December 2020 Minutes

Digby Parish Council 


Minutes of the virtual meeting, via zoom, of Digby Parish Council held on 16th Dec 2020 at 7pm.


Present -  Parish Councillors J Bourne (JB) Chairman; T Bourne (TB); G Garton (GG): K Groves (KG); C

Harvey (CH) and A Redsell (AR)

In attendance A McDonald, Clerk and Proper Officer.

There were no members of the public present, so it was resolved to continue with the meeting.


  1. Chairman's Opening Remarks (20/163)
    1. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting


  1. Apologies. (20/164)
    1. There were no apologies, all councillors were present


  1. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest & Applications of Dispensation (20/165)
    1. There were no declarations of interest.


  1. Signing of the Minutes (20/166)
    1. It was proposed by AR, seconded by KG and resolved to accept the notes of the Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 18th Nov 2020 as a true and accurate record of that meeting.


  1. Planning Matters (20/167)
    1. Planning Applications Received

                                Nil to date

With reference to last months application 20/1450/FUL, it was discovered it was not an additional dwelling but an alteration to an already approved one, so the decision of the council changed to no objections

  1. Decision Notices

20/1031/VARCON – Application to vary condition 6 to delete footpath links – Approved by NKDC


  1. General Parish Matters (20/168)
    1. Old Pond Area off North Street 

This area has now been cut.  GG suggests it is kept cut and perhaps a bench be placed on it.  It was agreed to look into getting this area cut regularly from the spring.  The rest of the council need to check the site before agreeing to siting a bench there.

  1. Update on the progress of the 'Happy to Chat' Bench.

The Chairman confirmed the new fixing brackets have been made and he has arranged for the developer off North Street to carry out the installation.

The Clerk confirmed a further donation of £25.00 had been received to assist with the installation of the bench.  The Chairman will write a message of thanks.

  1. Review of the Freedom of Information and Publication Policy.

Copies of the policy had been forward to the councillors by the Clerk, prior to the meeting.  It was proposed by CH, seconded by JB and resolved to accept the policy as written.  The Clerk will add this to the website.

  1. New LCC Website for Parish Councils and consider an honorarium payment.

The new website is now up and running and the old site closed.  The Clerk stated this was only because of the help received from Peter Langford, who has offered his assistance free of charge.  LALC have confirmed they are happy to collect any contributions offered to Mr Langford on behalf of the Lincolnshire Parish Councils.

It was proposed by JB, seconded by AR and all agreed a donation of £50.00 should be made.  Peter Langford has asked that the donations be sent to the RAF Benevolent Fund.                 e)  House Numbering on Manor Farm development.

None of the houses have been numbered, concern has been expressed that emergency vehicles and delivery vans cannot find these properties.  The Clerk will contact NKDC for information.          f)  Repairs to the Bus Shelter 

The Clek is still waiting for a quote for the replacement glass, because of the thickness of the glass it has been difficult to find a company that can do the repairs.  For information the insurance excess is £250.00.  As soon as the quote arrives the Clerk will notify the councillors.             g)  Mary Gresswell Trust - Annual Return

The Clerk confirmed the annual return for the charity has been sent to the Charity Commission.


7.  Highways (20/169)

                a) Pot holes & Street Lights

GG has reported to Fix my Street, a light out on Harrowby Close.

JB spoke of the potholes in the Village Hall car park.  The clerk will confirm who is responsible for repairing the surface of the car park.


  1. The Village Hall (20/170)
    1. Minutes from the latest meeting

The minutes from the latest meeting of the committee were forwarded to the councillors and there were no comments.

  1. Footway Lighting and Issues with the Power from the Distribution Box.

Water had penetrated the distribution box and so the Christmas trees lights could not work.  This has now been repaired and the old fuse box changed and a new waterproof socket installed at £133.44.  The two broken lights in the village hall garden path will be replaced as soon as the new lights arrive.         


  1. Drainage (20/171)
    1. Greendykes and Response Received from Environment Agency.

The Greendykes dyke has been cut part way by machine, but the rest needs to be done by hand.  AR agreed to ask Mr T Robinson if he would be willing to carry out the work.  

There has been no response from EA regarding a meeting, the Clerk to chase this for the New Year.


  1. Playing Field, Play Areas and Village General (20/172)
    1. Monthly inspection of the Play Equipment. AR is to provide the inspection report to the Clerk              b) Quote for 2x toddler swing seats.

The Clerk has received a quote of £151.40 per swing.  These are the same swing seats as the existing.  It was proposed GG, seconded by TB and all agreed the Clerk to purchase the replacement seats          c) Suggestions for Additional Equipment for the Playing Field.

As discuss previous months the revamping of the play equipment is required.  It was agreed this will be a major project and grant funding will be required.  It was agreed from January, play equipment companies will be asked to produce a design with costings for the field.  Each scheme can then be considered by the parish and grant funding be looked for the scheme chosen.  AR agreed to arrange the meetings.

               d) Various maintenance works required around the village.

Unfortunately there had been confusion about the work required so TB was unable to provide a full quote at this time.  The clerk will liaise with TB, JB will ask if the local builders will install the other  bench on Harrowby Close.  JB to ask Jason if he can install the bin on the playing field and re-hang the dog bin on off Chestnut Close.


  1. Allotments (20/173)
    1. Allotment Committee

No meetings held to date, so no updates              b)  Allotment field Rent.

The Clerk confirmed the invoice for the rent had been sent and payment has been received.


  1. Finance (20/174)
    1. Balances and Approval of Bank Reconciliation. The clerk reported the bank balances as 

                 Parish Council General Account  £19,702.52

                Allotment Account                          £ 5,075.61            Mary Gresswell Trust                                 £     5.45                b) Income received.

                                Allotment land rent - £600.00                     Donation 'Happy to Chat bench' - £25.00                  c) Approval of Payments.

It was proposed by GG , seconded by CH and resolved the following invoices are to be paid

                               Salaries/Expenses                                            £639.60

                                Malc Firth Grass cutting                                  £351.63 + 70.33 VAT = £421.96

                               Snowden – Bus shelter land rent               £5.00

                                Autella Payroll services                                   £67.00 + 13.40 VAT = £80.40

                                Select Electrical Services                               £111.20 + 22.24 VAT = £133.44                    Scott Trailers                                                                 £23.42 + 4.68 VAT = 28.10

                d) Budget for 2021/22

The Clerk had forwarded all paperwork relating to the current budget, the proposed budget for 21/22 and the NKDC Parish Precept Calculator. The Chairman pointed out the need to improve the play equipment and it was proposed by AR, seconded by JB, to set the Precept at £18,525.00.  This totals a 4.42% increase on a Band D, which will equate to an extra £3.80 per property for the year.  This increase will give an additional £770.00 on last years budget. It was felt by carefully managing the budget this will enable a small amount to be put in the reserves for the play equipment. CH and KG for, TB abstained, GG was against.  The motion was carried.        e) Internal Auditor.

The Clerk stated the Internal Auditor has not yet completed the Audit so this will be and agenda item for next month.

  1. Correspondence (20/175)
    1. LALC Newsletter - Distributed to all councillors
    2. NKDC Newsletter - Distributed to all councillors
    3. County Councillor Report - Distributed to all councillors
    4. NKDC Electoral Registrations – Copies of the new Electoral Register have been sent to councillors via NKDC
    5. LCC – Road Closure – Station Road from The Hurn junction to 265m East from 18.1.21 to 5.2.21.
    6. NALC – Standards Matter 2: Consultation until 29.1.21.
    7. NKDC – Cycling Strategy Questionnaire.  This is to be completed and returned to NKDC by the Clerk.
    8. Census 2021 - GG has agreed to take part in the Webinar session on 13th Jan.
  2. Dates of Future Meetings (20/176)

                Parish Council meetings

                 20th Jan, 16th Feb, 17th Mar, 21st Apr and 19th May

  1. Any Business to Note for the Next Agenda (20/177)

                Internal Audit

                Contract costs for cutting the old pond area.

  1. Closed Session (20/178)

                For confidential items in accordance with the Public Bodies Act 1960, if required.               This item was not needed.


20.24 The Meeting ended