June 2019 Minutes


Minutes from the Parish Council Meeting held in Digby War Memorial Hall on Wednesday 19th June 2019 at 7pm

PRESENT Parish Councillors James Bourne (JB) Chairman; Gerald Garton (GG): Colin Harvey (CH) and Amanda Redsell (AR)

District Cllrs Steve Clegg (SC) and Jim Clarke (JC)
County Cllr Rob Kendrick (RK)


A resident reported damage to the fence between the Village Hall Garden and the neighbouring property due to the trees and shrubs being overgrown. If tree removal is required the resident is happy to replant. The council will discuss this within the meeting, (Item 8b)

The Chairman confirmed a response had been received regarding the track off North Street, a resident asked if they could receive a copy of this response, it was agreed.


Councillor Clarke (JC)

JC confirmed consultation is taking place to review the Local Plan.

Councillor Clegg (SC)

SC discussed the need for the Parish Council to look at the current Local Plan consultation and to respond

The Chairman stated the On-line Planning service is difficult to view applications. This created much discussion about the planning process.

Councillor Kendrick (RK)

RK reported on the National Volunteers week, the Ofsted inspection of LCC Children’s services was good and the road from Martin to Woodhall will have improvements carried by end of the year.

The Council stated their disappointment that the Flood Plan for Digby has still not progressed after 7 years.

GG was disappointed that after reporting the damage to bridge over the Beck to Highways a response has been received stating no further action is to take place even though the coping stone has been knocked loose.


The PCSO was not present and no details of any incidents were forwarded before the meeting.


a) The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. APOLOGIES and CO- OPTION (19/085)

a) Apologies.

Apologies were received and accepted from Tracy Bourne due to work commitments.

b) Co-option.

An application for parish councillor had been received from John Fry.

It was proposed by GG, seconded by AR and RESOLVED, Mr Fry be co-opted onto the Parish Council Mr Fry signed the Declaration of Acceptance Form and was invited to join the meeting.

There is still one vacancy available on the council, it was agreed to continue to advertise the vacancy.

As CH was absent for the last meeting he also completed his paperwork to accept the position of Parish Councillor.

Action: The Clerk to forward the paperwork to NKDC.


a) Declaration of Interest.

AR declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 8c.

JB declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 11b.


a) It was proposed by AR, seconded by JB and RESOLVED to accept the notes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 15th May 2019 as a true and accurate record of that meeting.


a) Planning Applications Received.

19/0771/HOUS 59 Church Street, Digby – Erection of boundary wall

There were no objections to this application.

Action: Clerk to forward decision to NK Planning.

b) Decision Notice.

Nil received to date.

c) NK Consultation.

Central Lincolnshire Local Plan Review – Issues and Options. There is a public consultation and Call for Sites from 6.6.19 to 18.7.19.

CH agreed to respond on our behalf of the Parish Council.

Action: CH to respond to the consultation


a) Review of Data Protection Policy.

Copies of the policy had been distributed prior to the meeting. It was RESOLVED the policy does not require any changes. The Clerk to note the review had been carried out.

Action: Clerk to update the documents on the website

7. HIGHWAYS (19/090)

a) Potholes or Highway Issues.

A manhole cover by The Cross, Beck Street has sunk. This will be reported to Highways. Also a crack has appeared in the road outside number 17, North Street, it has been reported previously and an inspection was witnessed being carried out, but it was during a wet period when it was full of water. It was agreed it should be reported again.

The response from Highways regarding information about the track off North Street had been received and forwarded to councillors. It was felt this answered the question asked by residents. .

b) Maintenance of Beck Street on south side of The Beck. (CH)

The road surface is in a poor condition. It was agreed an inspection is required of area. GG agreed to meet the Highway Officer.

Action: The Clerk to arrange a date for the inspection by the Highway Officer.

8. THE VILLAGE HALL (19/091)

a) Village Hall Committee Meeting Notes.

There was no meeting held in June

b) Hall Garden Boundary – Maintenance.

Several of the councillors had inspected the area and it was agreed work is needed to be done. The Clerk is to obtain quotes for the removal of ivy encroaching on the neighbour’s property and to have the overhanging branches cut back.

Action: Clerk to obtain quotes.

c) Grant Towards Refurbishment of the Village Hall.

AR handed over a grant application on behalf of the Village Hall Committee for a request of up to £300 to go towards the refurbishment of the toilets and foyer and took no part in the discussion and decision that followed.

It was proposed by GG seconded by CH and RESOLVED £300.00 be granted to the Village Hall Committee for the improvements discussed.

Action: Clerk to raise a cheque for £300.00.

9. DRAINAGE (19/092)

a) Updates from IDB or the Environment Agency.

JB reported that badgers have dug into the bank at Digby Fen, the bank has now been filled in by the Internal Drainage Board (IDB).

JF asked if the plank over the Beck should be removed. It was felt by the councillors that it did not significantly prevent the flow of water when the Beck raised to that height.

The North Drain has been cleared from North St to the Beck and during this heavy rainfall the IDB have been keeping the grille clear of debris being washed down.

b) Update on Digby Flood Alleviation Scheme from LCC.

Correspondence had been received from LCC to confirm the Flood Alleviation Scheme is still to be carried out. The council are disappointed that the progress has halted due to negotiations and suggest looking at re-routing the drainage plan to progress this situation.

Action: Clerk to write to LCC Flood Risk Manager


a) Monthly Inspection of Play Equipment.

GG handed over a copy of the inspection sheet. He noted that a small amount of rot on the upright timbers on the small multiplay equipment is starting to appear. This is not affecting the structure of the equipment. It was suggested to ask a local contractor to see if it can be repaired. Notification that the RoSPA inspection of the play area will take place in Aug has been received.

Action: Clerk to obtain a cost for the repair to the uprights on the play equipment.

b) Dog Fouling - The Beck. (CH)

It has been noted that dog mess is not being cleared on the south side of the Beck. It was agreed to improve the signage.

Action: Clerk to obtain new signage from NKDC.

c) Reinstate the Village Pond. (AR)

A suggestion has been put forward by residents to look at reinstating the ancient pond on North Street. There was concern that to re-dig out the area could damage the roots of the existing trees and if the pond overflows where will the water go as the original routes have been built over?

It was agreed AR would form a group of interested residents to look into the cost and development of the site and then present this to the council for further consideration.

d) Painting of the Play Equipment and Bus Shelter.

The painting is now complete and the invoices received.

JF agreed to clean the top frames of the swings.

11. ALLOTMENTS (19/094)

a) Allotment Association Meeting.

Minutes of the latest meeting have been distributed.

b) Grant - Bench Seat.

JB declared an interest and took no part in the discussion or decision.

JB presented a grant application for £100 to go towards the provision of a memorial bench seat in the public garden being constructed in memory of Mark Davies. It was proposed by AR, seconded by

CH that a grant of £100.00 be awarded. GG abstained. RESOLVED by majority.

Action: Clerk to raise a cheque.

12. FINANCE (19/095)

a) Bank Balances and Approval of Bank Reconciliation.

The bank balances were reported as:-

PC Account 26353.53
Allotment Account 4820.61
Mary Gresswell Account 5.45

The bank reconciliation was distributed and approved.

b) Income Received.

Income received during May and June include:-

Bowls Club £60, Allotment Association £705.00 – Both amounts appear in the bank balance.
Football Club £100 – to be banked.

c) Approval of the Following Payments:

It was proposed by GG, seconded by CH and RESOLVED the following payments be made.

Invoice VAT Total
Salaries/Expenses 691.49 691.49
Village Hall Hire Apr/May 36.00 36.00
MalcFirth – Parish Grass cut Apr/May 464.63 92.93 557.55
Autela Payroll 39.23 39.23
D Watson (Painting Play Equip/Bus Shelter) 870.00 870.00
d) Internal Auditor for 2019/20.

GG has given the Clerk a name and number to contact to ask if they would be interested in taking on our internal audit.

e) Audit for 2018/19.

The Clerk confirmed the Certificate of Exemption was sent to the external auditors 29th May 2019, and all associated paperwork has been entered onto the website.

f) Bank Signatories.

It was agreed JB be added to the bank signatories. CH and GG signed the mandate to confirm JB as a signatory.

Action: Clerk to send off the bank mandate


a) NKDC – Heritage Grant Scheme Information, Distributed to councillors 17.5.19

b) LALC – AGM, Conference Invite 15th October. Councillors notified 20.5.19

c) 3rd Annual Resilient Communities Conference, 18th July, Grantham. Councillors notified 21.5.19

d) LCC Transport Services Group, Performance Report June 2019. Distributed to councillors 13.6.19

e) Community Lincs Update Bulletin – June 19. Distributed to councillors 17.6.19

f) NK – Electoral Review Briefing. Distributed to councillors 17.6.19


Parish Council meetings for 2019

17th Jul, 21st Aug, 18th Sep, 16th Oct, 20th Nov and 18th Dec


Larger Noticeboard – Village Hall wall mounting
Daffodil Bulbs – August Agenda
Bridge Coping Stone,
Weed killing on footpath
Light out on Village Hall garden footpath
AR absent for Aug meeting

16. CLOSED SESSION (for confidential items in accordance with the Public Bodies Act 1960) If required. (19/099)

This item was not required.

21.15 - There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed