November 2020 Minutes

Digby Parish Council 

MInutes from the virtual meeting, via zoom, of Digby Parish Council held on 18th Nov 2020 at 7pm.

PRESENT – James Bourne, Chairman (JB); Tracy Bourne (TB); Gerald Garton (GG); Colin Harvey (CH);

                               Karen Groves (KG) and Amanda Redsell (AR)

In attendance:  Angie McDonald, Clerk and Proper Officer

Public Forum

No members of the public joined the meeting.

District & County Councillors' Matters

Apologies have been received from Cllrs Clegg, Clarke and Kendrick.  All have submitted reports throughout the month.


No report received from our PCSO

It was RESOLVED to continue with the meeting.


  1. Chairman's Opening Remarks (20/147)
    1. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
  2. Apologies. (20/148)
    1. There were no members of the council absent.
  3. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest & Applications of Dispensation (20/149)
    1. Declarations of Interest. There were no declarations of interest
  4. Signing of the Minutes (20/150)
    1. It was proposed by KG, seconded by GG and RESOLVED to accept the notes of the Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 21st Oct 2020 as a true and accurate record of that meeting.
  5. Planning Matters (20/151)
    1. Planning Applications Received

  20/1450/FUL Land off North St, Erection of a dwelling.  It was agreed to object to this additional dwelling.  It exceeds the designated amount of dwelling for Digby as per the Local Plan.

  1. Decision Notices

Nil to date

  1. General Parish Matters (20/152)
    1. Old Pond area of North Street.

The Chairman confirmed this area has not been cut.  The Clerk is to contact P Baumber to remind him to cut this area.

  1. Progress of the 'Happy to Chat' Bench.

The Chairman has taken the bench to Scotts Trailers for them to fit ground fixing brackets.  TB confirmed she will arrange a contractor to quote for siting this bench, the bench on Harrowby Close and to concrete the bin at the dug out on the playing field.  c) Revised Standing Orders from LALC.

  The Clerk had forwarded the revised Standing Orders to the councillors prior to the meeting, for them to review.  It was proposed by GG, seconded by JB and RESOLVED to accept the revised Orders.

 Action: The clerk to update the website  d) Christmas Tree Lights.

  Because of the time scale required to be able to purchase the lights for the beginning of December, it was RESOLVED via email prior to the meeting that the Clerk purchase a set of lights at £59.98 + VAT.  Copies of the decision are attached to the quotation.  The Clerk has  delivered the lights to the village hall Chairman and he has agreed to organise getting them put on the tree. 

                e) New LCC Website for Parish Councils

The Council has been notified that the old website will be closed on 31st Dec by LCC.  The new site LCC have provided to Parish Councils is proving difficult to master.  The Clerk has organised for a volunteer via LALC to upload the information required and he is prepared to help the Clerk maintain the site, but as he is working with many councils it may be Jan before our site is up and running.  It was agreed the site would contain only Parish Council business for now, as it will be simpler to keep this information current and relevant. 7.  Highways (20/153)

                 a) Potholes

During the month the Chairman and GG have reported holes and road issues along North Street and the Fen Road.

8.  The Village Hall (20/154)

               a) Minutes from the Latest Meeting of the Committee.

The minutes of 2nd Nov have been distributed to the councillors and acknowledged.  b) Grant to the Village Hall.

A written request for a grant to help toward the insurance costs has been received.  Due to Covid19 and the village hall being closed, income has been minimal.  It was proposed by CH, seconded by JB to award a grant of £650.00 this year due to the current situation.  GG abstained.

  1. Drainage (20/155)
    1. Environmental Agency Review

The Review Questionnaire sent out from EA has been answered by several of the councillors. The response received on 13th Nov to our correspondence of 2nd Nov, had been distributed to the councillors.  It was agreed to ask for a meeting with EA, IDB, LCC and NKDC to discuss the bridges over the Beck.  There are also concerns the ‘Slow the Flow’ plan will have limited effect.

  1. Work needed on Greendykes

The Greendyke needs the weed and rubbish removed.  The Chairman agreed to look at it and arrange a contractor if access is available due to the current flood alleviation works taking place.

  1. Playing Field, Play Areas and Village General (20/156)
    1. Monthly inspection of the Play Equipment & b) Report from GG from the RoSPA Inspection

Item a) and b) were combined.  GG carried out the monthly inspection whilst completing a report of works required from the RoSPA report.  GG supplied a written report and it was distributed to the councillors prior to the meeting.  It was agreed the clerk should obtain prices for replacing 2x toddler swings and the 5 aside goals.  GG will see if the metal timber grips of the multiplay can be knocked back in place.  TB to obtain a price to tighten the screws on the rotator.  c) Additional Equipment for the Playing Field.

KG has discussed the possible additional fitness equipment with members of the parish and the suggestion of an exercise trail be re-introduced was put forward.  The original wooden trail has over time been removed due to decay.  The Clerk will forward detail on various equipment for the council to consider.  GG is concerned that the children’s wooden play equipment will also need to be replaced.  A project to include both will be explored as it will be dependent on funding.          d) Work on the Trees in the Playing Field.

A quote for the various works on the trees had been received and forwarded to the councillors to view.  It was proposed by JB, seconded by CH and agreed to accept the work to be carried out in March at a price of £600.  The further work scheduled in the summer will total £380 and will be discussed later next year.

  1. Allotments (20/157)
    1. Updates from the Allotment Committee.

The Chairman has received complaints about the bees on one of the allotments, as people are being stung.  KG will pass this information onto the Allotment Committee.                     

  1. Finance (20/158)
    1. Bank Balances and Approval of Bank Reconciliation

Copies of the bank statements and the invoices were distributed to the councillors prior to the meeting.

                                The bank balances were reported as:

                                PC General Account        21,714.16

                                Allotment Account            5,075.61

                                Mary Gresswell Trust              5.45

The bank reconciliation was approved.  b) Income received.

  Litter picking grant from NKDC £136.08  c) Approval of Payments.

It was proposed by AR, seconded by CH and RESOLVED, the following payment are approved for payment

                                Salaries/Expenses                           £636.70

                                Malc Firth Grass cutting                 £351.63 + 70.33 VAT = 421.96

                                 K Hand Village Hall grd maint      £256.00

                                Christmas Tree Lights                      £ 59.98 + 12.00 VAT = 71.98


At this point the Zoom connection was lost.  The following items were discussed via email.


  1. Planning the budget for 2021/22

The Clerk will arrange a zoom meeting with GG & TB to prepare the budget to be presented at the next full meeting of the council.

  1. Internal Audit

                                The clerk is to take the accounts to the internal auditor next week

  1. Correspondence (20/159)
    1. LALC Newsletter - Distributed to all councillors
    2. NKDC Newsletter - Distributed to all councillors
    3. County Councillor Report - Distributed to all councillors
    4. NKDC Draft Tree Strategy, consultation closing date 4th Dec - Distributed to all councillors
    5. Email – Noise complaint, re motorcycles on land off North Street
  2. Dates of Future Meetings (20/160)

                Parish Council meetings for 2020-21

                 16th Dec, 20th Jan, 16th Feb, 17th Mar, 21st Apr and 19th May

  1. Any Business to Note for the Next Agenda (20/161)

                 Repair to Bus shelter

  1. Closed Session

                For confidential items in accordance with the Public Bodies Act 1960, if required. (20/162)


20.20  The meeting ended.