May 2024 DRAFT Minutes Annual Parish Meeting



Draft Minutes from the Annual Parish Meeting held on Monday 22nd April 2024 at 7.00pm at DIGBY MEMORIAL HALL

There were 13 members of the public present.

The Chairman of Digby Parish Council, by nature of his office, presided over the meeting.




The Chairman, Cllr James Bourne, welcomed everyone to the Annual Parish Meeting.



Apologies were received from District Councillor Bailey, Karen Groves,



The minutes from the last Annual Parish Meeting held on 26th April 2023 were read out by the Clerk and Mr Garton confirmed they were a true record, all approved.



• Digby Parish Council – 

The Chairman reported on the years activities and achievements of the Parish Council, this included the implementation of the 40mph speed reduction on the B1188, the new school safety zone and the formation of the Community Speed Watch Team.  He also talked about issues regarding the winter flooding and the proposals for the coming year.

The Clerk distributed copies the Income and Expenditure report for 2023-24 and gave a brief explanation of the accounts

There were no questions.


• Lincolnshire County Council

Cllr Rob Kendrick, agreed to look into the request for a new street light Street light for B1188 mentioned in the Chairmans report and was pleased to see the new speed reduction enforcement on the B1188 and the formation of the CSW.  He reported Highways are carrying out test bores on the Fen Road, these are tests to check the ground under the road before reconstruction work hopefully takes place within the year.  LCC has put more money into flood prevention funding.  Local organisations can continue to submit bids for man power help, via their County Councillor for voluntary work.  The Solar Farm, talks are continuing, LCC not in favour of good grade farm land being used. There is a Bus service review currently taking place, so please complete the survey.  

Q.  Is the solar farm not taking place now ?

A. The decision rest with government, not the County and talks are still taking place.

The Chairman thanked Cllr Kendrick for attending this meeting and for all his attendance at our council meetings.  It is much appreciated.


• North Kesteven District Council 

Cllr Bailey – not present.


• Local PCSO  

Not available  


• Digby Bowls Club. 

Reported the new season starts on 1st May, children welcome with adults and the club has 3 new members.  Financially the club is stable.  There are new changes in the rules, of now playing 16 ends with 3 woods, instead of 20 ends with 2 woods, so it will make it quicker and more entertaining.  

There were no questions.

• Village Hall Committee.

Mr Preistley reported bookings have stabilised and they have had good fund-raising year.  The coffee mornings are popular, and live entertainment from Live and Local have been taking place.  Refurbishment is ongoing, in the Ladies toilets, the sinks and work surfaces have been replaced and the room redecorated, Wi-Fi has been installed in the hall, and new tables and chairs have been purchased.  A couple of roof and window leaks have been repaired. This year more coffee mornings will take place and there is a 40s style dinner dance planned for 80th year D-Day anniversary.  There will be minor re-decoration to be carried out and a review of the hire charges due to increased costs of electric and insurance, also note, the hall is to be charged by NKDC for the refuse bins to be emptied at a cost of upto £350.00.  

GG Expressed thanks on behalf of the village for all the work carried out by the committee.

There were no questions.


• Allotments  

Ian Hodgson reported the AGM had just taken place and Dave Bloomfield is the chair, Niell Gardener, the vice-chairman, Ian Hodgson remains as Treasurer.  It’s been a great year, all the plots are taken and there are 6 on waiting list.  The finances currently stand at £3,024.  The social events that take place, make small amounts but are mainly arranged to bring people together.  The cost of the water bill is down, it’s the first year is ages since there has not been a water leak.  There is a good group of volunteers to help maintain the grounds.  A bid to the Lottery fund has been made   to improve the cabin and toilet area.

Ian thanked to the parish council, for their attendance on the committee and financial support given.

Now, the WhatsApp group is working well and the swapping of plants is taking place, the new hedging trees, supplied by the Woodland Trust have been planted.  The next improvement is to be the road infrastructure, this is being carried out with financial help from the Parish council

On site security is a concern, and a locked gate policy is to be enforced and there is the ongoing challenge with vermin, but this is to be expected.    It is felt the allotments have a positive impact for the village

The meeting agreed, and the Chairman agreed the socials are very enjoyable.


• Digby Primary School.

There has been a change of staff as the school is part of a federation, Ms Winters is now executive leader across the 3 schools, Digby, Duston and Nocton.

Numbers increased at Digby from 56 to 63. Having the Pre-school on site, of up to 18 children works well and a good relationship has been formed.  

When Dunston school was flooded and closed for a period, half of the children came to Digby and half to Nocton, so the use of the village hall, for PE etc. was really helpful.  The Curriculum for the three schools is the same; Dunston has just received a good Ofsted report and Nocton and Digby are still waiting for the results.  The wellbeing and nurturing of the children is important and, councillors are available in each school to support families, if needed.  Extra Curriculum activities at Digby include Maypole dancing, sports, gardening club and this year, years 5&6 will be going on PGL in the next couple of months.  A Copy of prospectus is available on the school website and there has recently been an update of the social media.  

Ms Winters thanked the village for the invites for the school to take part in social events, the children love the opportunity to join in and thanked the Parish Council for the school safety zone. Thanks were also given to the allotments committee for the plants and help they have provided.

Q.  Is the school applying to become an academy?

A.  It is being looked into but there is a lot of research still needing to be done before a decision is made.


• St Thomas Church 

Gill Gray reported the church is unlocked every morning and is pleased to see how many visitors are visiting the church and signing the visitors the book. Fund raising is important to maintain the fabric of the church.  Last summer a picnic was held, a flower festival and a Christmas Tree festival.  There was also 2 quiz session.  This coming year there are plans for another picnic and the big breakfast in October.  All fund raising goes back into church and repairs to stone work has been completed.  A new notice board will replace the tatty one by the gate to the church. There is a lovely community atmosphere, the grass volunteers are paid in teas and cake.  It is important for residents to feel it is their church and to feel it is somewhere comfortable and safe.  

There were no questions.


• Community Speed Watch Team.

Neil Bathard explained the Community Speed Watch Team was set up with the help of the Parish Council.  There are only 3 members currently on the team, they have been out 5 mornings throughout the winter and clocked over 1,000 cars, of which 36 were over the speed limit.  They are looking for more volunteers. 

The meeting thanked them for all they do.

Q.  Can the 30mph speed limit be extend beyond the bridge on Station Road to slow the traffic coming into the village?

A.  The Clerk explained this had already been requested and refused by LCC Highways.  As it does not comply to the needed criteria.

Q. Could digital display speed indicators be installed on the Village roads?

A. This will nned to be assessed

Comment from the public, was that it could be a considerable cost.

• Emergency Plan Team.

Ian Davies reported the plan is in draft version no. 3, and has now been sent to the LCC Resilience Team to be checked over and adopted.  Currently there are 18 volunteers to help initiate the plan. Obviously once initiated the community must also help themselves but we should be in a better position before the emergency services arrive.  A meeting is to be arranged with the volunteers to go over and familiarise themselves with the plan and it is hoped to carry out a dry run to practice to iron out any issues in the plan. 

Q.  Ian asked Ms Winters if permission had been given to use the school as a secondary refuge space?

A.  It is being looked into by LCC. 

Q.  Is the Emergency Plan available to members of the parish?

A.  Yes, it will be once adopted and the redacted plan will be available on the Digby Parish Council website.

The Chairman thanked Ian for all the work he had put into producing this plan.



Q. Has a meeting been arranged with responsible flood authorities? 

A. The Clerk responded, yes there is a meeting arranged for the end of May, with representatives from LCC Flood Office, IDB, Anglian Water and the Environment Agency.  


Q. Could a request stop be constructed at the rail station to make use of the local Lincoln to Sleaford train, and create a rural transport link?

A.  This can be looked into.


A statement was made about the amount of dog mess around the village, but it was appreciated there is little the parish council could do amount it, it’s just the few ignorant dog owners.

20.20 hrs - There being no further questions or statements the Chairman declared the meeting closed.