September 2018 Minutes


Minutes from the Parish Council Meeting held in Digby War Memorial Hall on Wednesday 19th Sept 2018 at 7pm.

PRESENT Parish Councillors James Bourne (JB) Chairman, Tracy Bourne (TB), John Fry (JF), Gerald Garton (GG), District Councillors Steve Clegg (SC)

In attendance: Angie McDonald, Clerk and Proper Officer.


Neill Gardener. Chairman of Digby Allotments Association and a member of the British Bee Keepers Association (BBKA) came to speak about keeping bees on the allotments. All the allotment holders have been informed and the majority confirm they are happy for bees to be kept on a plot. The beekeeper must be a member of the BBKA and Neill supplied details of insurance and risk assessment that is carried out on the allotments. A review of the plot holders will be carried out periodically to check that no issues are arising.

After questions Neill kindly went on to speak about Asian Hornets and how to identify them and that they are a notifiable pest, and gave advice on how to make wasp traps, details can be found on the BBKA website. He also confirmed that at the allotments they have built a number of raised beds on a plot near the cabin to be planted with sensory plants. The Chairman thanked Neill for attending.


District Councillor Clegg (SC)

SC informed the meeting Mrs Brighton died late August.

Karen Bradford the Deputy Executive is leaving her position.

NKDC are still trying to contact the owner of the plot off North Street. Any evidence of vermin would be helpful.

JF confirmed the ivy at the rear of the property is still growing over the public footpath at the rear. The Countryside Officer has requested this to be cut back, but it has not happened yet.

JB reported road is subsiding along Fen Road.


No report received for the meeting


a) The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. APOLOGIES (18/118)

a) Apologies were received from CH, due to holiday, and AR due to family commitments. Both reasons were acknowledged and accepted.

b) A letter of resignation, due to work commitments, from RW was read out. It was with regret that the parish council accepted the resignation.


a) Declaration of Interest.

JF declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 10f, the Digby Feast.


a) It was proposed by JF, seconded by GG and RESOLVED to accept the notes of the Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 15th Aug 2018 as a true and accurate record of that meeting.


a) Planning Applications Received

18/0887/VARCON & 18/1143/LBC Plot 5 Manor Farm, North Street. Conversion of former barn to form dwelling together with erection of new detached garage building) to allow for changes to the internal layout and changes to the external appearance of the barn to al low for the omission of the bi-fold doors, repositioning of the roof lights and the omission of the ground floor door on the west elevation together with revised design to the detached garage/car port building to include changes to the internal layout of building and the insertion of French Doors on south elevation. Response sent on 12th Sept of no comments.

18/0377/VARCON Plot 4 Manor Farm Barns, North Street. Application to vary condition 13 (approved plans) of 17/1688/FUL. Removal of glazed link, annexe, reduction in site area, and amendments to building height and fenestration (part retrospective)

Comments to be by 21st Sept. It was agree to respond with a No Comments, reply.

b) Decision Notice.

18/0998/HOUS 30 Church St, Extension of dropped kerb – Approved by NKDC. Parish councillors notified 17.9.18


a) Telephone Kiosk.

The replacement windows have been purchased and delivered to the volunteers. All the windows

have now been installed. The kiosk has been cleaned up and surrounding grass cut, there is a notice in the box saying the lending library will be starting soon. This was good news.

b) The Cross

The Clerk confirmed no progress has been made since the last meeting.

c) Plot behind No. 3 North Street

JF reported the deadlines for the enforcement have been missed, SC confirmed the matter is still being dealt with.

d) Work on the Village Assets

The metal bus shelter requires painting. TB agreed to find a painter.

The seats and benches within the playing field need cleaning to remove lichen. JF agreed to ask Ken Hand and Mick Whittle if they would be interested in carrying out the work.

The Lock Up wooden door requires re-treating. JF agreed to ask Ken Hand as he did this job last time.

The seat at Harrowby Close. JF is still working on getting wooden slat replaced.

Action: The noted councillors to report on progress for next month’s meeting.

e) Defibrillator Training

GG confirmed that Dorrington will soon be purchasing a defibrillator and offered that the training provided could be attended jointly by the two villages. This was felt to be a good idea and GG will keep us informed of any progress.

The defibrillator at Digby is due for a new battery, at a cost of £225.00 + VAT and replacement electrode pads, at a cost of £35.00 + VAT during October. It was proposed by GG, seconded by JF and RESOLVED to proceed and purchase new battery/new pads. JF confirmed he will install.

Action: Clerk to order battery and pads

f) Remembrance Day Wreath

It was proposed by JF, seconded by JB and RESOLVED to purchase a Poppy Wreath up to a cost of £20.00. GG will purchase the wreath. JF agreed to ask Darren Drysdale to lay the wreath at the Remembrance Service.

g) WW1 memorial seat.

It was agreed that no further seats are required at this time around the village.

7. HIGHWAYS (18/123)

a) Road Subsidence.

The area of subsidence previously reported along Fen Road is much worse.

Action: The Clerk to report the issue again.

8. THE VILLAGE HALL (18/124)

a) Village Hall Committee Meeting.

The meeting for the village hall had only just taken place and the minutes are not yet available. The Clerk will distribute them to the councillors upon receipt.

b) Footpath Lighting – Update

JB confirmed he had contacted the electrician and the work will commence shortly. The electrician is waiting for the stock of lights to arrive.

9. DRAINAGE (18/125)

a) Report from LCC, IDB or the Environment Agency

The Witham Drainage board has cut the grass along the beck.

JF is to visit the new owners of the Manor to discuss the new drainage scheme proposed for the North and East of the village.

Action: JF to report to the council the outcome of the visit.


a) Monthly and Annual Inspection Report

The inspection for Aug was carried out by GG. He reported the Five-a-side goal posts require re-fixing and the net needs securing to the posts. JF agreed to look at this as he has some post fix and GG suggested the net be secured with cable ties.

The annual RoSPA report was received and distributed to the councillors on 5th Sept. It shows the equipment to be in good repair.

JF has reported the recent vandalism on the field to the PCSO. The wooden owl had been pulled out of the ground and one of the anti-perching strips removed from over the swings.

The condition of the dug-out was discussed and JB agreed to ask if footballers would be interested in repairing it. TB offered to source breeze blocks

Action: Add dug-out to next agenda/check if five-a-side posts have been secured.

b) Painting of the Play Equipment.

TB agreed to try and source a painter for the equipment.

Action: TB to find a painter

c) Grass Cutting Contract.

The current contractor has left the area and will work until end Sept, he has recommended Malc Firth Landscapes to take over the cutting for Oct. The Clerk has requested prices for the outstanding works for Oct from Malc Firth, ie cutting of Playing field and 1m strip either side of Greendykes footpath. The Clerk has also asked for a quote for the complete ground maintenance requirements for the village to commence from spring 2019.

Action: Clerk to forward the costings to councillors when received.

d) Autumn Tree Maintenance Program

It was agreed the areas in the playing field, either side of the footpath along the rear of North Street need to have the saplings cut back and a 1m band of ivy needs to be removed from the trees as recommended from the tree report.

Action: Clerk to obtain a price for the work.

e) Bus Shelter Notice

JF has found a suitable sign, but will check with Highways first for permission to have it erected either side of the bus stop. If permission is granted the signs will cost £32.00 each.

f) Digby Feast 2019,

JF had declared a non-pecuniary interest in this item. He explained after the last Feast the fund raising committee wondered if it should revert to the old format of using the playing field as well. This would require a grant to pay for marquees to cater for inclement weather and possible entertainment to encourage more people to attend. After much discussion it was felt the Parish Council could not offer a grant as the cost of the grant for these items could easily outweigh the profit made on the day.

g) Additional/Repositioning of Dog Bin.

JF reported issues brought to his attention by the NKDC Dog Waste Bin emptying team. It was agreed to move the current bin on Green Dyke footpath near Chestnut Close to the north end of the path near the road to Rowston and purchase a new bin to be placed in Chestnut Close. It was proposed by TB, seconded by JF and RESOLVED to purchase new bin at £85.00.

11. ALLOTMENTS (18/127)

a) Allotment Association meeting.

The notes from the last meeting were circulated to councillors on 3.9.18.

b) Bees and Community Garden.

After the presentation during the public session it was agreed bees can be kept on the allotments as long the bee keeper adheres to the risk assessment. It was felt an emergency number of the bee keeper needs to be available to the allotment holders in case of any issues. Also other councils have recommended screening around allotments containing bees to help protect the other allotment holders and the bees and it was agreed to pass on this message to the Digby Allotment Association.

It was felt the Community Sensory Garden was a good idea.

Action: JB to pass on information at the next Digby Allotment Association meeting

12. FINANCE (18/128)

a) Bank Balances and Approval of Bank Reconciliation.

The bank balances were reported as:-

PC Account 23843.62
Allotment Acc 4159.96
Mary Gresswell Trust 223.42

b) Income Received.

NKDC Litter Picking Grant 136.08

c) Approval of Payments.

It was proposed by JF, seconded by JB and RESOLVED the following payment will be made.

Invoice VAT Total
Salaries/HMRC/Expenses incl Kiosk windows 697.87 16.46 714.33
Village Hall rent - Jul 12.00 12.00
RoSPA Play Equip Annual Inspection 91.00 18.20 109.20
Autela – Payroll 39.00 7.80 46.80
Greensleeves – V.Hall Lawn treatment 48.33 9.67 58.00
Community Lincs –Training Play Equip Insp 84.00 16.80 100.80


a) LCC Funding Portal – Distributed to councillors

b) East Midland Community Led Housing – Circular to all Parish Councils – Noted and distributed

c) Community Emergency Planning – Noted and circulated to councillors 29.8.18

d) Lincolnshire Fire & Rescue Fire Safety Engagement, information on proposed fire safety training being offered – Noted and circulated to councillors 3.9.18

e) To consider a letter of thanks for a resident re. Greendykes (JF). This is to be deferred until next month.

f) LALC Newsletter – Noted and distributed to councillors 11.9.18. The Clerk is to attend 2x IT training session.


2018 - 17th Oct, 14th Nov, 19th Dec
2019 – 16th Jan, 20th Feb, 20th Mar


Request for additional bus service.

Dug Out – Repair or remove?
Defibrillator – Fitting of the new pads and battery
Grass cuttings being dumped on playing field by the Bowls Club
Ivy problem along footpath from Church Street to the School.

16. CLOSED SESSION (for confidential items in accordance with the Public Bodies Act 1960) If required. (18/132)

This item was not required.

21.25 There being no further business the chairman declared the meeting closed.