January 2020 Minutes


Minutes from the meeting of Digby Parish Council that was held in the Digby War Memorial Hall on Wednesday 15th January 2020 at 7pm.

PRESENT Parish Cllrs. James Bourne (JB) Chairman; Tracy Bourne (TB); Gerald Garton (GG); Karen Groves (KG); Colin Harvey (CH) and Amanda Redsell (AR); District Cllrs. Steve Clegg (SC) and Jim Clarke (JC); County Cllr. Rob Kendrick (RK)

In attendance: Angie McDonald, Clerk and Proper Officer


There were no members of the public present so it was RESOLVED to continue with the meeting.


District Councillor Clegg (SC)

Boundary review – There are no plans to change the current electoral boundaries of our area, the revision covering the county will be notified in the summer.

The drainage of the planning application off Station Road is still under discussion.

District Councillor Clarke (JC)

Scrutiny committee– JC reported there is no budget for improvements to cycle ways around the district. He is asking the Scrutiny Committee look into the need for a budget.

County Councillor Kendrick (RK)

The pothole funding formula means Lincolnshire receives much less financial support than other counties.

Director of Public Health report – They are looking at improving GP services, and support the fight against the rise of type 2 diabetes.

Highways will be receiving more money from the county council budget

GG spoke about his dismay on hearing a recent radio interview where a representative talking on behalf of Highways about potholes suggested things are getting better.

He was also disappointed that the views expressed by the Parish Council on Planning Application 19/1692/FUL have not been taking in to consideration, again.

With regard to grass cutting, now the District Council is not going to cut any LCC grass will this mean Parish Councils will be picking up grass cutting costs therefore forcing the rates to be increased. Parish Councils have not been consulted about this.


There was no report available in time for the meeting.


a) The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. APOLOGIES and CO- OPTION. (20/02)

a) Apologies.

There were no apologies, all the councillors were present.

b) Applicants for Co-option.

No applicants.


a) Declaration of Interest.

AR declared an interest on item 6a & 8a. GG declared an interest in item 6a.


a) It was proposed by GG, seconded by TB and RESOLVED to accept the notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 18th Dec 2019 as a true and accurate record of that meeting.


a) Planning Applications Received

Nil to date

b) Decision Notice.

19/1692/FUL Land off North Street, Change of use of agricultural land to accommodate garages, access and parking – Approved by NKDC.


a) Grant to Friends of Digby Primary School.

AR and GG declared and interest.

The application for the grant has not been received so therefore could not be discussed.

Action: AR to arrange for the application to be sent to the Clerk.

b) Update on Public Noticeboard, new seat for Harrowby Close, contribution to Village Hall insurance .

i) GG has fitted the bolts to the wooden noticeboard in the grounds of the Village Hall garden, so it is now able to be accessed by the public.

ii) It was agreed to have the seat for Harrowby Close delivered to JB and request Kevin Corcoran to install it.

iii) On further inspection of the wooden seat in the Playing Field, it was agreed to leave it in situ, as it is not dangerous.

iv) The Clerk confirmed the Village Hall Committee have received the contribution towards the Village Hall insurance.

c) Overgrown Footpaths around Digby.

After the polite request to cut back hedges and trees overgrowing footpaths, in the autumn. Only 3 properties still need to cut back their hedges from the pavement. These will now be reported to LCC.

d) LALC training scheme for 2020/21.

It was proposed by GG, seconded by CH and RESOLVED to subscribe to the LALC training scheme for 2020/21. The fee will be £85 + VAT.

Action: The Clerk to arrange payment of this in April 2020.

7. HIGHWAYS. (20/07)

a) Potholes or Highways Issues.

The surface of the junction of Ashby Road and B1188 has got worse and now has a pothole.

Action: The Clerk to report, again.

8. THE VILLAGE HALL. (20/08)

a) Village Hall Committee Meeting Notes.

AR declared and interest in this item.

The notes from the latest meeting have been distributed to the councillors and displayed on the Parish Council website. AR thanked the Parish council for the insurance contribution. She reported the work on the disabled toilets is progressing and the committee wi ll be getting the hall re-valued on completion, this may mean an increase in next year’s insurance cover. The committee are also looking at obtaining a grant for the repairs to the car park.

CH asked what happened to the Christmas tree lights. AR reported they worked for a short time but then there was a problem with the electrics to the tree, it will be checked ready for next year.

9. DRAINAGE. (20/09)

a) Updates from IDB or the Environment Agency.

The planned new drainage works have not started yet. GG reported IDB have been removing debris from culverts along the North Drain.

b) Update the bank erosion of the Beck, near the Cross.

The Principle Engineer (Structures) of Highways has been and inspected the site and agrees the wall will be extended by 3m to prevent further erosion. A date for the work has not been set as other urgent works around the county are taking priority.


a) Monthly Inspection of play equipment.

GG completed this month’s inspection, there was nothing outstanding to report

b) The Works required on the Playing Field Trees.

The work in the Village Hall garden has been completed to a very good standard and it was proposed by TB, seconded by GG and RESOLVED to offer Abbey Tree Services the work in the playing field.

Action: The Clerk to arrange commencement of the work as per the quote received.

c) Refitting of a Litterbin in the Playing Field.

The litterbin near the dug-out has come loose. It was agreed to ask Kevin Corcoran to refit it.

The litterbin at the bus shelter has come away from the wall. It was agreed to Dave Watson to put it back on the bus shelter wall.

Action: The Clerk to contact the contractors

11. ALLOTMENTS. (20/11)

a) Allotment Association Meeting.

Notes from the latest Allotment Association meeting have been distributed to the councillors.

12. FINANCE. (20/12)

a) Bank Balances and Approval of the Bank Reconciliation.

The bank balances were reported as:

Parish Council Account 17,593.55
Allotment Account 4,850.61
Mary Gresswell Trust 5.45

The printed version of the reconciliation had not been able to be printed. The councillors viewed the bank statements and approved the reconciliation.

b) Income Received.

There was no income received during the last month.

c) Approval for the Following Payments:

It was proposed by GG, seconded by CH and RESOLVED the following accounts be paid.

Invoice VAT Total
Salaries/Expenses 587.90 587.90
Village Hall hire Sep/Oct/Nov 36.00 36.00
Abbey Tree Services 650.00 650.00

d) Precept has been requested.

The Clerk confirmed the Precept request has been sent to NKDC.


a) LALC – Weekly newsletter. Distributed to all councillors

b) NKDC Electoral ward boundaries changes, consultation – Distributed to councillors 7.1.20

c) LALC – Buckingham Palace Garden Party. It was agreed no action to be taken. Distributed to councillors


Parish Council meetings for 2020

19th Feb, 18th Mar, 15th Apr, 20th May, 17th Jun, 15th Jul, 19th Aug, 16th Sep, 21st Oct, 18th Nov and 16th Dec


  • Allotment land – improvements to drainage
  • Dates for Annual Parish Meeting and the Parish Council Annual Meeting
  • Review ground rents
  • Review Ground Maint contracts for 2020/21. Consider the cutting of the Beck to be increased to once a month

16. CLOSED SESSION (for confidential items in accordance with the Public Bodies Act 1960) If required. (20/16)

This item was not required.

20.30 - There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed.