August 2019 Minutes


Minutes from the Parish Council Meeting held in the Digby War Memorial Hall on Wednesday 21st Aug 2019 at 7pm.

PRESENT Parish Cllrs. Tracy Bourne (TB), Gerald Garton (GG), John Fry (JF), Colin Harvey (CH),

District Cllr Jim Clarke (JC)

In Attendance – Angie McDonald, Clerk and Proper Officer.

The Chairman and Vice-Chairman were both absent. JF proposed GG to take the Chair, this was seconded by CH and RESOLVED. GG took the Chair.


There were no members of the public present.


District Council Report.

Cllr Jim Clarke reported the Key Plan of the District Council promoting its aims, is to be published soon.

GG asked JC to find out why Chestnut Close is not being maintained by NKDC and discussed whether there is a planning issue with the new gated entrance into the Manor Farm Barns meaning the resident stops on the sharp bend whilst opening the gates.

Cllr Steve Clegg sent his apologies.

County Council Report.

Councillor Kendrick sent his apologies and forwarded his monthly report, which had been distributed to the parish councillors.


PCSO Woolerton sent a report. There was an incident of burglary, theft and ASB within the village during the last month. There was also a report of possible hare coursing.


a) GG welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. APOLOGIES and CO- OPTION (19/117)

a) Apologies.

Apologies were received and accepted from JB due to work commitments and AR due to holiday.

b) Co-option.

The Clerk has not received any applications to fill the current vacancy despite local advertising and JF canvasing local residents.


a) Declaration of Interest.

There were no declarations.


a) It was proposed by CH, seconded by JF and RESOLVED to accept the notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 17th July 2019 as a true and accurate record of that meeting.


a) Planning Applications Received.

19/1008/PNH 10 Beck Street, Single storey rear extensions.

19/1007/HOUS 29 Church street, Erection of rear infill extension.

There were no comments or objections to either of the above applications.

b) Decision Notice.

19/0771/HOUS 59 Church Street, Erection of boundary wall – Permission granted by NKDC


a) ‘No Cycling’ signs between North Street and Harrowby Close .

It was felt not appropriate at this time to have signs erected on the request of one resident. It was acknowledged that is would be difficult to police but agreed to monitor the area to gauge the situation.

b) New ‘No Dog Fouling’ signs supplied by NKDC.

We have received 20 newly designed signs from NKDC. JF has agreed to put them up. It was discussed that these signs fade quickly and the metal style would be better. NKDC have stated there is no budget for the metal style and are happy to replace the plastic signs as and when they fade.

Action: JF agreed to put up the new signs around the village.

c) Maintenance of Chestnut Close by NKDC.

GG reported the open space is not being maintained by NKDC and requested our District Councillor to find out what is happening.

Action: District Cllr Jim Clarke to make enquiries and report back.

d) Access into the Manor Farm development.

GG explained about the situation of a gate being erected on the entrance of the newest corner plot causing the residents to park on the sharp bend whilst opening their gate. Our district councillor was asked to see if there is a planning issue here.

Action: District Cllr Jim Clarke to make enquiries and report back.

e) Purchase and Planting of Bulbs within the Village Boundary along the B1188.

JB has agreed to acquire the daffodil bulbs. It was RESOLVED bulbs should be planted along the B1188 within the village boundaries, once permission has been granted by LCC Highways.

Action: Clerk to obtain permission for planting the bulbs

f) Village Gateways to define the Village Boundaries.

It was agreed to put together a plan and information on the Gateways to be considered for a future project of the council. TB agreed to take photos of the considered sites at the entrances to the village to be put on a map and the Clerk to investigate the different Gateways available and costs.

Action: TB to take photographs, the Clerk to provide costings and added to the next agenda

g) Asset Inspection carried out by the Clerk.

The Clerk carried out the annual inspection of the assets of the Parish Council and forwarded the report to the councillors prior to the meeting. The assets are generally in a good state of repair with the following minor works required.

1. GG agreed to enquire about the repairs to the wooden seat in Harrowby Close.

2. A price is required for a replacement small bin for the brick bus shelter.

3. A price is required for having the playing field gate painted.

4. GG to ask the bin cleaner if he can clean off the debris and lichen from the Cross at the junction of Beck Street and Church Street

5. JF to ask the gardener to cut further back the ivy from the seats in the village hall garden and treat the door of the Lock Up with preservative and paint the hinges.

6. It was discussed that it may be better to remove the remaining wooden bench from the playing field. If it is to remain it will need rubbing down and treated with preservative.

Action: 1 & 4, GG to deal with. 2 & 3, The Clerk to obtain prices. 5, JF to deal with. 6, CH & JF to look at and report. All items will be added to next month’s agenda for confirmation of actions.

h) Closure of the Mary Gresswell Trust.

As the account now only has £5.45, with no income expected, JF agreed to look into the possibility of closing the Charity.

The Clerk to find out if there is any Wayleave due for an electricity pole in the grounds of the Village Hall Garden

Action: JF to contact the charity commission, Clerk to contact Western Power. Items to be discussed on next month’s agenda.

i) Accept the updated Financial Regulations.

A copy of the updated Financial Regulations had been sent to the councillors prior to the meeting.

The amended regulations were discussed. It was proposed by GG, seconded by CH and RESOLVED to accept the updated regulations with the agreed local changes.

Action: The Clerk to update the regulations, distribute to councillors and publish on the council website.

7. HIGHWAYS (19/122)

a) Report any Potholes or Highways Problems.

Notification from Highways states the junction of the Ashby Road with B1188 has been dealt with. It is the considered opinion of the council that nothing has been done and it needs to be reported again.

Action: The Clerk to report the poor condition of the junction again.

b) Parking on Double Yellow Lines in North Street.

Reports of parking on the double yellow lines within the village have been received by a councillor. It was agreed to advise the residents to report the situation directly to police at the time.

Action: JF agreed to pass on the message.

c) Mobile Speed Indicator Device.

The SID is still operation and the new Clerk at Ruskington will forward details of its usage.

Action: Agenda item for next month

8. THE VILLAGE HALL (19/123)

a) Notes from Village Hall Committee Meeting.

There have been no minutes received from the committee.

b) Village Hall Garden – Tree/Ground Maintenance.

A further quote is still awaited for the work on the trees within the garden area. It was agreed to not remove all the ivy from the seats in the garden but to have it cut back

Action: JF to ask the gardener to cut back the ivy s per item 6(g)(5). The Clerk to continue to obtain quotes for the tree work

9. DRAINAGE (19/124)

a) Updates from IDB or the Environment Agency.

No new information to date.

b) Response from IDB regarding the Weeds in the Beck.

IDB have responded to the request to return and cut the bottom of the Beck. They reported there will be a cut, by hand, in Aug downstream of the village, and then upstream and downstream of the village in Oct. It was suggested the LCC Flood manager be asked to inspect the Beck as this response was felt to be to the detriment to the flood relief for Digby.

Action: The Clerk to contact the LCC Flood manager.


a) Monthly inspection of play equipment from GG & AR.

Report awaited from AR.

b) Replacement Parish Notice Board for the Village Hall Area.

AR confirmed the Village Hall Committee had no objections to a noticeboard for the Parish Council information being placed on the wall of the hall.

AR sent a copy of a selection of noticeboards prior to the meeting. It was proposed by GG, seconded by TB and RESOLVED to purchase a new noticeboard for £366

The old noticeboard was discussed and agreed to leave it in situ and to become a public noticeboard for the village. The Parish Council sign on the top will be removed.

Action: AR to order new noticeboard. JF agreed to install it.

c) Playing Field Tree Inspection.

We have received notification the risk assessment inspection of the trees within the playing field is due. It was proposed by JF, seconded by GG and RESOLVED the inspection go ahead.

Action: The Clerk to contact NKDC to carry out the re-assessment of the trees.

d) Repair to Play equipment and Painting of Seat within the Brick Bus Shelter.

A price of £198.00 the remove the struts and replace with a solid board and paint has been received. CH agreed to look at the equipment and assess if this is the way forward. If CH is in agreement with the work it was proposed by JF, seconded GG the work should go ahead at that price, RESOLVED. A price of £98.00 to rub down and repaint the seat in the brick bus shelter has been received. It was proposed by GG, seconded by CH and all agreed this should go ahead

Action: CH to inspect play equipment and report back. The Clerk to arrange the painting of the bus shelter seat.

e) Details of the Charity Car Show request to take place on the field.

There has been no contact from the proposed organiser of the event since the administrative requirements of the parish council, as discussed at the last meeting, had been forwarded by the Clerk. Therefore it must be concluded the event is not taking place.

11. ALLOTMENTS (19/126)

a) Report of Allotment Association Meeting.

As JB was not present, there was no report available at this time.

12. FINANCE (19/127)

a) Bank Balances and Approval of Bank Reconciliation.

The bank balances were reported as:-

Parish Council Account - 24,458.05
Allotment Account – 3,950.61
Mary Gresswell Trust – 5.45

The Clerk distributed copies of the income and expenditure details of the council for the last 5 months to be reviewed by the council, it was noted the council is working within its planned budget. The bank reconciliation was approved.

b) Income Received.

Nil income was received during Aug.

c) Approval of Payments.

Invoice VAT Total

Salaries/Expenses 613.60 613.60
MalcFirth – Parish Grass cutting 351.63 70.33 421.96
Snowden – Bus Shelter ground rent 5.00 5.00
Village Hall Rent – Jun 12.00 12.00

It was proposed by GG, seconded by CH and approved by majority that the above payments be made. JF abstained from agreeing to the grass cutting payment.

d) Appointment of an Internal Auditor for 2019/20.

We now have someone considering the post of Internal Auditor, and the Clerk will circulate the details once it has been confirmed.

f) Update on the Bank Mandate.

Both CH and the Clerk have been to the bank to confirm details requested regarding the bank mandate. A final confirmation of the contact address needs to be signed. GG and JF signed the confirmation.

Action: Clerk to send off confirmation.


a) Citizens Advice Mid Lincs – invite to celebrate 80years of giving advice on 12th Sept, Sleaford. Distributed to councillors 31.7.19

b) Litter Picking Grant from NK – Application for the grant must be sent by 13th September. Distributed to councillors 12.8.19

Action: Clerk to complete the application for the grant.

c) LALC Weekly Bulletins – Forwarded to councillors 12.8.19 & 14.8.19


Parish Council meetings for 2019

16th Oct, 13th Nov and 18th Dec


Request removal of foliage overhanging footpaths
Fencing debris in Greendykes
Dugout repairs

Items as noted throughout the Aug meeting

16. CLOSED SESSION (for confidential items in accordance with the Public Bodies Act 1960) If required.(19/131)

a) Item not required.

20.55hrs. There being no further business the Chair declared the meeting closed