October 2018 Minutes


Minutes from the Parish Council Meeting held in Digby War Memorial Hall on Wednesday 17th October 2018 at 7pm.

PRESENT Parish Councillors James Bourne (JB) Chairman, Tracy Bourne (TB), John Fry (JF), Gerald Garton (GG), Amanda Redsell (AR), County Councillor Rob Kendrick (RK)

In attendance: Angie McDonald, Clerk and Proper Officer.


No members of the public were present.


Cllr Kendrick (RK) spoke of the road issues along Fen Road have been discussed with Highways. Uneven road signage is to be erected as an interim measure to warn drivers.

GG spoke about the Cross and problems with trying to protect it. The clerk is to send a copy of the correspondence with Highways to RK.

RK spoke about the concerns about rural transport in this area that have been brought to his attention. He agreed he is happy to lobby in support of an improved service.


A report from PCSO Woolerton was forwarded to the councillors prior to the meeting. Over the last month 2 reports of criminal damage have occurred. One on the playing field and one on the footbridge between North Street and Harrowby Close.


a) The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. APOLOGIES (18/134)

a) Apologies

Apologies have been received from C Harvey (CH), due to being away. As this was the third time this year that CH had booked a short break which clashed with the advance -programmed monthly meetings, it was resolved by 3 votes to 2 abstentions not to accept the reason as valid on this occasion.

District Councillor Clegg sent his apologies due to other commitments.


Declaration of Interest.

GG declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 13(h) Correspondence relating to the Parish Magazine.

JF and AR declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 8(a) relating to the Village Hall insurance.


a) It was proposed by GG, seconded by JF, and RESOLVED to accept the notes of the Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 19th September 2018 as a true and accurate record of that meeting.


a) Planning Applications Received.

18/1255/HOUS Spindles Cottage, Allens Farm, Fen Road, erection of two storey side extension and porch. Comments to be sent to NKDC by 21st Oct. There were no comments on this application from the parish council.

18/1188/VARCON Plot 6 Manor Farm Barns, North Street – Application to vary condition 11 attached to planning permission 18/0378/FUL to revise window and roof light detailing, to insert metal flue and omission of en-suite. Comments to be sent to NKDC by 20th Oct. There were no comments on this application from the parish council.

Action: Clerk to forward the council’s response on both these applications

b) Decision Notice.

18/1143/LBC – Plot 5 Manor Farm Barns, North Street – Approved by NKDC

18/0887/VARCON – Plot 5 Manor Farm Barns, North Street – Approved by NKDC


a) Asset Register.

It was agreed to add to the register the location of the deeds held by the Parish Council, and the location of old Allotment records.

b) Work on Village Assets –

The update on the progress of the work on the village assets is as follows

i) The painting of the metal bus shelter - TB has been unsuccessful in contacting a painter. AR agreed to try and find one

ii) Cleaning of all seats and benches - no progress has been made. GG agreed to check with the wheelie bin cleaner to see if he could use his pressure washer.

iii) Treating of the wooden door at the Lock Up - Ken Hand has agreed to do this.

iv) Repairs to the stone of the Lock Up – the repairs are progressing slowly and is on-going, some of the damaged stone has been replaced.

v) Telephone Kiosk - The shelving has now been installed and the door sill repaired.

c) Update on Defibrillator spares.

The new battery and pads have been fitted and reported to Community Heartbeat. It appears the unit may have been deployed during the last month as a new set of pads have been provided by the Skegness Ambulance unit.

Delays at Dorrington on the installation of their defibrillator means there will be delays in the joint training session. It was agreed to ask the Village Hall Committee if they would consider holding a training session at one of their coffee mornings.

Action: Clerk to contact the Chairman of the Village Hall to discuss defibrillator training.

d) Support Request to Improve the Local Bus Service.

This item was deferred until next month

Action: Add to next month’s agenda.

7. HIGHWAYS (18/139)

a) Surface of Fen Road

The Clerk has re- reported the subsidence as it has become much worse along Fen Road. Cllr Kendrick has informed the parish council he has contacted Highways about the situation. this work will need to be programmed as a ‘Major Works’ project and needs to be dealt with by the Highways Asset Team.

b) Ivy problem along the Footpath from Church Street to the School.

LCC are not prepared to remove the ivy from a private property. GG not happy with the response. It was agreed to formally write to Chris Marsh as the ivy is originating from Highway land and is damaging the property

The ivy further along the same footpath at the rear of the vacant plot has started to be cut back, but hasn’t been finished. JF was delegated to contact Chris Marsh and inform him of the unfinished work.

Action: Clerk to write to Countryside Officer.

8. THE VILLAGE HALL (18/140)

a) Village Hall Committee Meeting.

AR and JF had declared an interest in this item.

The recent notes have been distributed to the parish councillors. AR asked on behalf of the Village Hall Committee if the parish council could either contribute to the village hall insurance again or pay for the refurbishment of the kitchen floor area. As it will involve spending money it will need to be an agenda item for next month for a full discussion.

Action: Grant for Village Hall on next agenda.

AR also mentioned the hall committee are still trying to raise money for the improvements to the hall and are looking into schemes used by other parishes.

b) Update on the Footpath Lighting.

Work has commenced on the footpath lighting and will hopefully be completed by next week. Amanda Bond, LCC has been notified and confirms the grant will be made on completion of work.

9. DRAINAGE (18/141)

a) Updates from LCC, IDB or the Environment Agency.

The new drainage scheme to the north and west of the village is still being considered, although there are still areas of work to be negotiated with the landowners. Some of the land owners have reported difficulty in contacting LCC Flood & Drainage department to progress this.

Action: This information to be passed to RK by the Clerk


a) Monthly Inspection Report of Play Equipment.

GG completed the inspection 20th Sept. The mini goal posts will be re-cemented soon and the netting tidied up. He reported a bench seat has a lose ground fitting.

Action: JF to re-cement the goal posts, tidy the netting and will look at the loose seat fitting.

AR has now completed the routine playground inspection course and will be able to assist GG.

b) Painting of the Play Equipment.

Deferred to next month

Action: Agenda Item next month.

c) Grass Cutting Contract.

GG suggested an additional quote for next year’s grass cutting be sought from Glendale.

Action: Clerk to obtain further quote.

d) Autumn Tree Maintenance Program.

Deferred to next month.

Action: Agenda item next month.

e) Update on the Bus Shelter Notice.

Highways have objected to the signage being erected so it was agreed this item cannot be progressed any further.

f) Future of the ‘Dug Out’.

JB has spoken to football club and they have agreed rebuild the walls

g) Bowls Club – Grass Cuttings

It was agreed to write to the bowls Club to remind them not to tip grass cuttings on field.

Action: Clerk to compose and send the letter.

11. ALLOTMENTS (18/143)

a) Allotment Association Meeting.

JB reported there has been a working meeting at the allotments and the hut has now been painted.

12. FINANCE (18/144)

a) Bank Balances and Approval of Bank Reconciliation.

Bank balances were reported as:

PC Account 22,802.49
Allotment Account 4,159.96
Mary Gresswell Trust 223.43

Copies of the bank reconciliation were distributed and approved.

b) Income Received.

Nil this month

c) Approval of the following payments:

It was proposed by JF, seconded by AR and RESOLVED the following payment will be made.

Invoice VAT Total
Salaries/Expenses 595.78 595.78
Dog Waste bin 62.50 12.50 75.00
Community Heartbeat Defib spares 260.00 54.00 324.00
LALC Training Lunch 8.50 8.50

d) Internal Auditor

The Clerk has arranged for the accounts to be reviewed by the internal auditor.


a) NKDC Central Lincolnshire Local Plan, notification of revised maps for some areas. Distributed to councillors and noted 5.10.18

b) Community Lincs New and Update bulletin. Distributed 5.10.18

c) Information Commissioners Office Newsletter, Distributed 5.10.18

d) LCC Winter Self Help info – Distributed to councillors 8.10.18

e) NKDC Review of Polling Districts. No change for Digby. Distributed to councillors 15.10.18

f) LCC Parish Agreement for Highway Verges 2019/20. Distributed to councillors 15.10.18. It was agreed this needed further discussion.

Action: Add to next month’s agenda

g) Parking Enforcement – JF’s letter to Councillor Kendrick. Noted

h) Our Parishes News – request for possible funding to deliver the magazine to the whole village. More information is needed.

Action: Add to next month’s agenda

i) NKDC Brownfield Land Register, site assessment evidence report 2018. Distributed to councillors



14th Nov, 19th Dec 2018, 16th Jan, 20th Feb, 20th Mar, 17th April 2019


Village Hall Insurance
Parish magazine
Gritbin missing near the school
Heating in the Village hall
Support for local bus service improvements

16. CLOSED SESSION (for confidential items in accordance with the Public Bodies Act 1960) If required.(18/148)

This item was not required

20.55 There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed.