precept of £21,187.00.

e)  Internal Audit.

The internal audit has been completed.

d)  Signatories for the council's bank account

KG has now been added as an signatory. It was agreed KH to be added next.

13.  Correspondence (23/013)

a) LALC Newsletter - Distributed to all councillors

b) NKDC Newsletter - Distributed to all councillors 

c) LCC Mobile Library dates for 2023 – information has been placed in the noticeboard 

d) LCC – Request views on their budget and council tax proposals for 2023/24

14.  Dates of Future Meetings (23/014)

Parish Council meetings

     For 2023 – 9th Jan, 13th Feb, 13th Mar, 12th Apr, 15th May, 12th Jun, 10th Jul, 14th Aug, 11th Sep, 9th Oct, 13th Nov, 11th Dec

Annual Parish Meeting 26th April

15.  Any Business to Note for the Next Agenda (23/015)

KH sends apologies for Feb meeting.

16.  Closed Session (23/016)

For confidential items in accordance with the Public Bodies Act 1960, if required.

This item was not required

20.15hrs. – There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed.