October 2019 Minutes


Minutes from the virtual Digby Parish Council meeting held on 21st October 2020 at 7pm.

PRESENT Parish Cllrs James Bourne (JB) Chairman; Gerald Garton (GG); Colin Harvey (CH) and Karen Groves (KG)

In attendance: Angie McDonald, Clerk and Proper Officer.

Public Forum – No members of the public joined the meeting, so it was RESOLVED to continue with the meeting.

District & County Councillors’ Matters – Apologies were received from District Councillor Jim Clarke and Steve Clegg. Both District and County Councils have been producing regular reports that have been forwarded to the parish councillors.

Police – No report received.


a) The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. APOLOGIES (20/132)

a) Apologies were received from T Bourne.


a) GG declared an interest in item 5(a)


a) It was proposed by GG, seconded by CH and RESOLVED to accept the notes of the Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 16th September 2020 as a true and accurate record of that meeting.


a) Planning Applications Received

20/1354/PNH 28 The Hurn. Single storey rear extension, 5.50m in length from original wall, eaves height 2.15m, max height 3.m.

GG declared an interest and took no part in the discussion or decision. There were no objections to this application.

b) Decision Notice.

20/0479/PNND Wood Farm Barn, Wood Farm – Prior approval for change of use from agricultural barn to two dwellings – Approved by NKDC


a) Old Pond Area off North Street.

The Chairman, KG and the Clerk looked at the area after the last meeting. It was agreed the ask Philip Baumber to flail the area to keep the weeds down. The Chairman will check this has been done.

b) North Street Public Footpath

The Grass seed has been purchased and has been spread.

c) Progress of the ‘Happy to Chat’ bench.

The Chairman reported a lack of ground fixings, the company that the bench was purchased from is charging £5.00 per bracket, but they do not appear to be very strong. The Chairman will see if he can find a better solution and will report back to the council. He will also confirm the person who said he would install the seats is still happy to do this.

Action: Chairman to source new ground fixing brackets.

7. HIGHWAYS (20/137)

a) There were no major potholes to report. The Chairman will continue to report the issues along the Fen Road.

8. THE VILLAGE HALL (20/138)

a) Christmas Lights.

The Chairman of the Hall Committee has asked if the Parish Council would consider purchasing new lights for the Christmas tree. It was proposed by GG, seconded by CH that the Clerk will liaise with the Hall Committee and look for lights of up to £100 and report back to the next meeting.

Action: The Clerk to look for lights and add to next agenda.

9. DRAINAGE (20/139)

a) Updates from IDB or the Environment Agency (EA)

There were nothing to report.

b) Meetings – The Beck and LCC Flood Alleviation Scheme

Two site meetings have been held since the last parish council meeting. The first with EA regarding the silt build up in the Beck. The EA have reported back that this is not a flooding risk, but will look at where the silt has come from. It was stated the 2 bridges cause the higher risk of obstruction. They are looking into reducing the rate of flow upstream by slowing the flow through natural flood management techniques between the B1188 and the village. The Parish Council agreed to pursue talks with EA to ascertain time scales and plans for these works and to further discuss the bridge issues.

In the meantime the Chairman has spoken to IDB and they will dig out the silt build out for £600. It was agreed to confirm exactly how much work can be carried out for that price. The Parish Council would need to apply for a permit to carry out this work.

Action: The Clerk to write to EA for confirmation of the discussed works.

The Chairman to confirm with IDB the exact work to re-move the silt.

The second meeting was with LCC to discuss the Flood Alleviation Scheme, which has been on hold for some months. LCC confirmed the work will now re-commence and the anticipated completion date is 18th Dec.


a) Monthly Inspection of Play Equipment,

The monthly report has not been received from AR

Action: The Clerk to ask for the report.

b) Maintenance of Play Equipment

It was agreed to arrange a site meeting in February to carry out the minor maintenance work mentioned in the RoSPA report. There were no immediate works required.

c) New Play Equipment and Grant

It was discussed purchasing some adult exercise equipment to add to the existing play equipment in the playing field. It was agreed to try and visit a site that has this type of equipment to view its benefits. If it was agreed to progress this additional equipment a grant will be applied for. GG also stated the existing equipment will need to be replaced in time so a budget will need to be planned to include this.

Action: The Clerk to find a site with this exercise equipment

d) Routine Tree Maintenance in Playing Field

Since the tree inspection carried out in 2019 all the immediate work identified has been carried out, now the routine maintenance work is left for this winter. The Clerk reported on the work left to be carried out and it was agreed to obtain a price and report back to the next meeting.

Action: Clerk to obtain price for the tree works and add to next agenda.

11. ALLOTMENTS (20/141)

a) Update from the Allotments

KG reported there has not been meeting, so there was nothing to discuss.

12. FINANCE (20/142)

a) Bank Balances and Approval of Bank Reconciliation

The bank balances were reported as:-

PC Account £22,354.33
Allotment Acc £ 5,075.61
Mary Gresswell Trust £ 5.45

Copies of the bank statements, invoices and bank reconciliation had been forwarded to the councillors prior to the meeting and were accepted.

b) Income Received.

Donation for ‘Happy to Chat’ bench - £519.95.

c) Approval of Payments

It was proposed by CH, seconded by KG and RESOLVED that the following payments
are made.

Invoice VAT Total

Salaries/Expenses 709.25 709.25
G Garton – Poppy Wreath 17.00 17.00
P Russon & Son – Grass Seed 50.00 50.00


a) LALC – Weekly newsletter. Distributed to all councillors

b) NKDC Weekly Newsletter – Distributed to all the councillor

c) County Councillors Report- Distributed to all the councillors


Parish Council meetings for 2020

18th Nov and 16th Dec

Annual Parish Meeting 2020 – Delayed until further notice

Parish Council Meetings for 2021

20th Jan, 16th Feb, 17th Mar, 21st Apr and 19th May


Plan Budget for 2021/22
Clerk to book an internal audit
Christmas Lights for Village Hall Garden
Tree works – playing field
Teenage Shelter - To be considered when the lockdown is lifted
Village Boundary Sign – To be considered when the lockdown is lifted

16. CLOSED SESSION (for confidential items in accordance with the Public Bodies Act 1960) If required. (20/146)

20.15 There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed.