November 2018 Minutes


Minutes from the Parish Council Meeting held in Digby War Memorial Hall on Wednesday 14th November 2018 at 7pm.

PRESENT Parish Councillors James Bourne (JB) Chairman, Tracy Bourne (TB), John Fry (JF), Gerald Garton (GG), and Colin Harvey (CH)

District Councillors Steve Clegg (SC)
County Councillor Rob Kendrick (RK)

In attendance: Angie McDonald, Clerk and Proper Officer


A member of the public was present but had nothing to discuss.


District Councillor Clegg (SC)

SC reported that a member of the enforcement team has attempted to visit the owner of the land off North Street.

NK has contacted the owner of Chestnut Close open space but not had any response as yet.

A public consultation is taking place regarding the 1.3 million pound refurbishment of the HUB in Sleaford the cut-off date for responses is 30th Nov.

The NKDC area has been selected as a trial centre for voter ID for next year. This means at the next elections, voters will be required to provide either a photo ID or 2 other forms of ID.

County Councillor Kendrick (RK)

Highways are aware of the condition of Fen Road and know of the two recent vehicle incidents. Highways have been awarded extra money for road improvements from the Government and RK has requested that this road be included in the road improvements currently being assessed by Highways.

Talks have taken place at LCC regarding the national move to provide emergency care centres and the sites identified in Lincolnshire. This will go out to public consultation before being finalised. An emergency plan has been put in place to keep the children’s services open at Pilgrim Hospital.

GG reminded RK about the problem of the ivy along the footpath from Church Road to the school .


A report was forwarded to the councillors prior to the meeting. No crimes had been reported during Oct. There was a public disturbance reported on North Street, an oil spillage and a road traffic accident on Fen Road, dangerous driving at the Cross and hare coursing on the Fen.


a) The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. APOLOGIES and CO- OPTION (18/150)

a) Apologies.

AR was absent but no reason given to date.

b) Co-option of a Parish Councillor.

NKDC had not received a request to hold an election due to the resignation of R Wyness, so the Parish Council may now advertise the position and co-opt a new member.

Action: Clerk to advertise the vacancy. Co-option to be added to next months agenda.

c) Electoral Registration for 2018/19

The current councillors confirmed the format they wished to receive the latest copy of the electoral registration.


a) Declarations of Interest

GG declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 6g and JF a non-pecuniary interest in item 8d


a) It was proposed by GG, seconded by TB, and RESOLVED to accept the notes of the Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 17th October 2018 as a true and accurate record of that meeting.


a) Planning Applications Received.

Nil to date.

b) Decision Notice.

18/0377/VARCON Plot 4 Manor Farm Barns – the variations have been approved by NKDC

18/1255/HOUS Spindle Cottage, Allens Farm, Fen Road. Erection of two storey side extension and porch – Approved by NKDC.

18/1188/VARCON Plot 6 Manor Farm Barns – the variations have been approved by NKDC.


a) Asset Register.

A copy of the Asset Register had been forwarded to all the councillors prior to the meeting. The Clerk made a list of the items that need altering and will forward the amended version when complete to the councillors to be reviewed and approved at the next meeting.

Action: Clerk to complete alterations and forward to councillors.

b) Village Assets – Repairs.

The reported progress on the planned works are as follows.

i) The painting of the metal bus shelter – Still awaiting information from AR

ii) The cleaning of all seats and benches – A quote of £5 per seat/bench has been received and

RESOLVED this should go ahead. CH suggested the swing seats be included to be cleaned, it was agreed.

iii) The treating of the wooden door at the Lock up – Mr Hand is prepared to complete this work.

iv) Telephone Kiosk -The work is now complete and is full of books and open to the public. Our thanks are to be sent to Allison Frankish and Carol Ann Brewer for their vision on how to use the kiosk for the good of the village and all their hard work in completing the task.

c) Local Bus Service

The information has not been presented to the meeting so therefore the council were unable to discuss this item.

d) December Parish Council Meeting.

As the next meeting is to fall within 5 days of Christmas, the Chairman asked if the council should meet the week prior to enable any council business to be actioned before to the festive holiday. All agreed to move the meeting.

Action: Clerk to contact village hall booking clerk and advertise the change of date.

e) Defibrillator.

JF has changed the batteries in the light above the Defib. It was agreed to delay the public Defib training until after the commencement of the New Year with the aim of it still being hopefully combined with Dorrington.

f) Emergency Text Alert System (LCC).

It was agreed not sign up to this system at this time.

g) Parish Magazine.

GG took no part in the discussion or decision on this item as a member of the PCC.

It has been suggested by the editor of the magazine that it would cost approx £1,300 per year to have the parish magazine delivered to every house in the parish of Digby, this was felt to be an unacceptable burden on the precept. TB suggested that perhaps a copy could be offered free via email. Residents could sign up if they were interested.

Action: JF to forward this suggestion to the editor.

h) Clerk’s Annual Appraisal.

It was agreed to hold the Clerk’s appraisal prior to the next meeting. 12th Dec at 18.30hrs

7. HIGHWAYS (18/155)

a) Replacement Grit Bin.

The Clerk confirmed the replacement grit bin has been requested for the footpath to the school and has a request order number.

b) LCC Parish Agreement for Highway Verges 2019/20

The agreement had been distributed to the councillors at the last meeting, it was agreed unanimously that the Parish Council would not take on the full responsibility for cutting the grass verges in and around Digby.

8. THE VILLAGE HALL (18/156)

a) Village Hall Committee Meeting.

The Village Hall committee meeting has yet to take place for November and there were no comments from the last meeting to discuss.

b) Footpath Lighting.

The lighting has been completed and is working well. The council have received several positive comments. The Clerk has sent off the request for the grant from LCC.

c) Village Hall Garden – Improve Junction Visibility.

There have been requests to cut back and reduce the height of the shrubs within the garden boundary that runs along Beck Street to aid visibility on the junction for road safety.

The Chairman agreed to cut back the shrubs. The Clerk to arrange getting the overhanging tree cut back.

d) Grant for Village Hall.

JF took no part in the discussion or decision as a trustee of the village hall.

After receiving a request from the village hall committee, last month for a contribution to the insurance. It was proposed by JB, seconded by CH that £400 be contributed to go towards the insurance. GG agreed, TB abstained.

e) Village Hall Heating System

There is still concern about how cold it is in the hall. The meeting has moved to the small room as the main hall is too cold, but the heater in this area has not been working for two meetings.

Action: Clerk to report the continued problem to the Village Hall Committee.

9. DRAINAGE (18/157)

a) Updates from LCC, IDB or the Environment Agency.

JB reported the Environment Agency is cleaning out Queen dyke and CH reported the IDB have worked on the Beck .

JF has had a report of a terrible smell and foul waste flowing into the water course at Chestnut Close. Neighbours have reported it to Anglian Water.

Action: The Clerk is to report it to Environmental Agency and IDB

b) LCC Flood & Drainage Team Response to Residents

The Parish Council have received a copy of a letter sent to a resident in the village regarding the progress of the new drainage scheme. It details the current situation and that the start date for the work has been further delayed due to ongoing negotiations with landlords affected by the new channel.

Action: Clerk to retain for information.


a) Monthly Inspection of Play Equipment

AR was not at the meeting to present the monthly report. JF reported he requires a couple of volunteers to help set the five-a-side goal post.

b) Painting of the Play Equipment.

This information was not available.

c) Autumn Tree Maintenance Program.

The Clerk is meeting the contractor on 16th Nov to discuss the work and obtain a price for the next meeting.

d) Additional Play Equipment.

There have been no requests for new equipment, but the council needs to start considering the budget/precept. It was agreed the existing equipment will need to be replaced in time so therefore it would be prudent to start building up a fund in preparation.

11. ALLOTMENTS (18/159)

a) Allotment Association Meeting.

JB reported the shed has finished being painted, the toilet area has been refurbished, and the sensory garden has started to be constructed.

b) Allotment Field Rent.

The rent is now due for the allotment field and the Clerk has sent the invoice .

12. FINANCE (18/160)

a) Bank Balances and Approval of Bank Reconciliation.

The bank balances were reported as:-

PC Account 22,032.56
Allotment Account 4,159.96
Mary Gresswell Trust 223.44
b) Income Received.
VAT Return 233.35

This amount is included in the bank balance.

c) Approval of Payments.

It was proposed by GG, seconded by JF and RESOLVED the following payments will be made.

Invoice VAT Total
Salaries/Expenses 598.55 598.55
Jewson 3xpostmix 20.19 4.04 24.23
K Hand (V.Hall ground maint.) 256.00 256.00
Royal British Legion (Wreath) 18.00 18.00
Snowden (Bus Shelter rent) 5.00 5.00
B Whitmore-Wilson (Grass/Grd Maint) 1,900.00 1,900.00
Select electrical Services- V.Hall path light 3,504.00 700.80 4,204.80

d) Internal Auditor’s Report.

The internal audit has been completed and the report forwarded to the councillors. The report will now be put on the website. It was proposed by JF, seconded by GG and all agreed and honorarium of £25.00 be paid to the auditor for all his work.

Action: The Clerk to raise the cheque.

e) Budget for 2019/20

GG to set a date for either the last week in Nov or the 1st week in Dec to commence the planning of the budget. The Clerk will inform the council of the date.

Action: GG to set a date and inform the Clerk.


a) Community Lincs News and Updates – Noted and distributed to councillors 23.10.18

b) LCC Consultation of Lincs Admissions Arrangements for Sept 2020 – Noted and distributed 2.11.18

c) Keep Britain Tidy – Dark Nights Dog Poo Campaign information. Distributed 8.11.18. It was felt this scheme was too expensive to consider.

d) NKDC FundNK, grants available – Noted and distributed to councillors 12.11.18

e) NKDC Contaminated Land Strategy Consultation – Noted and distributed to councillors 14.11.18

f) Community Lincs Newsletter, Nov 18 – Noted and distributed to councillors 14.11.18

g) CH handed a letter to the Clerk. He has resigned as Vice-Chairman.


12th Dec 2018, 16th Jan, 20th Feb, 20th Mar, 17th April 2019


Update from NHS – Diane Hanson
Co-option of councillor

16. CLOSED SESSION (for confidential items in accordance with the Public Bodies Act 1960) If required. (18/164)

It was RESOLVED to go into Closed Session

a) Rates of pay for the Litter Picker.

The Council confirmed the new agreed rate of pay will commence from 1st April 2019.

There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 21.00hrs.