September 2022 Agenda
Digby Parish Council
The parish council meeting will be held on Monday 12th September 2022 commencing at 7pm, in Digby War Memorial Hall for the purpose of considering and resolving business as set out in this agenda. County and District Councillors, the press and members of Digby electorate are cordially invited to join the meeting.
Public Forum
The public forum will proceed at 7pm for up to 15 mins, when members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the council. This time allocation can be extended by resolution of the council.
District & County Councillors' Matters
After the Public Forum each councillor will provide a 5 minute report on the business of their relevant council
If none of the above are in attendance the Parish Council will resolve to commence the full council meeting as soon as possible.
Clerk to the Council AMcDonald Date: 5/9 /22
1. Chairman's Opening Remarks (22/131)
a) Welcome
2. Apologies & Vacancy for a Councillor (22/132)
a) Apologies
b) To consider advertising the vacancy for the position of Parish Councillor by co-option.
3. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest & Applications of Dispensation (22/133)
a) To receive reports on Members' Disclosable Pecuniary Interests in relation to agenda items and to receive any applications for Dispensation in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.
4. Signing of the Minutes (22/134)
a) To resolve to accept the notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 8th Aug 2022 as a true and accurate record of that meeting.
5. Planning Matters (22/135)
a) Planning Application received
b) Decision Notice Received
6. General Parish Matters (22/136)
a) To either amend trustees to the Mary Gresswell Trust or consider closing the charity.
b) To further consider a memorial for Cllr C Harvey and set a budget.
c) To discuss whether a dedicated dog exercise area is viable
d) To place an order for a wreath for the Remembrance Service.
e) To apply for the NKDC Litter Picking grant
f) To sign up to the Civility and Respect Pledge and review the Dignity at Work policy.
g) To agree a phone contract as the parish council currently has no phone
7. Highways (22/137)
a) To report any pot holes or Highways issues.
8. The Village Hall (22/138)
a) To acknowledge receipt of the minutes from the latest meeting of the committee, and any comments, if required.
9. Drainage (22/139)
a) Reported Raw Sewage in the Beck
10. Playing Field, Play Areas and Village General (22/140)
a) Report on the monthly inspection of the play equipment.
b) To review the play equipment inspection report from RoSPA
c) Update on the new equipment installation.
d) To arrange NK to inspect the trees in the playing field as part of the risk assessment requirements
11. Allotments (22/141)
a) To report on any updates from the Allotment Committee.
12. Finance (22/142)
a) To note bank balances and approve bank reconciliation
b) To note any income received.
Bowls Club £ 60.00
Football Club £180.00
Pigeon Club £ 35.00
c) To approve the following payments
Salaries/Expenses TBN
RoSPA Annual Play Equip inspection 94.50 + 18.90 VAT
MalcFirth Grd Maint – Jul/Aug 756.76 + 151.36 VAT
CJP Gardenservices - Aug 30.00
d) Option to opt out of th SAAA central external auditor appointment arrangements.
e) Update on the new signatories for the council's bank account
13. Correspondence (22/143)
a) LALC Newsletter - Distributed to all councillors
b) NKDC Newsletter - Distributed to all councillors
c) Anglian Water – Their role in planning applications & Lincs Reservoir Project webinar invite
d) Central Lincs Local Plan – consultation on addendum to the Sustainability Appraisal
e) Speeding on Church Street concerns.
14. Dates of Future Meetings (22/144)
Parish Council meetings
For 2022 - 10th Oct, 14th Nov, 12th Dec.
15. Any Business to Note for the Next Agenda (22/145)
16. Closed Session (22/146)
For confidential items in accordance with the Public Bodies Act 1960, if required.