June 2022 Minutes

 Digby Parish Council 

The notes from the parish council meeting held on Monday 13th June 2022 at 7pm, in Digby War Memorial Hall. 

Present – James Bourne, Chairman (JB), Tracy Bourne (TB), Darren Drysdale (DD); Gerald Garton (GG); Karen Groves (KG) and Ken Hand (KH)

In Attendance 

Angie McDonald, Clerk and Proper Officer


Public Forum

A resident asked about a notice on a post stating a 9m pole is to be installed in front of 1 Harrowby Close, but because of rain damage the rest of the notice cannot be read.  What is it for and why in that location?  The Parish Council have no knowledge of this, it is not a current planning application via NKDC, but will try and find out.

District & County Councillors' Matters

County Councillor Kendrick – Apologies received due to another commitment.

The District Councillors are due to arrive later during the meeting.


The Chairman declared the meeting open.


1.  Chairman's Opening Remarks (22/083)

a) Welcome.

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting

2.  Apologies and co-option of a new councillor (22/084)

a) Apologies. 

There were no apologies, all councillors were present 

b) Welcome Cllr Drysdale to the Parish Council

The Chairman welcomed Cllr Drysdale to the parish council.  The Clerk has received and forwarded to the District Council all the relevant paperwork.

c) Co-option to fill the vacancy left by Cllr Fry

NKDC has notified the parish council that they should now co-opt a councillor as there was no request to hold an election.  Only one application has been received.  Rebecca Collishaw has written asking to become a parish councillor.  It was proposed by KH, seconded by TB and all agreed to invite Rebecca to join the parish council

Action – The Clerk to forward the paperwork to be completed.

3.  Declarations of Pecuniary Interest & Applications of Dispensation (22/085)

a) There were none.

4.  Signing of the Minutes (22/086)

a) It was proposed by GG, seconded by TB and RESOLVED to accept the notes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 9th May 2022 as a true and accurate record of that meeting.

5.  Planning Matters (22/087)

a) 22/0550/FUL The Barn adj. Springwell Barn – conversion of existing outbuilding (former grain store) to 1no. residential dwelling.

There were no objections to the application, but it was requested that the public footpath needed to be protected.

6. General Parish Matters (22/088)

a) Insurance premium.

Copies of the insurance details from Gallagher had been forwarded to the councillors, the premium for 2022/23 is £579.40.   It was proposed by GG, seconded TB and all agreed to accept this and hold this price for 3 years by agreeing to a 3 year policy.

b)  Queen's Jubilee Village Projects.

From the last parish council meeting until the date of the Jubilee celebrations much correspondence and a meeting took place between the council and those running the event.  The final outcome was the Parish Council agreed to provide a grant for the trophies for the competitions.  Although the council felt unable to contribute to the insurance cover or the bouncy castle it is understood that private donations covered these costs. It was ratified the cost of the trophies of £22.96 be reimbursed.

The new footpath signs have all been erected by John Fry and KH.  On North Street where additional properties have been built off the footpaths there was felt to be confusion for deliveries to these properties.  John Fry has provided an alternative signage answer and has spoken to the people it effects.  2x new signs at £25.00 can be produced, an example of the new design has been forwarded to the council by Mr Fry.  It was agreed by JB, seconded by TB to proceed with the new signage all agreed, except GG.

Action:  Clerk to inform John to purchase the new signage.

d) Update on the additional Dog Waste Bins.

The order acknowledgements for the orders placed in Apr and May have been received for both bins.  The Clerk has contacted Glasdon and there is a further manufacturing waiting time of at least another 3 weeks for the green bins or if we change to red bins they could be sent out within 5 to 10 days.  It was agreed to wait for the green bins.

e)  Memorial for Cllr C Harvey.

It was felt the time Cllr Harvey had given to the parish should be commemorated.  One suggestion was a clock to be placed on the village hall, with permission from the Village Hall Committee.  Other ideas are to be explored and will be considered at the next meeting.  In the meantime a price for an external clock will be sought, and DD will ask for consent from the Village Hall committee, in principle, for it to be placed on the building. 

f)  Overgrown footpaths - Church Street and North Street

GG commented on several hedges and trees that are blocking parts of the footpaths around the village.  

Action:  The clerk to write to the residents and ask them to cut back the hedges/trees.


19.29  - The Chairman declared the meeting closed for District Cllrs and Clegg and Clarke to speak

Cllr Clegg stated NKDC has been short listed by the Local Government Chronicle for the council of the year award.  It is the only rural council to be nominated.

NK Stepping out are holding a walking festival from 18th June to 3rd July.

GG noted there is a new stepping out walk from Dorrington to Ruskington and highlighted the issues with the footpath No. 5.  Could NKDC support the need to get this path registered on the LCC Definitive map?

19.40 -  The meeting resumed and the District Councillors left the meeting.

g) New NK Code of Conduct 

Copies of the new Code of Conduct from NKDC and the guidance notes were forwarded to the councillors prior to the meeting.  It was proposed by GG, seconded by KH and RESOLVED to adopt the New Code of Conduct, the councillors signed the NK proforma 

Action:  The Clerk to forward the proformas to NKDC, and update the website.

h) Defibrillator 

On an inspection of the defibrillator carried out by KG it was found the electrode pads had run out of date.  Under the Clerks discretion, as it is an emergency item of equipment, new pads were ordered at £51.60 and have been replaced.  This expense was ratified by the council. 

7.  Highways (22/089)

a) Pot holes or Highways issues

Although the County Councillor could not attend the meeting the Clerk has forwarded request for information on the speed reduction of the B1188 within the village boundaries, the school safety zone and the report that the junction of the Ashby Road and B1188 had been repaired.  The huge pothole on Fen road has been filled.

8.  The Village Hall (22/090)

a) Minutes from the latest meeting.

The minutes from the latest meeting have been distributed to the councillors, there were no comments.

b) Village Hall garden maintenance – A New gardener, CJP Garden Services, has been taken on at 2 x 2hour sessions a month at £15.00 per hour.  A hose pipe and reel has been purchased and connected.

9.  Drainage (22/091)

a) Flood Relief Scheme

The Clerk has asked the Cllr Kendrick to investigate why there is still no maintenance contract for the flood relief scheme.  GG suggested we make a complaint to the ombudsman about the lack of action as it has been over a year since the flood relief scheme was completed.

Action:  The Clerk will look into this procedure.

b) The Beck

The Chairman was concerned about a gas pipe that has been laid across the Beck which could hinder maintenance and possibly create a blockage during flooding.  It was agreed to contact the Gas Company and the Environment Agency to find out if permission had been given.

Action:  JB to contact the Gas Company, the Clerk to contact the Environment Agency

10. Playing Field, Play Areas and Village General (22/092)

a) (i) Monthly Inspection of the Play Equipment

GG has carried out the monthly inspection.  The play bark needs topping up under the slide.

The price for play bark is £113.92 + VAT per bulk bag.  Delivery free.  It was proposed by GG seconded by TB, that two bulk bags be ordered.

The 5a-side goal posts are still lose in the fixings.  It was agreed the length of the pitch could be made smaller to encourage use.  JB to obtain a quote to move the goal post at the east end of the field and get it re-concreted firmly in the ground.

Action:  The Clerk to order the play bark.  JB to obtain quote.

  (ii)  The quote from RPM received to repair the metal edges on the 2 decks of the multiplay at £555.00 was unanimously agreed to be accepted.  This will complete the repairs to the multiplay equipment.  The Clerk to also obtain specifications of the shackles fitted on the infant swings.

Action: The Clerk to contact RPM and arrange the work and obtain details on shackles.

(iii)  Play Equipment Inspection Training 

The Clerk confirmed KH and DD will attend the Play Inspection Training taking place on 23rd June. DD has kindly taken the place of Cllr Fry.

b) Moles

The Clerk confirmed pest control has been called out to deal with the moles.

c) Update on the new equipment installation.

The order for the equipment is progressing, confirmation that within 6 to 8 weeks an installation date will be given. 

A site meeting took place, 8th June, to confirm the location of the equipment and a plan is to be sent to the council for approval.  The council are awaiting the second proof of the signage details.  The logos of both companies, that have provided grants, will be on the sign. 

d) Pedestrian barrier at the B1188 end of the playing field.

The pedestrian barrier has now been installed.

e) Jolly Scotchman Football Team - Summer Fete 

The Jolly Scotchman football team have requested to hold a summer fete on the field on 16th July. It was agreed the fete could go ahead, the field must cleaned up afterwards  and a copy of the correct insurance must be presented to the council, along with a list of the activities taking place, car parking must be monitored.

Action:  The clerk to notify the football team of the decision.

f) Metal Seat in the Metal Bus Shelter.

KH agreed to look at the seat to see if anything can be done to improve its surface.

g) Update on the pond area off North Street

The developer has now left the adjoining site so it appears no further work will be completed by them on the pond area. To discourage any further fly tipping, JB agreed to ask Philip Baumber to flail the site at the end of the summer. 

11.  Allotments (22/093)

a) Updates from the Allotment Committee.

The minutes for the latest meetings have been forwarded to the councillors.  

b)  Flailing of the dykes.

Philip Baumber has carried out the routine flailing of the dykes around the allotment land.

12.  Finance (22/094)

a) Bank Balances and approval of bank reconciliation

The bank balances were reported as:-

PC General Account £35,637.25

Allotment Account  £ 7,612.05

Mary Gresswell Trust          £ 5.45

The bank reconciliation was approved.

b) Income received.

VAT claim for 2021/22 - £892.53 

This amount is already in the PC bank account.

c) Approval of Payments.

It was proposed by JB, seconded by TB and approved the following payment be made.

Salaries/Expenses/HMRC £764.70

Village Hall Rent – Apr 11th &13th ` £24.00

Mr Fry - wood/screws for footpath signs £26.95

Community Heartbeat –Defib Electrodes £43.00 + 8.60 VAT

Greensleeves – Lawn treatment £48.33 + 9.67 VAT

Philip Baumber – Flailing £75.00 + 15.00 VAT

MalcFirth – Barrier construction £1,497.30 + 299.46 VAT

Maggie Carr – Reimbursement for cups £19.13 + 3.83 VAT

MalcFirth – Parish Grass cutting Mar/Apr/May £1,117.14 + 223.44 VAT

Gallagher Insurance £579.40

Autela – Payroll £68.75 +13.75 VAT

CJP Garden Services £30.00

d) The Annual Governance and Accountability Return for 2021/22 has been sent to the External Auditor and the required paperwork has been uploaded onto the website. f) Update on the new signatories for the council's bank account

This will dealt with during the month.  A councillor needs to be available to confirm the changes, so the Clerk will arrange a date with GG to carry out this task.

13.  Correspondence (22/095)

a) LALC Newsletter - Distributed to all councillors

b) NKDC Newsletter - Distributed to all councillors 

c) RoSPA have confirmed and inspection of the play equipment will take place during August. d) LCC Tree Planting Scheme

14.  Dates of Future Meetings (22/096)

Parish Council meetings

   For 2022 -  11th Jul, 8th Aug, 12th Sep, 10th Oct, 14th Nov, 12th Dec.

15.  Any Business to Note for the Next Agenda (22/097)

Review Clubs field fees

Review Allotment Field Agreement

Chain link fence –  Jubilee Way

16.  Closed Session (22/098)

For confidential items in accordance with the Public Bodies Act 1960, if required.

This item was not required.


20.40hrs  There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed.