January 2019 Minutes


Minutes from the Parish Council Meeting held in Digby War Memorial Hall on Wednesday 14th January 2019 at 7pm.

PRESENT Parish Councillors James Bourne (JB) Chairman; Tracy Bourne (TB); Gerald Garton (GG); Colin Harvey (CH) and Amanda Redsell (AR)

District Councillor Steve Clegg (SC)
County Councillor Rob Kendrick (RK)

In attendance: Angie McDonald, Clerk and Proper Officer.


There were 3 members of the public present who did not wish to speak at the time.


County Councillor Kendrick (RK)

RK wished everyone a Happy New Year. He reported an additional £3.7million had be obtained to support hospitals and care facilities during the winter season. A survey on dementia care in the county is on the council website. The competition to name the 4 new gritters has taken place and sections of the B1188 is to be shut in the evenings due to construction of the new by-pass near Branston.

GG commented on how short sighted the council was to close council care homes and he questioned the cost of gritter naming competition.

District Councillor Clegg

SC reported a review is taking place of the total number of houses that could be permitted for development per village throughout the district. This is not altering the percentages set in the Local Plan, but is to confirm the actual number of houses. There is a new App. Called Goexplore Lincolnshire and it includes cycle routes. There is to be Digital Security Advice at Heckington on 30th Jan and Ruskington on 31st Jan.

SC will inform the parish council of the date of a tour of the Beeswax facilities, when it is confirmed.

SC stated he is aware of the current application for North Street and recommends comments should focus on material planning issues including LP26 central Lincolnshire local plan.


No report received.


a) The Chairman welcomed everyone to the first meeting of the year.

2. APOLOGIES and CO- OPTION (19/002)

a) Apologies.

Apologies for absence were received in writing from John Fry.

A copy of a written resignation from John Fry had been distributed to the councillors prior to the meeting. It is with regret that the council accept John’s resignation.

Action: The Clerk to inform NKDC and to write to John to thank him for all his work as a councillor and Clerk.

b) Co-option of a Councillor.

No applications have been received.

Action: Clerk to advertise in Parish Mag.


a) Declarations of Interest.

GG declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 7b.


a) It was proposed by GG, seconded by CH and RESOLVED to accept the notes of the Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 12th December 2018 as a true and accurate record of that meeting.


a) Planning Applications Received

18/1739/RESM – Land off North Street. Reserved matters application for the erection of 9 dwellings (with details of access appearance, layout and scale) pursuant to outline application 15/0951/OUT – Outline application for erection of 9 dwellings with all matters reserved (Resubmission of 14/0304/OUT)

The parish council are concerned about the scheme for the drainage/disposal of water from site, as it is not clear on the application. Comments on the drainage and sewerage scheme will be made.

Action: Clerk to send comments before 3rd Feb

b) Decision Notice.

Nil received to date


a) LALC Annual Training Scheme

It was proposed by GG, seconded by TB and RESOLVED to join the training scheme at £75.00 for the year.

Action: Clerk to notify LALC

b) Village Assets

AR had not been able to obtain a price for the painting of the metal bus shelter. It was agreed the Clerk to contact a painter who is advertising in the parish magazine.

Action: Clerk to obtain price.

c) Neighbourhood Watch

This is now the Alert Scheme. The Clerk has asked the PCSO for any promotional material that could be available. It was agreed SC be contacted to ask if this could be added in the NKnews.

Action: Clerk to speak to SC

7. HIGHWAYS (19/007)

a) Potholes or Highways problems.

JB has reported the further subsidence and pot holes along the Fen Road. GG reported the hand rail has been replaced on the bridge over the footpath.

b) Ivy Encroachment – Footpath from Church Street to School.

GG declared an interest and took no part in the decision.

A price for the cutting back and removal of the ivy has been received and forwarded to the councillors prior to the meeting. At £430.00 it was proposed by JB, seconded by CH that the work be carried out AR agreed. TB against. This is to be a one off action and it will be considered to keep the ivy under control in the future with weed killer.

Action: Clerk to contact contractor to carry out the work.

c) Damaged Sign - Reminder of the 30mph speed Limit.

These portable signs were put up by the parish council. Two have been damaged by vandalism.

Replacements are available at £10.00 each from Staying Alive Partnership.

It was proposed by CH to purchase 3 signs, seconded by AR and all agreed.

It was agreed to contact the police, as they have been informed of who was responsible for the damage.

Action: Clerk to order new signs and contact the Police.

8. THE VILLAGE HALL (19/008)

a) Village Hall Committee Meeting.

The latest minutes have been distributed to the councillors and have been posted on the website.

There were no comments regarding the minutes.

b) Youth Club and Internet at the Hall.

AR reported there is an interest to re-start a Youth Club by volunteers. It is hoped to get internet connected to the hall and to purchase a pool table. The Clerk reported there is currently £397.00 held by the council from the disbandment of the previous Youth Club. The council agreed this could be available once the club has been set up and conforms to all the DBS and child safety requirements.

c) Defib training update.

Clerk has contacted L.I.V.E.S., and is currently awaiting information if any of their responders would be available to demonstrate the Defibrillator at a coffee morning. Full resuscitation training from L.I.V.E.S. is £350.00 for up to 12 people, but Responders are willing to carry out demonstrations for a donation. It was agreed a donation would be given.

9. DRAINAGE (19/009)

a) Updates from LCC, IDB or the Environment Agency.

There are no updates since the last meeting.

GG reported the Greendykes needs flailing.


a) Monthly inspection of play equipment from GG & AR

The five-a-side goal posts are loose and it was agreed to move and re-secure them. AR will arrange for a loose bolt to be tightened on a ground fixing of a bench. GG to carry out the January inspection.

Action: AR to arrange the repairs

b) Painting of the Play Equipment.

No quote has been received by AR. The Clerk to try and obtain a price.

Action: Clerk to source a contractor

c) Replacement litter bin for near the dug out

There is one last old style bin to replace in the playing field.

It was proposed by CH, seconded by JB and RESOLVED to purchase a Glasdon Topsy 2000 to match the existing replacement litterbins for £153.23 + VAT and it was agreed to sell the old bin.

Action: Clerk to order new litterbin.

11. ALLOTMENTS (19/011)

a) Allotment Association Meeting.

JB reported work continues on the raised gardens and there are plans to cover the vacant plots to prevent weed growth

b) Allotment Field to Rent.

The Clerk wrote to the current tenant on 18th Dec and sent the letter by special delivery asking for payment of the overdue rent and if there were intentions to continue to rent the land. No response or payment has been received.

It was agreed to write and demand payment within 14 days or it will be claimed through the small claims court.

JB agreed to ask local farmers if they would be interested in renting the land.

Action: Clerk to contact tenant, look into small claims procedure. JB to contact local farmers.

12. FINANCE (19/012)

a) Bank Balances and Approval of Bank Reconciliation.

Parish Council Account 14,427.20
Allotment Account 4,159.96
Mary Gresswell Trust Acc 5.45

b) Income received.

Nil to date

The grant of £1,000 due from LCC has been claimed, but not yet received.

c) Approval of the Following Payments.

It was proposed by GG, seconded by CH and RESOLVED that the following payment be made.

Invoice VAT Total
Salaries/Expenses 545.93 545.93
JJF Services (Tree works) 290.00 290.00
Village Hall rent Jul/Sep/Oct/Nov/Dec 60.00 60.00
Jewson (post mix) 46.64 9.33 55.97
Village Hall Insurance Contribution 400.00 400.00

d) Budget for 2019/20

The council reviewed the budget presented at the last meeting and it was proposed by CH, seconded by GG to request a precept of £17,095.00. This was agreed by AR and TB. JB abstained.

Using the NKDC precept calculator it shows an increase of 2.85% on last year’s budget.

Action: The Clerk to request the precept from NKDC.


a) NKDC Private Sector Housing enforcement Policy – Noted and details distributed to councillors 2.1.19

b) Buckingham Palace Invitation – LALC- Noted and details distributed to councillors 10.1.19

c) Join the Dots Event North Kesteven – Noted and details distributed to councillors 10.1.19


Parish Council meetings for 2019

20th Feb, 20th Mar, 17th April, 15th May, 19th Jun, 17th Jul, 21st Aug, 18th Sep, 16th Oct, 20th Nov and 18th Dec


Dates for APM and Parish Council AGM
Areas of Responsibilities
Clerk’s appraisal
Removal of redundant post on Green Dykes

16. CLOSED SESSION (for confidential items in accordance with the Public Bodies Act 1960) If required. (19/016)

This item was not required

21.30 There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed.