December 2019 Minutes


Minutes from the Parish Council meeting held in Digby Memorial Hall on Wednesday 18th December 2019 at 7pm

PRESENT Parish Cllrs. James Bourne (JB) Chairman; Tracy Bourne (TB); Gerald Garton (GG); Colin Harvey (CH) and Amanda Redsell (AR)

District Cllrs. Steve Clegg (SC) and Jim Clarke (JC)
County Councillor Rob Kendrick (RK)

In Attendance: Angie McDonald, Clerk and Proper Officer.


There were no members of the public, so it was agreed to move direct to the District and County Councillors item.


District Councillor Clegg

SC discussed the revised planning application for off Station Road, GG and the Chairman stated issues with the proposed drainage plan, as it will affect the drainage from Greendykes. The application shows the dyke running alongside Station Road will be filled in but then water from the Hurn and paddocks from the west of the Greendyke will have nowhere to drain. SC agreed to discuss this with the planning officer. Also the reduction in number of planned dwellings will mean a reduced number of the affordable houses. The original approval was based on the exceptional circumstances which included the provision of a shop and affordable houses. The parish council accept the reduced number of dwellings but stil l require an appropriate number of affordable dwellings.

SC then discuss the application off North Street. He was told the Clerk has written to the planning officer for an explanation of parts of the application. There was no detailed plan of the type of surface for the proposed new accesses to the garages or any detailed plans of the accesses. SC agreed to speak to the planning officer about these issues.

District Councillor Clarke (JC)

JC reported the recent election count went very well and was well organised. The results were announced promptly.

County Councillor Kendrick (RK)

RK reported flooding has been raised at the full council meeting, as many areas of Lincolnshire have been affected. There are plans to survey and reinstate old legacy dykes as found on old maps of the county.

RK wished everyone a merry Christmas.


There was no report provided for this meeting.

19.30 hrs AR received a phone call and had to leave the meeting


a) The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked the County and District Councillors for their regular attendance at our meetings and the help they have given us throughout the year.

2. APOLOGIES and CO-OPTION. (19/181)

a) Apologies.

There were no apologies.

b) Applicants for co-option.

Mrs K Groves has applied to become a parish councillor. It was proposed by TB, seconded by GG and RESOLVED that Mrs Groves be accepted as a councillor. Mrs Groves (KG) signed the Declaration of Acceptance form and joined the meeting. She will complete all the necessary paperwork and return it to the clerk.

Action: The Clerk to notify NKDC of the co-option and forward all the paperwork.


a) Declarations of Interest.

GG declared an interest in item 6a.


a) It was proposed by GG, seconded by CH and RESOLVED to accept the notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 13th Nov 2019 as a true and accurate record of that meeting.


a) Planning Applications Received

19/1607/FUL Land off Station Road, erection of 17 dwellings and formation of flood alleviation channel.

This item was discussed under the District Councillors section and there was nothing more to add.

Action: The Clerk to forward the objections to NKDC Planning.

19/1692/FUL Land off North Street, change of use of agricultural land to accommodate garages, access and parking.

This item was discuss under the District Councillors section and the council are awaiting a response from the planning officer about to the questions asked prior to this meeting.

b) Decision Notice.

Nil to date.


a) Grant to Friends of Digby Primary School.

A letter received from the Deputy Headteacher of the Primary School was read out. It was asking for a grant towards new laptops for the school. GG had declared and interest and took no part in any decision made by the council. It was agreed to ask for the Grant Application form to be filled in to comply with our grant policy. It is known that not all the children come from Digby so it will be asked if other parish councils are being asked to contribute.

Action: Clerk to ask Friends of Digby Primary School to complete a grant application form.

Noticeboard in the grounds of the Village Hall. As the wooden noticeboard in the grounds of the Village Hall gardens is no longer required by the Parish Council it was agreed to open it for public use. Bolts have been purchased to keep the doors from swinging open and the padlock removed.

Action: GG to fit the bolts.

7. HIGHWAYS. (19/186)

a) Potholes or Highways Issues.

JB reported more potholes along the Fen Road between Digby House Farm and the Mulberries.

Also the Ashby junction off the B1188 is still breaking up. The Clerk will report the road edges of the Fen Road from the bridge are breaking up.

Action: The Clerk to report the road issues raised.

b) Mobile Speed Indicator Device (S.I.D.).

Details of expenditure for the last 2 years by the current users of the S.I.D. had been distributed to the councillors prior to the meeting. It was also commented that the existing S.I.D. is getting old so a new version may need to be purchased. It was agreed to defer this item until later in the year when more is known about the future of the S.I.D.

c) Notification of Temporary Road Restrictions North Street and Station Road from 6.1.20 to 26.6.20.

Highways have sent details of the road restrictions that will be happening over the next 6 months due to the construction of the long awaited new flood alleviation scheme. The roads will be closed as and when required over this period.

8. THE VILLAGE HALL. (19/187)

a) Village Hall Committee Meeting Notes.

The notes from the latest meeting have been distributed to the councillors and are displayed on the Parish Website.

b) Contribution towards the Village Hall Insurance.

A request from the Village Hall Committee for help towards the insurance of the Village Hall has been received. It was proposed by CH, seconded by GG and RESOLVED a contribution of £400.00 be made.

Action: The Clerk to forward the cheque to the Village Hall Committee.

9. DRAINAGE. (19/188)

a) Updates from IDB or the Environment Agency.

JB reported there has been some clearing of the Beck.

b) Erosion of the Beck Bank at the Corner near the Cross.

Several years ago Highways put up blockwork on the bend of the Beck to prevent the road being washed away near the Cross. GG reported the erosion is now occurring further along from the existing blockwork and needs to be looked at by Highways. GG will meet the Highway representative on site if required.

Action: Clerk to report the erosion to Highways.


a) Inspection of Play Equipment.

AR to forward the completed inspection form.

b) Works required on the Playing Field Trees.

The Clerk had obtained an additional quote for the work required to the trees on the playing field. It was agreed this will be an agenda item in January.

Action: Add this item to the January Agenda.

c) Replacement seat for Harrowby Close.

The council considered replacements. It was proposed by GG, seconded by TB and RESOLVED to purchase a seat from NBB Recycled Furniture, with fittings for £286.00 + VAT.

Action: The Clerk to order the new bench seat.

d) Update on the Dugout (JB)

JB has not met up with the football club to discuss this item.

Action: To defer until JB has spoken with the football club.

e) Removal and Disposal of the Wooden Bench Seat in the Playing Field.

It was agreed K Cochrane can remove the seat from the playing field.

Action: GG to arrange.

f) The Cross

A response has been received stating prior to any work, an assessment of the cross would be required and any work would require traffic management. It was agreed advice on how to progress will be required and to try and source any grants available.

Action: The Clerk to look into this matter.

11. ALLOTMENTS. (19/190)

a) Allotment Association Meeting.

JB had nothing to report as there has not been a meeting in Dec.

b) Update - Overdue Rent.

The Clerk wrote the letter as requested at the last meeting and GG delivered it. The council have now received half of the outstanding rent, with a statement that the next half will be paid in January.

c) Follow up to the Flooding on the Allotment Field.

As there has been no meeting of the Digby Allotment Association, this item has not progressed.

12. FINANCE. (19/191)

a) Bank Balances and Approval of Bank Reconciliation.

Parish Council General Account 19,290.91
Allotment Account 4,550.61
Mary Gresswell Trust 5.45

Copies of the accounts to date were distributed to the councillors. It was confirmed we are working within our planned budget.

The reconciliation was approved.

b) Income Received.

Field Rent and Overdue Rent - Total £900.00 and shown in the above balances.

c) Approval of the Following Payments.

It was proposed by CH, seconded by GG and RESOLVED the following payments be made.

Invoice VAT Total
Salaries/Expenses 674.28 674.28
D. Watson – Installation of bus shelter bin 40.00 40.00
Autela Payroll 39.23 7.85 47.08
P Baumber (Flailing) 100.00 20.00 120.00
Greensleeves Apr/Jul 96.66 19.34 116.00
Digby WM Village Hall (Insurance) 400.00 400.00

d) Internal Auditor Report and Honorarium for the Internal Auditor.

The report from the Internal Auditor had been forwarded to all the councillors prior to the meeting.

The report will be added to the parish council website. It was proposed by GG, seconded by JB and RESOLVED an honorarium of £25 be paid to the Internal Auditor.

e) Budget for 2020/21.

A draft budget has been produced and distributed. The Precept required for 2020/21 is £17,755.00. This is a 1.97% increase, as shown by using the NKDC Precept calculator. It was proposed by JB, seconded by CH and RESOLVED to request the Precept of £17,755.00.

Action: The Clerk to send of the request.

13. CORRESPONDENCE. (19/192)

a) LALC – Weekly newsletter. Distributed to all councillors

b) NKDC Household survey. Details distributed to councillors 18.11.19

c) Community Lincs newsletter, distributed to councillors 18.11.19

d) Central Lincs Local Plan Team – Village information update. Distributed to councillors 25.11.19

e) LCC Consultation on School Admission Arrangements for Sept 2021 from 9th Dec to 10th Jan. Distributed to councillors 25.11.19

f) Copy of a letter from the Queen to Mr Fry, regarding the tree planted in honour of her 90th birthday was distributed to the councillors.

g) LALC News Dec Issue 171. Distributed to councillors 13.12.19

h) LALC – Local Council Clustering Survey results. Distributed to councillors 13.12.19

i0 County Councillors Kendrick’s monthly reports, Dec 19. Distributed to councillors 3.12.19


Parish Council meetings for 2020

15th Jan, 19th Feb, 18th Mar, 15th Apr, 20th May, 17th Jun, 15th Jul, 19th Aug, 16th Sep, 21st Oct, 18th Nov and 16th Dec


LALC Training scheme
Next step regarding overgrown footpaths

20.45 It was RESOLVED to go into Closed Session.

16. CLOSED SESSION (for confidential items in accordance with the Public Bodies Act 1960) If required.(19/195)

a) Rates of Pay for the Litter Picker.

The Council confirmed the new recommended rate of pay will be back dated as from 1st Nov 2019.

20.55 As there was no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed, and wished everyone a Merry Christmas.