September 2019 Minutes


Minutes from the Parish Council meeting held in the Digby War Memorial Hall on Wednesday 19th September 2019 at 7pm.

PRESENT Parish Cllrs. James Bourne (JB) Chairman, Tracy Bourne (TB), Gerald Garton (GG), John Fry (JF), Colin Harvey (CH), Amanda Redsell (AR)

District Cllrs. Steve Clegg (SC) & Jim Clarke (JC)
County Cllr. Rob Kendrick (RK)


There were no members of the public present


District Council Report.

SC reported on the NKDC recycling trial on the Paper and Card collection that will commence shortly. He also confirmed that maintenance of the open space at Chestnut Close will commence from 19th Sept.

The access at Manor Farm is not a planning issue, but if becomes a problem NKDC will discuss the situation with the concerned resident.

SC presented the Chairman with a photograph of a rainbow in the local area taken on 2nd May 19 (day of the Local Government election).

County Council Report.

RK confirmed the new website has been launched. LCC have obtained good reports from Ofsted for Adult Learning.

The IT services are going to be improved at local libraries.

Highways have been looking at the major contracts for next year and correspondence has been sent out to parish councils with the details.

RK asked if we would forward our email response from Highways regarding the junction repair at Ashby Road with the B1188 as reported on Fix My Street. The Chairman stated he has also reported to Fix My Street the many potholes from Wellwood Farm to Grange Farm, Digby Fen.

GG let RK know that the Library Services provides a very good service and selection of audio books.


No report received.


a) The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting

2. APOLOGIES and CO- OPTION (19/133)

a) Apologies.

No apologies, all were present

b) Applications for co-option.

No applications received.


a) Declarations of Interest.

There were no declarations of interest.


a) It was proposed by JF, seconded by GG and RESOLVED to accept the notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 21st Aug 2019 as a true and accurate record of that meeting.


a) Planning Applications Received

Nil to date

b) Decision Notice.

19/1007/HOUS 29 Church Street, Erection of a rear infill extension – Permission granted by NKDC


a) New ‘No Dog Fouling’ signs.

JF has replaced 12 ‘No Dog Fouling’ signs with the new design from NKDC.

b) Chestnut Close Maintenance by NKDC.

As reported by SC the maintenance of the open space is to commence from 19th Sept.

c) Update on the Access into the Manor Farm Development.

As reported by SC, the gates that have been installed are not a planning matter, but if it proves to create issues on the bend, planning officers will contact the owners.

d) Update on the Purchase and Planting of Bulbs.

The Clerk has made the request for the licence to LCC to plant in the verge, but it has not yet been received. JB will acquire the bulbs shortly.

Action: Plan a schedule of planting – Agenda item

e) Village Gateways to Define the Village Boundaries.

The Clerk is awaiting for prices for the Gateways. TB has taken photos of the areas of the village to be considered. Measurements of the verges will be required as some verges appear very narrow. It was agreed once all the information is available a formal decision could be made on whether to commence with this project.

Action: Agenda item

f) Update on work from Asset Inspection.

i. Harrowby Close Wooden Seat. GG has spoken to the family that installed the seat but has not yet received confirmation of their intensions. It was suggested the councillors go and look at the seat, in the meantime, and report back on whether it needs removing or fixing if the family are not prepared to repair it.

Action: Councillors go and inspect the seat – Agenda item

ii. Painting of Playing Field gate. A price of £99 was received from Mr Watson, all the councillors RESOLVED it should be completed before the weather turned bad, so Mr Watson was instructed to carry out the work and it has been completed.

iii. Cleaning of the Cross. GG thinks this needs re-thinking, the stone work is in a very poor condition and a power washer may create a lot of damage. It was suggested the councillors go and inspect the cross and come back with any alternative suggestions. Action: Councillors to inspect the Cross – Agenda item

iv. Cutting back of Ivy at Village Hall Garden Seating and Painting Preservative on the Lock up door. JF has confirmed the ivy has been cut back and the Lock up door will be treated soon.

v. Wooden Bench in the Playing Field. JF has looked and the bench and suggests it be removed. JF and the clerk will arrange the removal of the seat. It was agreed this should be done.

g) Purchase of Replacement Bin for the Bus Shelter.

The Clerk supplied details of 3 different bins. It was proposed by CH, seconded by JF the Glasdon hooded Trimline 25 litre with a metal liner be purchased for £117.59 +VAT. All agreed.

Action: The Clerk to order the replacement bin.

h) Update on the Closure of the Mary Gresswell Trust.

JF reported he has looked into how to close the trust and there are a number of procedures to follow, but it was agreed to wait until the wayleave on the pole within the garden had been paid. The Clerk has sent off all the necessary paperwork.

Action: Wait until wayleave payment has been received then Agenda item to discuss the closure.

i) Hedges and Trees Overhanging the Footpaths.

Due to several complaints about hedges and trees overhanging the public footpaths, it was agreed to send a polite notice to the properties concerned. JF has produced a list identifying the number of notices required.

Tree prunings have been dropped and left in the dyke at Greendykes. The resident will be notified of their riparian rights and will be asked to remove the cuttings.

Action: Clerk to produce a polite notice and distribute. Letter also to be sent regarding the fence panel and tree prunings in the dyke.

7. HIGHWAYS (19/138)

a) Potholes or Highways Problems.

Junction of Ashby Road and B1188. Highways have confirmed they will monitor the junction of the Ashby Road and the B1188, but will not be carrying out any repairs at this time.

Action: The Clerk to notify RK of this response.

b) Mobile Speed Indicator Device.

The speed indicator is currently only used by the villages that contributed to its repair. The Ruskington Clerk is going to speak to the relevant clerks to see if there will be any changes to this. We will not have a response until after 14th October when all the parishes have met.

Action: Agenda item when response received.

8. THE VILLAGE HALL (19/139)

a) Notes from Village Hall Committee Meeting.

The notes from the recent meeting had been distributed to the councillors and posted on the Parish Council Website.

The Chairman donated the photograph given by SC to the Village Hall Rep, so it can be displayed in the hall. As the parish council will soon be setting the budget for 2020/21, it was agreed an audited copy of the village hall accounts, as per the constitution, should be requested to help with planning the budget.

Action: Clerk to request copy of the latest audited accounts

b) Village Hall - Tree Boundary work

As obtaining further quotes for the work has proved difficult it was proposed by GG, seconded by CH and RESOLVED to accept the quote of £650.00 for the removal of 3 trees, removal of ivy and clearing of the debris.

Action: The Clerk to notify Abbey Tree Services to commence work.

9. DRAINAGE (19/140)

a) Updates from IDB or the Environment Agency.

JC mentioned on their tour of the NKDC area, they were informed the new flood reduction scheme at Digby is to commence very soon.

Action: The Clerk to confirm the date.

b) Response from the LCC Flood Officer regarding the Weeds in the Beck.

The Flood Risk Manager has inspected the Beck and confirms the current weed growth will not impede the flow and as the County Council turns to the IDB for advice he is comfortable with the response given from Witham 1st.


a) Monthly Inspection of Play Equipment.

GG to complete the Sept inspection.

b) Inspection of Playing Field Trees.

NKDC have been instructed to carry out the inspection and this will be commencing within the next two months.

c) Repairs to the Wooden Upright Struts on Play Equipment.

The council decided to reconsider the repairs discussed at the last meeting. It has been suggested the councillors look at the equipment and report back to whether the damaged wood can be cut out, filled and repainted or whether a different solution should be sought.

Action: Agenda item

d) Bus Shelter Seat/Moles on the field.

The Clerk confirmed the brick bus shelter seat has been painted and also to confirm our pest control contractor is dealing with the moles on the playing field that were reported to the clerk since the last meeting.

e) RoSPA Annual Report and Approval to Purchase Play Bark.

A copy of the report was distributed to the councillors. It is a very good report, it recommends consider replacing the toddler swing seat, because of worn rubber, topping up of the play bark under the slide and paint lower parts of five-side goals to prevent corrosion. It was proposed by JF, seconded by TB and RESOLVED to purchase play bark at £95.20 +VAT for under the slide.

Action: The Clerk to order the bark and GG to check the other items and report back. Agenda item.

11. ALLOTMENTS (19/142)

a) Allotment Association Meeting.

JB was unable to attend the latest meeting but has been informed that every allotment is now let, which is good news.

12. FINANCE (19/143)

a) Bank Balances and Approval of Bank Reconciliation.

The bank balances were reported as:-

Parish Council General Account 23,405.49
Allotment Account 3,950.61
Mary Gresswell Trust 5.45

The bank reconciliation was approved.

b) Income Received.

Nil income received during Aug.

c) Approval of the following Payments:

It was proposed by GG, seconded by JF and RESOLVED the following accounts be paid.

Invoice VAT Total

Salaries/Expenses 650.50 650.50
MalcFirth – Parish Grass cutting 351.63 70.33 421.96
Village Hall Rent Jul 12.00 12.00
RoSPA – Annual inspection 93.00 18.60 111.60
Autella 44.41 8.89 53.30
D Watson – Bus Shelter seat 98.00 98.00
D Watson – Playing Field Gate 99.00 99.00

d) Internal Auditor for 2019/20

Unfortunately no further contact was received from the person suggested at the last month’s meeting, so we still require an internal auditor, the Clerk reported an internal audit should be completed during October. GG suggest approaching Dorrington Internal auditor and JF will ask another Digby resident.

Action: Further requests will be made to find an internal auditor before the next meeting.

f) Update on the Bank Signatories.

The mandate requirements are now up to date and the Clerk is confirmed as the Administrator.


a) LALC – Weekly newsletter. Distributed to all councillors

b) LCC Highways – recommendations for Highways 2020 contracts. Details have been distributed to councillors 16.9.19.

c) NKDC Paper and Card Collection Trial. Details have been forwarded to councillors 4.9.19

d) LALC Newsletter Edition170. Distributed to councillors 16.9.19


Parish Council meetings for 2019

16th Oct, 13th Nov and 18th Dec


Review Publication policy
Dugout repair
Additional cuts for Village Hall garden
GG sends his apologies.

16. CLOSED SESSION (for confidential items in accordance with the Public Bodies Act 1960) If required. (19/147)

This item was not required

21.05 There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed.