February 2025 Minutes
Digby Parish Council
Notes of the DIGBY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING held on Wednesday 12th February 2025 at 7pm, in Digby War Memorial Hal.
PRESENT – Cllr J Bourne, Chairman (JB); Cllr A Barnham (AB); Cllr G Garton (GG); Cllr K Groves (KG) and Cllr H Snowden (HS)
In attendance – Mrs a McDonald, Parish Clerk and Proper Officer.
Public Forum
There were 2 members of the public present.
The meeting was informed the Village Hall Committee will no longer put up the Christmas tree lights in the village hall garden.
2 dog bins were identified as not being emptied properly.
It was questioned whether the council are arranging any VE Day celebrations, it was stated it is to be discussed and there may be a pot of money available to help any group wishing to arrange any celebrations.
There were comments about the Greendykes maintenance.
A request was made to ask for the Ivy to be cut back from land near to the Cross.
District & County Councillors' Matters
District Councillor Amelia Bailey confirmed the planning application for the 9 dwellings off North Street has been called in. She has visited the proposed site and talked to adjoining neighbours about the proposed development.
The Chairman asked if she could find out when the works to improve the water treatment plant at Rowston are to take place.
County Councillor Rob Kendrick explained the County Council have met to discuss the recommendations from the flooding events around the County and a pot of money is available to carry out improvements.
The election process for County Councillors will be commencing soon and all posters showing current councillors must be removed from notice boards etc.
1.Chairman’s Opening Remarks. (25/022)
a) Welcome.
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2. Apologies for Absence & Co-option Update (25/023)
a) Apologies.
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Lewington (ML).
b) Co-option.
The council has received a request to join the council from Mrs D Green. It was proposed by GG, seconded by AB and all agreed to co-opt Mrs Green onto the parish council.
Mrs Green signed the Declaration of Acceptance form and joined the council meeting.
Action: The Clerk to notify NKDC and forward the relevant forms on behalf of Cllr Green.
3. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest & Applications of Dispensation (25/024)
a) Declarations of Interest.
AB declared an interest for item 10 (b) as a member of the club.
4. Signing of the Minutes (25/025)
a) It was proposed by GG, seconded by KG and RESOLVED to accept the notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 8th January 2025 as a true record.
b) It was proposed by AB, seconded by GG and RESOLVED to accept the notes of the Extraordinary Meeting held on Monday 27th Jan as a true record.
5. Planning Matters (25/026)
a) Planning Applications Received.
24/1480/FUL – Erection of 9no. Dwellings, on land off North Street – It was confirmed by the Clerk the comments from the Extraordinary Meeting held on 27th Jan have been sent to NK planning.
b) Decision Notice Received.
Nil to date
c) Other Planning Issues
i) Outcome of Application 23/1429/Ful – Cllr J Bourne spoke at the NKDC Planning Committee, but the application was approved.
ii) Response from NKDC Planning re- The Pony Paddock. The council has received notification from the planning enforcement officer that the reported issues are being looked into.
iii) Comments sent to Planning Inspectorate on the Springwell Solar Farm application. The Clerk confirmed the comments approved by the council have been registered with the Planning Inspectorate.
6. General Parish Matters (25/027)
a) Improvements to the Footpath on Lincoln Road.
County Councillor Kendrick is still waiting for an update for this request from Highways
b) Planting Trees at Chestnut Close.
The Clerk has checked with NKDC Environment Services as they maintain the land and NKDC Tree Officer and they have no objections to trees being planted in this area.
AB suggested a tree be planted off Beck Street near the pumping stating to replace a tree that was knocked down.
Action: The Clerk will check with Highways for permission to replant a tree in this location.
7. Highways (25/028)
a) Pot holes or Highways Issues.
It was reported the verge edges on both sides of the road on Station Road beyond the railway bridge to Fen Road junction need reinstating.
Action: The Clerk will report this on FixMyStreet
b) Notification of National Highways & Transport survey – Info passed to councillors on 15th Jan to complete.
8. The Village Hall (25/029)
a) Minutes from the Latest Meeting of the Committee.
None received to date.
b) Contribution to the Village Hall Insurance.
A request has been received from the Village Hall Chairman, Mr S Priestley, to ask if the council could consider a contribution to the village hall insurance as the renewal notice for next year’s insurance is £1,824.00.
It was proposed by AB, seconded by JB that a sum of £350.00 be given to the Village Hall Committee to assist with the insurance cost. A vote was taken there were 4 votes for and 2 against.
Action: The Clerk will notify the Village Hall Chairman and forward the sum of £350.00 to the Village Hall account.
9. Drainage (25/030)
a) Meeting with LCC Flood Team
A meeting has been arranged for 24th Feb. It will include representatives from the Environment Agency, Internal Drainage Board, LCC and Anglian Water. Discussions will include the Section 19 report for the village, that has been completed.
b) Update on the Maintenance of Greendykes.
The work has been completed, during the process the Chairman identified additional work was required from the original quote, the extra work came to £190.00. It was proposed by KG, seconded by AB and all approved the cost of the additional work be carried out.
10. Playing Field, Play Areas and Village General (25/031)
a) Monthly Inspection of Play Equipment.
HS completed the inspection and reported the moles are everywhere.
Action: The Clerk will report it to pest control.
b) Progress of the Bowls Club Lease.
The draft copy of the Lease had been distributed to all the councillors. It was suggested the joint use of the building needs to be re-worded. This will be taken back to the solicitor. JB confirmed the inventory is still needed to be completed, then the paperwork will be returned to the solicitor ready for the next stage in the process.
c) Progress on the New Play Equipment.
KG confirmed 26 responses to the questionnaire had been received. HS confirmed further questionnaires are with the school and she is waiting for them to notify her when to collect those responses.
The responses so far have shown a fence around the childrens play area is felt to be important, resin safety surfaces would be preferred and swings, climbing apparatus and see saw are the preferred equipment. Also 5 volunteers have agreed to help with any fund raising.
A meeting is to take place to plan the next steps.
d) Ground Maintenance Contract and Ground Fees for 2025-26.
The clerk is waiting for a response from Malcfirth for details on the charges for the grass cutting for this coming year.
It was agreed the ground rents (Key fees) should be increased in line with inflation. It was proposed by KG seconded by HS an increase of 3% be implemented. The new rents will be as follows.
Bowls Club £67.50
Pigeon Club £39.50
Football Club £202.50
Action: The Clerk will notify the clubs and send out the invoices in April .
11. Allotments (25/032)
a) Updates from the Allotment Committee.
The latest minutes received had been distributed to the councillors prior to the meeting. JB confirmed the dyke along the allotment field had been dug out at a cost of £360.00. It was proposed by GG, seconded by AB and all agreed to accept the cost of this work. The Clerk confirmed Dyson Farms have been asked to dig out their dyke that runs along the other side of the allotments.
b) Allotment Field.
The Clerk has received the signed agreement from the tenant confirming they will farm the land for 2025-26
12. Finance (25/033)
a) Bank balances and Approval of Bank Reconciliation.
The bank balances were reported as:
PC General Account £14,178.07
Allotment Account £ 6,521.48
Mary Gresswell Trust £ 5.58
The bank reconciliation was approved.
b) Income
No income was received during the last month.
c) Approval of Payments.
It was proposed by GG, seconded by KG and all agreed the following payments are made.
Salaries/expenses £886.96 +VAT £5.84 = £892.80
J Bourne – Reimburse Land search & light units £88.25 +VAT £14.85 = £103.10
F Bradshaw – Re-fitting litter bin £75.00
C Walker – Greendykes & Allotment dyke maint £2,250.00
d) Precept for 2025/26
The Clerk confirmed the request has been sent to NKDC for the Precept and acknowledgement of the request has been received.
e) Other Finance Issues
i) Notification has been received the Sleaford Branch of Lloyds bank is closing on 12th March 2026.
ii) The Clerk reported the Internal Audit has been completed, there were no issues to report. The Internal Auditor has confirmed the accounts are all in order.
13. Correspondence (25/034)
a) LALC Newsletter - Distributed to all councillors
b) NKDC Newsletter - Distributed to all councillors
c) Safety of Lithium Batteries Campaign – Request for support
d) NALC – notification of Covid-19 Reflection Day – 9th March 2025
e) NALC – notification of VE Day 80th Anniversary – 8th May 2025
f) NKDC Heritage Strategy – Notification of a document that is being collated for Lincolnshire
g) NKDC – Making an Environmental Action Plan: the National Lottery have created practical tips as a starting point
h) Request to hold an ‘In Hand Horse Show’ on the playing field. This was considered and although it would be a lovely event for the village, it was regretful, but all agreed the playing field is not the place for this event.
14. Dates of Future Meetings (25/035)
Parish Council Meetings for 2025 – Second Wednesday of the month – 12th Mar, 9th Apr, 14th May, 11th Jun, 9th Jul, 13th Aug, 10th Sep, 8th Oct, 12th Nov and 10th Dec
The Annual Parish Meeting is booked for 23rd April and the Annual Parish Council Meeting is booked for 14th May.
15. Any Business to Note for the Next Agenda (24/036)
Annual review of Allotment Rents
Dog Bins
Christmas Tree Lights
VE Day contribution
16. Closed Session (25/037)
For confidential items in accordance with the Public Bodies Act 1960.
This item was not required.
21.55hrs – There being no further business and the Chairman declared the meeting closed.