December 2018 Minutes


Minutes from the Parish Council Meeting held in Digby War Memorial Hall on Wednesday 12th December 2018 at 7pm.

PRESENT Parish Councillors James Bourne (JB) Chairman; Tracy Bourne (TB), John Fry (JF), Gerald Garton (GG), Colin Harvey (CH) and Amanda Redsell (AR)

District Councillor Steve Clegg (SC)

In attendance: Angie McDonald, Clerk and Proper Officer.


4 members of the public were present and it was RESOLVED they could speak during item 5 Planning.


District Councillor Clegg (SC)

SC stated he is aware of the planning application to be discussed and will listen to all the comments.

The Chairman of the District Council is holding a Charity Quiz night at NKDC 25th Jan.

The District and Parish Council Election scheduled for May,

County Councillor Kendrick (RK)

RK was unable to attend the meeting and a report will follow and will be distributed to the parish councillors.


There was no report available at the time of the meeting.


a) The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. APOLOGIES and CO- OPTION (18/166)

a) Apologies.

There were no apologies as all parish councillors were present.

b) Co-option of a councillor.

No applications have been received for the vacancy. The position will continue to be advertised


a) Declarations of Interest.

GG declared a non-pecuniary interest in Item7b.


a) It was proposed by GG, seconded by CH and RESOLVED to accept the notes of the Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 14th November 2018 as a true and accurate record of that meeting.


a) Planning Applications Received.

18/1577/VARCON Land off North Street. Application to vary condition 6 (height and position of dwellings) to relate the 20m standoff restriction to the rear garden of 40 North Street only, and vary condition 7 (affordable housing) to 20% affordable housing provision of Outline Planning Permission

15/0951/OUT – the erection of 9 no. dwellings with all matters reserved.

It was proposed to RESOLVE to permit the members of public to speak.

The Chairman presented the variations to be discussed, then read out from the original outline permission that had been granted. He also informed the meeting about an overhead electric cable that runs along the boundary of the proposed development land which he has been informed there should be no building within 11metres

Discussion took place between the council and the residents.

It was proposed to object to the changes to Condition 6 as it is important to maintain the 20m standoff restriction due the height of the land and to add the additional information about the electric cables. The reduction in the 20m non-building area could affect the proposed drainage plan. All agreed

It was proposed to object to the reduction in the affordable housing, Condition 7. All agreed

Action: Clerk to send objections to NKDC Planning before 17th Dec.

b) Decision Notice.

Nil received to date.


a) Asset Register.

The clerk distributed the amended register to the councillors prior to the meeting. The parish council accepted the reviewed register and the parish council’s assets are now registered at £54,894.

b) Village Assets Maintenance .

i) Metal bus shelter – AR reported a quote for the painting of the bus shelter is on its way

ii) The cleaning of all seats and benches within the playing field and Harrowby Close has been completed.

c) Parish Council Admin.

It was confirmed if a meeting commences at 7pm because there are no public present, and then a resident arrives slightly later they would still be given the opportunity to speak.

CH expressed his anger at the meeting’s response to his recent absence from a meeting. There was no action required.

d) District and Parish Elections.

NKDC have sent information for the election in May 2019. It includes details of briefings for prospective parish council candidates which will take place at North Hykeham 26th Feb at 5.30pm & NKDC Council Chamber 6th Mar at 6.30. There is also a list of costs involved for organising the election. It could cost the parish up to £2000.

7. HIGHWAYS (18/171)

a) Potholes or Highways Issues.

The Chairman has received notification from our local MP that work is to commence on Fen Road within the next two weeks.

b) Ivy Encroachment.

LCC confirm they will not cut back the ivy encroaching onto a private residence along the footpath from Church Street to the school. It was felt this was not acceptable and the Clerk will find how much it would cost to try and cut back some of the growth.

Action: Clerk to obtain cost for work

8. THE VILLAGE HALL (18/172)

a) Village Hall Committee Meeting Notes.

The notes from the last two meetings have been forwarded to the councillors prior to the meeting.

There were no comments from these notes.

b) Public Defib Training.

The Village Hall Committee agree the Defibrillator training could take place at a village hall coffee morning. It was suggested the February coffee morning would be appropriate .

Action: AR to confirm date of Coffee Morning. Clerk to book training.

9. DRAINAGE (18/173)

a) Updates from LCC, IDB or the Environment Agency.

It was agreed to contact LCC Flood Management for an update on the awaited improved drainage scheme as it was meant to commence this autumn.

Action: Clerk to contact LCC Flood Management


a) Monthly Inspection of play equipment.

AR to carry out the inspection this month. JF reported a delay on cementing the goal post due to the availability of the volunteers, but aims the work will be completed before the New Year.

b) Painting of the Play Equipment.

AR reported a quote is in the process of being put together.

c) Autumn Tree Maintenance.

The Clerk has obtained a price of £290 for the maintenance required to the tree areas within the playing field. All agreed the work should go ahead.

d) Western Power – Cut back of Ash Tree.

Western Power request permission to side prune an Ash near the Bowls Pavilion to keep power lines clear. It was agreed this work could be carried out.

11. ALLOTMENTS (18/175)

a) Allotment Association Meeting.

No meeting in Dec.

b) Allotment Field.

No payment has been received for the rent for 2018/19; the invoice was sent in October. Also the signed tenancy agreement has not been returned for the year 2019/20. It was agreed to write informing the current tenant that if no response on the agreement is received by the end of December the parish council will have to advertise the tenancy. The letter is to be sent by registered post.

Action: Clerk to write to the current tenant.

12. FINANCE (18/176)

a) Bank Balances and Approval of Bank Reconciliation.

The bank balances were reported as:-

PC Account 15,278.21
Allotment Account 4,159.96
Mary Gresswell Trust 5.45

b) Income Received.

Transfer from Mary Gresswell account 218.00
Sale of old litterbin 10.00

c) Payments.

It was proposed by GG, seconded by JF and RESOLVED the following payments be made

Invoice VAT Total
Salaries/Expenses TBN TBN
Greensleeves – village hall lawn 48.33 9.67 58.00
LALC Trg. 8.50 8.50
Internal Auditor 25.00 25.00
Binbuster (Seat cleaning) 65.00 65.00

d) Planning of the Budget for 2019/20

Copies of a draft budget proposal had been forwarded to the councillors prior to the meeting. A draft copy of the NKDC precept calculator had arrived the day of the meeting and currently shows no grant. A discussion took place and a draft precept of £17,145 will be required. This shows as an increase of £812.00 and equates to an increase of £2.59 over the whole year for a Band D. It was proposed that the council wait for further information from NKDC before finally setting the precept next month.

Action: Agenda Item for January.


a) NKDC changes to distribution of Electoral Registers to councillors. Noted and info distributed to councillors 5.12.18

b) Review of NKDC Member Code of Conduct comments required by 14th Dec. Info distributed to councillors 26.11.18

c) The National Joint Council for Local Government Services have produced latest pay scales for 2019-2020 to be implemented from 1st April 2019. Distributed to councillors 10.12.18

d) Western Power – Info launch to protect vulnerable people across the UK


For 2019 - 16th Jan, 20th Feb, 20th Mar, 17th April Dec 2018


Replacement bin near dugout

16. CLOSED SESSION (for confidential items in accordance with the Public Bodies Act 1960) If required. (18/180)

This item was not required.

20.55hrs There being no further business the Chairman wished everyone a happy Christmas and closed the meeting.