December 2022 Minutes

Digby Parish Council 

Notes of the parish council meeting held on Monday 12th December 2022 at 7pm, in Digby War Memorial Hall


Public Forum

Notification was given about an overgrown tree blocking the light from the footway light along The Smoot and damaged footpaths on Station Road and North Street, all have been reported on FixMyStreet but no action is being taken by LCC.  It was agreed to pass this on to the County Councillor.  The owner of the tree blocking the light has agreed to cut it back.

The condition of the damaged chain link fence leaning into footpath on Jubilee Walk is getting worse.  The Countryside Officer will be notified.


District & County Councillors' Matters

Apologies received from County Cllr Kendrick and District Cllr Clegg.  District Cllr Clarke will arrive later during the meeting.


1.  Chairman's Opening Remarks (22/171)

a) Welcome.

The chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2.  Apologies & Vacancy for a Councillor (22/172)

a) Apologies.

None, all councillors were present.

b) Co-option of Parish Councillor

No applications to fill the vacancy have been received.

3.  Declarations of Pecuniary Interest & Applications of Dispensation (22/173)

a) There were no declarations of interest.

4.  Signing of the Minutes (22/174)

a) It was proposed by GG, seconded by TB and RESOLVED to accept the notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 14th Nov 2022 as a true and accurate record of that meeting.

5.  Planning Matters (22/175)

a) Planning Application received

22/1698/HOUS – 15 Beck Street, erection of two storey rear extension

There were no comments or objections to this application.

b) Decision Notice Received


6. General Parish Matters (22/176)

a)  Permission to harvest sticks from playing field.

A request to harvest up to 4 sticks, for walking canes, from the playing field has been made.  GG voiced his reservations but the majority of the council agreed the resident could harvest the sticks.

Action: Clerk to notify permission has been given.

b)  Cllr C Harvey Memorial.

Details of a selection of clocks were sent to the councillors prior to the meeting.  All agreed on a clock design from Dunelm at £40. It was agreed the Clerk would purchase the clock and confirm details of the wording for the plaque during the month.

Action: The Clerk to purchase the clock and plaque

c)  Grant to Digby Pre-school.

The Clerk had contacted the Pre-school after the last meeting but to date a re-submission of the grant application has not been received. 

d)  Update on closure of the Mary Gresswell Trust.

On further research into closing the charity, there needs to be at least two trustees.  So the Parish Council need to appoint and register the trustee before commencing the closure.  

JB nominated, DD and KG as new Trustees, both accepted the position.

Action:  The Clerk to register the new Trustees.

7.  Highways (22/177)

a)  Highways issues.

i)  Footpath – Church Street.

A resident has reported on a number of occasions, to FixMyStreet, a damaged area of footpath and included photographs, and has then received reports back saying the repair has been carried out, but it hasn’t.  The Clerk forward this information to the County Councillor and he is looking into it.

ii)  Parking on Zig-zag lines outside school.

Parking in this area has been reported to LCC and the Police.  The response from LCC says civil parking enforcement is not enforceable as these markings are advisory only.  The Clerk has forwarded this to our county councillor with a further request to expedite the school safety zone we have requested for several years. 

8.  The Village Hall (22/178)

a) Minutes from the latest meeting of the Committee.

A copy of the minutes and financial report have been forwarded to all the councillors prior to the meeting.

9.  Drainage (22/179)

a) Riparian Project.

JB, GG and The Clerk have met with LCC Flood Risk Officer to commence the community engagement trial.  Maps have been provided to confirm water courses that may be effected. The purpose of the trial is to improve the publics understanding of riparian ownership.

Action:  TB to print of the maps.


19.45 - The Chairman declared the meeting closed so NKDC Cllr Clarke (JC) could speak.

JC spoke of benefit help for the elderly.  The telephone no. for advice on benefits is 0800 991234.

GG asked if the Government’s plan to reduce the number of new houses to be built, would affect the new Local Plan that is soon to be produced.   JC said this is to be discussed at the next full council meeting.

The Chairman thanked JC for attending and wished him a Merry Christmas.

19.55 The Chairman declared the meeting back in session


10. Playing Field, Play Areas and Village General (22/180)

a) Monthly inspection of the play equipment. 

This is to be completed by GG.  

DD confirmed he is continuing to work on producing a new inspection form to incorporate the new equipment 

b) Bowls Club Lease.

The Clerk has checked with LALC and has put out a request to other Clerks for a copy of a lease. To date no information has been received.

c)  Tree works Completed.

The Clerk confirmed the work has been completed on the trees in the playing field & village hall garden.

d)  Flailing of Greendykes.

The Clerk has contacted MalcFirth and provided a map of the area to be cut and is awaiting a price. e)  Bins re-fitted.

The Clerk confirmed the 3 litterbins have been refitting in the playing field.

f)  Bus Shelter Rent. 

The ground rent of £5.00 for the section of land the bus shelter stands on is due.  It was proposed by GG, seconded by JB and all agreed it be paid.

11.  Allotments (22/181)

a) Updates from the Allotment Committee.

No updates for this month.

12.  Finance (22/182)

a) Bank Balances and Approval of Bank Reconciliation

PC general Account £18,293.60

Allotment Account £  5,612.05

Mary Gresswell Trust £         5.45

The bank reconciliation was approved.

b) Income received in Nov/Dec

Nil to date

c) Approval of the Payments.

It was proposed by GG, seconded by TB and all agreed the following payments be made.

Salaries/Expenses 1216.27

CJP Gardenservices –     60.00

Mr A Walker (litter bins re-sited) 225.00

T Holmes – Tree Works 2,300.00

Snowden – Bus Shelter Rent        5.00

Digby Village Hall hire      12.00

d)  Budget planning for 2023-24

GG and the Clerk had completed a budget review and the details were sent to the councillors prior to the meeting. It was explained the proposed budget had taken into consideration the current financial situation and once the precept calculator has been received from NKDC the actual precept request can be confirmed at the January meeting.

e)   Internal Audit. 

The internal audit has been arrange for the week 19th Dec.

d)  Update on the new signatories for the council's bank account .

One additional signature is nearing completion

13.  Correspondence (22/183)

a) LALC Newsletter - Distributed to all councillors

b) NKDC Newsletter - Distributed to all councillors 

c) Admissions Policies for Kirkby-La- Thorpe and Spilsby King Edward VI academy – Distributed to all councillors

d)  LCC Highways – Temporary road closure Rowston 20.12.22 to 23.12.22

e)  County Views – Join to inform LCC what services are important to you.

f)  Notification of Auditor Appointment – PKF Littlejohn LLP will be the external auditors until 2026-27

14.  Dates of Future Meetings (22/184)

Parish Council meetings

     For 2023 – 9th Jan, 13th Feb, 13th Mar, 12th Apr, 15th May, 12th Jun, 10th Jul, 14th Aug, 11th Sep, 9th Oct, 13th Nov, 11th Dec

Annual Parish Meeting 26th April

15.  Any Business to Note for the Next Agenda (22/185)

Request 30mph limit be extended on Station Road

16.  Closed Session (22/186)

For confidential items in accordance with the Public Bodies Act 1960, if required.

This item was not required.


20.35hrs.  There being no further business the Chairman wished everyone a Happy Christmas and the meeting closed.