February 2022 Minutes

Digby Parish Council 


The notes of the meeting of Digby Parish Council, held on Monday 14th February 2022, at 7pm, in Digby War Memorial Hall.

PRESENT  -James Bourne (Chairman), Tracey Bourne (TB), Gerald Garton (GG) and Karen Groves (KG).

In Attendance - Angie McDonald, Clerk and Proper Officer.


Public Forum

3 members of the public were present.  There was a request for additional street lighting on Greendykes footpath and a report that the footpath surface is subsiding at the edges. A request to LCC will be made for the additional lighting and the subsidence will be reported to FixMyStreet.

Concern about possible more housing adjacent to the Grainfield development was raised, but until an official planning application is published there are no channels to express any comments.

The issue of hedges and trees obstructing the footways was raised.  The Parish Council can request individuals to cut these back, but for it to be enforced it will need to be forwarded to LCC Highways to action. A note was made of the hedges concerned and the council will write and request they be cut back to the boundary of the footpath.


District & County Councillors' Matter

Cllr Kendrick had forwarded his monthly report prior to the meeting he also added social care is doing well in Lincolnshire and social isolation is being looked into as we come out of Covid.

GG express the councils frustration that the maintenance contract had still not been sorted for the new Flood Relief Scheme. 

The Parish Council are now in receipt of the speed survey and asked Cllr Kendrick 'how do we now progress the request for 30mph speed limit on B1188?'.  Cllr Kendrick agreed to look into this.





1.  Chairman's Opening Remarks (22/017)

a) The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

b) Minute of silence 

A minute of silence was held in remembrance of Cllr Colin Harvey who passed away in January. 

2.  Apologies & Vacancy for a Parish Councillor (22/018)

a) Apologies have been received and accepted from Cllr Hand due to holiday and Cllr Fry due to emergency vet appointment for his dog.

b) The vacancy on the parish council has been notified to NKDC.  NKDC will not publish the vacancy until after the funeral in respect of the family.

3.  Declarations of Pecuniary Interest & Applications of Dispensation (22/019)

a) Nil

4.  Signing of the Minutes (22/020)

a) It was proposed by KG, seconded by GG and RESOLVED  to accept the notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 10th January 2022 as a true and accurate record of that meeting.

5.  Planning Matters (22/021)

a) Planning Applications Received

Nil to date.

b) Decision Notices

Nil to date

6.  General Parish Matters (22/022)

a) Update on Measures to Reduce Speeding.

The results from the speed survey on the B1188 have been received and distrbuted to the councillors to consider prior to the meeting. The results show the average speed for the week of the survey was 42.7mph. The Clerk is to contact Cllr Kendrick to further pursue the request to implement a 30mph limit on the B1188.

b) Village Information Pack

It was agreed to produce an information pack giving details of local services and contact details.  This will be displayed in the noticeboards and on the website.  GG agreed to commence collecting the information required.

c) New phone contract required for parish council.

The Clerk provided a selection of different contracts available.   A phone contract was chosen and it was proposed by JB, seconded by TB and all agreed a Direct Debit for £9.00 per month be set up.

d) Facebook.

It was suggested the council could have a page on the village site.  It was agreed this would be difficult to monitor efficiently so will not to pursue a Facebook page at this time.

e) Complaints received about Overgrown Hedges

A number of hedges overgrowing the footpaths have been reported to the Parish Council.  

Action - A letter requesting the hedges be cut back will be sent out by the Clerk.

f) LALC Annual Subscription and LALC Training Scheme 

It was proposed by KG and seconded by JB and RESOLVED to subscribe to the LALC annual charge of £224.89 and to the LALC Training Scheme of £110.00 plus VAT. 

g) Ideas to celebrate the Queen's Jubilee.

Suggestions have included - a commemorative bench seat, a flag pole and a selection of flags for the Village Hall garden, the naming of all the footpaths within the village and reburbishment of the village hall garden. It was agreed to investigate the signage for the footpaths and as this would be a long lasting investment.  JF agreed to research the historical names for the footpaths and then for un-named paths, a competition could take place for suitable suggestions. It was also agreed to restore the village hall garden and plant a range of red, white and blue flowers for the June celebrations. Suitable plants will be considered at the next meeting.

7.  Highways (22/023)

a) Highways Issues.

Notification of the outcome from the 'Village Walk About' have been received. Harrowby Close is to be resurfaced, The School Safety Zone request has been passed to the Traffic team and the junction of Ashby Road with B1188 is to be added to a resurfacing list. The Highways Officer is still awaiting information regarding the dropped kerb from Greendykes to Rowston Road, and North Street footpaths are to be added to the list of footways to be scored for repairs.

Also during the recent high winds an uprooted tree was reported to be overhanging the road on Station Road, just before the railway bridge, and was removed immediately.

b) Fen Road

Highways have confirmed Fen Road will be assessed for future resurfacing/patching works.  Some of the larger pothole have been filled in the meantime.

c) Reinstatement of the Unclassified Road from North Street to B1188.

GG reported the track (an unclassified highway) has been damaged by the developers using this route. Whilst it was appreciated that it kept the heavy site traffic from travelling through the village, the surface of the track is now very rutted. 

Action - The Clerk to request Highways have the track reinstated.

8.  The Village Hall (22/024)

a) The Minutes from the Latest Meeting

Copies of the latest minutes had been distributed by JF, prior to this meeting. Confirmation of the invoice for the insurance has been received by the Clerk, it was RESOLVED the proposed grant of £500 now be paid.

b) Village Hall Garden.

The removal of all the prickly Berbus shrubs has been completed. JB suggested another 8 hours is required to complete the removal of the weeds/ivy. The extra 8 hours work was agreed, KG and JB are to plan the work to be carried out and notify the gardeners. 

Now the refurbishment of the garden has commenced it has been identified that a review of the contracted routine maintenance hours is required.  It was proposed by JB, seconded by KG and all agreed the hours from March to end of Sept be increased to 6hours a month and from Oct to end of Feb 4hours a month.

A list of suggested replacement shrubs had been sent to the meeting by KH, it was agreed by the next meeting to make a list of what is required to be purchased.

c) Village Hall Grass Cutting - 2022.

KH is prepared to continue to cut the grass as a volunteer, it was agreed this is an 'Approved Duty' for a councillor and he will receive out of pocket expenses.  The Chairman expressed his thanks for KH for wishing to take this duty on.  

9.  Drainage (222/025)

a) Flood Relief Dyke.

It has been reported to the LCC Flood Officer and Cllr Kendrick that more soil from the adjacent development has been pushed into the new dyke.  

10. Playing Field, Play Areas and Village General (22/026)

a) Monthly Inspection of the Play Equipment.

A quote to replace the broken bracket on the infant swings is £130.00 for a set.  It was proposed by TB, seconded by KG that 2 sets be ordered so all the brackets are replaced on the infant swings.

GG has requested the councillors go and look the wooden play equipment with the view to commence plans to replace the multiplay equipment. Proposals to commence the replacement of the equipment to added to the next agenda.

b) Pedestrian Barrier at the B1188 end of the Playing Field.

The Clerk will bring information and prices to the next meeting.

b) Dog Waste Bin - The Hurn/Station Road 

A request for a larger bin has been made, it has been acknowledged that due to Covid and staff illness the bin collection had not taken place on occasions.  It was agreed to monitor the situation and if it continues to be overflowing then a replacement bin can be considered.

c) Update on progress of Spires and Steeples Footpath No.5.

JF has submitted the paperwork for the application to have the footpath connect to Beck Street on the definitive map.

It is now on of a very long LCC waiting list for action.

d) Signs for 'keeping dogs on leads' for playing field. 

The Clerk provided details of suitable signs. It was proposed by TB, seconded by KG that 4xA4 aluminium signs and 4x wooden posts be purchased and placed at the 4 entrances to the playing field.  JF and KH have agreed to fit them.

  e) Planting of 6 new trees.

JF, KH and the Clerk have planted the 6 free trees in the playing field.  JF has submitted an invoice for the stakes and tree ties that were required.

f)  Ground Maintenance Contract for 2022. 

Our current grass cutting contractor Malcfirth has notified us of a 5% overall increase in cost for the 2022 season. It was proposed by JB, seconded by TB and all agreed to accept the increase, and agree to Malcfirth to continue with the contract for the 2022 season.

11.  Allotments (22/027)

a) Updates from the Allotment Committee.

JB has been notified there is one spare allotment.

12.  Finance (22/028)

a) Bank Balances and Approval of Bank Reconciliation

The bank balances were reported as:-

PC General Account £25,813.81

Allotment Account £6,942.88

Mary Gresswell Acc      £5.45

Copies of the bank statements and bank reconciliation were distributed and was approved.

b) Income received.

Allotment Field rent for 2021 - £600 

We received notification during February that NKDC now require an invoice for the Parish Litter Picking contribution.  An invoice for £136.08 was sent to NKDC on 9th Feb.

c) Approval of Payments

It was proposed by GG, seconded by JB that the following payments are made:-

Salaries/Expenses 619.50

Village Hall - meeting rent 12.00

Village Hall Insurance contribution (Grant) 500.00

LALC Annual Subscription 224.89

LALC Training Scheme 132.00 to be paid in Apr

JF reimburse for tree ties and stakes/Postage 56.66

Notification that the Data Protection ICO subscription of £35.00 is due from 23.3.22

d) Precept

The Clerk has received email confirmation that the request for the Precept for Digby has been received by NKDC

13.  Correspondence (22/029)

a) LALC Newsletter - Distributed to all councillors

b) NKDC Newsletter - Distributed to all councillors

c) LCC Highways - Resurfacing Harrowby Close DTBN. Branston B1188 closed 21.2.22 to 24.2.22 from 19.00hrs to 06.00hrs.  Thorpe Tilney Dales/Martin Dales Road Cosed 4/3/22 to 24/3/22. Metheringham, Station Road closed from 1.3.22 to 3.3.22.

d) Parliamentary Boundary Review 2023

e) The Great British Spring Clean from Keep Britian Tidy

14.  Dates of Future Meetings (22/030)

Parish Council meetings

   For 2022 -  14th Mar, 11th Apr, 9th May, 13th Jun, 11th Jul, 8th Aug, 12th Sep, 10th Oct, 14th Nov, 12th Dec.

15.  Any Business to Note for the Next Agenda (22/031)

Works carried out from Village Asset inspection.

Annual Parish Meeting date

Village Hall railing repair.

16.  Closed Session (22/032)

For confidential items in accordance with the Public Bodies Act 1960, if required.

This item was not required.



21.22 - There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed.